WELCOME, FRIENDS! We extend the hand of Christian fellowship to all who have come to worship. May our prayers and the hearing of God’s Word make our burdens light, our hearts encouraged, and our souls refreshed.

EVERYONE IS INVITED to stay after the service this morning for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the fellowship room.


TODAY, we will be having Rev. Bob Pohler preach to us this morning. This evening will be a combined worship service at 2nd CRC. Next week, we will have Rev. Bob Pohler for the morning service and our missionary Bruce Coker will update us on his work during the evening worship service.

CHURCH BULLETINS: The order of worship print is being made larger in the regular bulletin. If you would still like a large print bulletin, please let the secretary know. Children’s bulletins are on the shelves in the narthex.

THE LOOP SYSTEM is available in the sanctuary for those who are in need of hearing assistance.


Greeting You: Larry & Ruth Brinkman; Dave & Coralee Spoelman

Next Week: Lew & Edie Deters; Marian Breuker & Joyce Frens

Nursery Attendants: Janet Deters, Diane Beattie & Matthew Minasian

Next Week: Jan Frens, Kristi Bartolameolli, Edie Deters

P.M.: Sandy Kolk

Children's Worship Next Week: Teacher - Kimberly Ames; Assistant - Lydia Deters

Ushers: Marilynn Sharp, Al & Kathy Buitendorp

Next Week: Arlene Tibbe, Dave & Sharon DeKryger

Projection System: Caleb Minasian

Next Week: Lori Jacobs

Sound & Video: Carl & Louise Pearson

Next Week: Rick & Margaret Mansfield

MISSION CONCERNS: We are adding all the missions and causes that our congregation supports. Some can be contacted by letter or email, but all will be blessed by our prayers.

Missionary/Missions Letters/Emails/Prayers This Week: Rev. Jeff & Michelle Boersma, 18036 Wildwood Springs Blvd., Spring Lake, MI 49456. Email: . Families of Roy Cook, Rich Cosens, Brook Cunningham. Rev. Harold & Debbie Lapian, 5 Hale St., Dover, NH 03820. Email: . Families of Bob Datema, Kori Dayus, Evelyn DeBoer.


Today: A time of fellowship and refreshments follows the morning service.

6:00 p.m. - Combined Evening

Worship Service at 2nd CRC

Monday: No Knit Group (Labor Day)

Thursday: 7:30 p.m. - Men's Bible Study at Side

St. Café

7:00 p.m. - GriefShare

Saturday: 9:30 p.m. - Mobile Food Pantry

(Breakfast - Fold #3 - Dale Wever & Deb Wolfsen)


NEXT SUNDAY OFFERING- A.M: Christian Education Fund. P.M.: Church Operations.

COUNCIL NOTES: Elders and Deacons continue to seek nominees for Council. Please take conversations with them seriously and prayerfully to help fill these positions.

IF ANYONE NEEDS ASSISTANCE to and from their car, please sign the sheet on the cabinet near the Council room or call Dave Wolfsen, 924-0731.

FOOD PANTRY - Our 3rd quarter collection of food & toiletry items for the True North Pantry takes place during the month of September. Please place your items on the tables provided in the Fellowship room. Thank you!


IF YOU HAVE EXTRA PRODUCE from your garden and would like to share, please feel free to leave on the table in the Fellowship room. Also, those of you that don't have a garden and would like some fresh produce, help yourselves!


PSALM FOR THIS WEEK - PSALM 146. Let the Psalms give you words to pray when you cannot find the words to pray.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL starts next week. We will use the book, Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Tom Rainer to assess where we are as a Church, where God is leading us, and what we need to do to prepare for the journey. This will not be a morbid discussion. It will be a time of soul-searching and reflection. It will be challenging. It will be enlightening.

It will be a time of incredible blessing as we seek to identify the Vision that God is placing in front of us during this time of Pastoral Transition.

Join us every Sunday from September 13th through the end of October, and be part of the Conversation that builds the framework by which our Pastoral Search Committee will seek out the Pastor who will lead First CRC Fremont into the next stage of our Church Life.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE has distributed information and pledge cards for the upcoming school year. Please fill the pledge card out within the next couple of weeks and put in the box on the cabinet near the Council room. Any questions, please contact Lou Meeuwenberg, Joy Meyers, Dale Breuker, or Brian Maynard. Thank you!

THE FYSH ANNUAL CAR HOP will be Wednesday, September 16. Come to support the youth group by eating hamburgers and hotdogs. Food will be served from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at 2nd CRC. All proceeds will go toward the students' summer 2016 mission trips.

LIBRARY NEWS - Several interesting books have been purchased for our church library recently. They are as follows: #1 - The Good, The Bad, and The Grace of God by Jeb & Jessica Robertson (Duck Dynasty). #2 - Among the Fair Magnolias by Alexander, Grey, Love, & Musser. #3 - Target Israel by Tim LaHave & Ed Hindson. #4 - The Three Heavens by John Hagee. #5 - When a Mockingbird Sings by Billy Coffey. #6 - The Time Mom met Hitler, Frost came to Dinner, and I heard the Greatest Story Ever Told a memoir by Dikkon Eberhart.

These books can be found on the folding book shelf in front of the window. Enjoy them as well as the many new series books. -Alma DeYoung, Church Librarian, Char Luchies, & Brenda Wever

PROJECTION TEAM is in need of a couple of operators. This is a very easy job to do. Training on what you need to do will be provided along with extra help when you are in need of it. Please contact Lori Jacobs with any questions about it.

SONG SERVICE LEADERS - We need leaders beginning in October. There is a sign-up sheet on the hallway cabinet for people that would like to lead. Song Service is usually the 2nd & 4th Sunday evenings of the month. Thank you to those who lead!

LADIES BIBLE STUDY - WEDNESDAY EVENINGS - Is family life a challenge? Is work driving you crazy? Do you know God has a purpose for your life, but you can't figure out what it is? Know that your circumstances are not coincidental. And God's timing is impeccable. Join Beth Moore on the Thessalonian shores as she walks you through the truth of each verse of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. In this study, you'll face crises, afflictions, relationships, doubts, concerns, and fears. Find encouragement for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns. Women’s Bible Study starts September 23- November 18. Sign up outside the fellowship room, deadline is September 13. Bring a friend, can’t wait to see you there! Any questions, call Kimberly Ames (231) 335-9654

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - Now is the perfect time to purchase school supplies to put in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Our Sunday School will be helping with this project again this fall. More details later.

THE BIBLE LEAGUE VOLUNTEERS effort of collecting NEW and USED books, and DVD's is an ongoing project. A collection box is located under the coat rack near the Council room or speak with Maxine Luchies for more information. Thank you for your donations.

LADIES: The GEMS program is looking for anyone interested in being a counselor, helping with devotions or facilitating craft night once a month. Our GEMS season will run from October-April; please prayerfully consider helping out this year. If interested, please contact Heidi Wagenmaker (231-519-4613) or Kara Buter (231-750-3999) by today.


FREMONT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL- If you are interested in sponsoring a child for hot lunch for the upcoming school year, please call the Fremont Christian School office at 924-2740.

DO YOU LIKE TO GOLF AND WANT TO SUPPORT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION? Do you own a business and wish to do some advertising? Western Michigan Christian schools are hosting their annual all-school golf outing on Saturday, September 12, at 9:00 a.m. This event will take place at Stonegate Golf Club in Twin Lake. We welcome you to come and golf or advertise your business at our event. Brochures are on the cabinet near the Council room and flyers are on the bulletin boards. Any questions, please contact Sharon McLean at WMC, 231-799-9644.

CHRISTIAN REFORMED CONFERENCE GROUNDS - On Monday, September 7 the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds will be presenting John Dykstra’s travelogue “My Symphony”. This inspirational program will combine beautiful images, music, and descriptive narration as John shares the wonders of God’s handiwork. The program will begin at 7 pm, but you will want to come early and enjoy a traditional Roast Beef Dinner served in the Sunshine Room from 5-6:30 pm. No tickets are needed for the program; however, a free will offering will be taken.

THE NEST RESALE SHOP loves its VOLUNTEERS! But we are in need of MORE willing people to help out at the store! If you could lend a hand for a few hours each week, PLEASE give us a call! We are very flexible and willing to schedule you according to your availability! Please consider being a volunteer and call 924-3930 soon!
VERA'S HOUSE in Newaygo, offers different Self-Help Classes - VERA'S HOUSE, A Community Education and Wellness Center in Newaygo, will be offering a 4 week self-help class for people who struggle with Chronic Pain from Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Bursitis, Lupus, Lower Back Pain Syndromes and other pain related issues. The segments will cover disease-specific information, stress management strategies, medication use, exercise alternatives and coping techniques. The course format encourages active participation and includes lecture, discussion and group activities. Participants in the course can enjoy these significant long-tem benefits: Improved knowledge of your disease and its management, a reduced level of pain and increased frequency of self-care behaviors such as exercise and relaxation techniques. This Class will be led by Physical Therapist, Dr.Ethel Lobrigas, and will be held on four consecutive Fridays: August 7, 14, 21, 28 from 3:00pm- 4:00pm.

Anger Management Group at Vera's House, Clients learn how to identify internal and external triggers that relate to anger, to self regulate feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and to implement relaxation strategies. Clients also learn conflict resolution skills & communication skills. If interested in participating, or if you need more information, please contact The Rev. Mary Frens, St. Mark's Church, at 231-652-7284 or Cindy, the Vera's House Counselor at 231-250-4886. We look forward to hearing from you!!

Breast Cancer Support: will be meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 5-6:30pm. If you have questions please call: Mary Henry at 616-780-4435 or Karen Nottelmann at 231-652-1056.

VERA'S HOUSE is located at 18 Justice St. in Newaygo (across from Brooks Park and next door to St. Mark's Episcopal Church) . To reserve your spot, leave a message at St. Mark's/VERA'S HOUSE at ph. 231- 652-7284.

NEW COMMUNITY CHURCH presents Fly-Fishing the Muskegon River with Kevin Feenstra on Tuesday, September 8, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This free event will be held at New Community Church (409 S. Mundy Ave., Newaygo) and light refreshments will be served. Any questions, call Ben, 616-540-8525.

MONEY! God desires you to have peace in your personal finances. Learn how your finances can become a positive part of your life rather than a problem and a worry. The Dave Ramsey course, Financial Peace University, will be taught at Trinity CRC on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The 9-week class will be held from Sept. 14-Nov. 9. Child care during class time will be available. To learn more about the class go to daveramsey.com. The cost is $93 per household. For more info. on class details and to register, call Phil Frens at (231)225-8031 or email .

Prayer Needs & Praises

* Remember in your prayers those who are unable to attend our worship services. This week we remember Gerard Wolfsen & Al Luchies; both are at the Medical Care Facility.
