. Minnelex Pty Ltd. 1 of 4.Revised Aug 08
ABN 99 096 513 276
283 Huntingdale St.
Pullenvale Qld 4069
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Ph/Fax 07-33742443
M 0419661342
15 August 2008
Minnelex Pty Ltd (Minnelex) was establisher in 1997 as a companyspecialising in geological consulting services and valuations. Prior to this Minnelex traded for many years as RC and JM Pyper and Associates.
The company Principal is Robert Pyper. Mr Pyper gained his BSc in geology at MelbourneUniversity in 1961 and is a Fellow of the AusIMM and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He has worked as a consultant since 1983on commodities that include gold, base metals, industrial and mineral sands, rare earths, diamonds, gemstones, coal, dimension stone, bauxite and clay/bentonite deposits. The projects have been at all stages of development ranging from grass roots exploration through to operating mines. Field work has included exploration planning and mapping through to grade control and ore reserve calculations.
Much of this work has involved property valuations and the preparation of independent geological reports, both in Australia and overseas, mainly on new resource floats. Summary details of this work are attached.
From 1997-2006, Mr Pyper was a founding and non executive director of Metallica Minerals Limited.Metallica was set up in 1997 to exploit lateritic nickel deposits around Greenvale. It subsequently expanded its interests to include coal, bauxite, gold/copper, scandium, mineral sands, uranium and limestone resources. Itfloated in 2004 after a successful IPO in 2003.
Prior to 1983 Mr Pyper held the following positions
1980-1982Exploration Supervisor Marathon Petroleum Australia Ltd; responsible for all mineral projects throughout Australia other than those for coal and uranium, responsible for the initial mapping and drilling at the Mt Leyshon and at Far Fanning gold prospects. Mt Leyshon became one of Australia’s largest gold mines and in 1997, reserves and resources totalled 70 Mt at 1.3 g/t Au. At Far Fanning, 1Mt of low-grade gold mineralisation was defined. Both these deposits have since been mined out.Marathon was taken over by US Steel in 1982, the exploration interests sold and staff disbanded.
1979-1980Contract work in gold and uranium exploration projects in WA, covering the conglomerates and sandstones of the Fortescue Group in the Pilbara and open cut gold projects in Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie.
1977-1979Senior Geologist; Penarroya (Aust) Pty Ltdexploring for gold and base metal deposits in the Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales, the Pine Creek Syncline of the Northern Territory, and in the Mt Windsor Volcanics, Qld.
1972-1977Senior Geologist with Mines Administration Pty Ltd (Minad)*; in charge of exploration in WA. In 1972 Mr Pyper initiated the search for gold in the Meekatharra and Peak Hill areas and supervised the proving up of five separate opencut gold orebodies at Paddy's Flat in Meekatharra (Haveluck, Halcyon, Yaloginda, Pharlap, Prohibition). The Haveluck project reached final feasibility in 1975 and included the first trial gold heap leach (10,000t) by a listed company in Australia.
During this period, Minad secured options over the Peak Hill, Horseshoe Lights, Gabanintha, Reedies, Blubird and other old gold producing areas. Exploration ceased in 1976 when Minad terminated all exploration and joint ventured its interests to Whim Creek who were later taken over by Dominion Mining. All of its optioned areas subsequently became mines and by the early 1990’s more than $1 billion in gold had been extracted.
1969-1972Consultant geologist for Canadian consulting group, Watts Griffith and McOuat, working on copper and nickel projects in the Archean of WA, principally around Meekatharra.
1966-1969Two years as exploration geologist for Western Mines and Newmont Mining, Canadaon Newmont's porphyry copper project at the historic Granby workings at CopperMountain, Princeton, BC. During this period the Simalkameen porphyry copper orebody was discovered and proved up by drilling and bulk sampling. It has since been mined out.
Freelance work on silver properties in Nevada and northern British Colombia and a year as Pit geologist at the Lynx-Myra Mine on Vancouver Island for Western Mines, a copper/zinc operation treating 1000tpd.
1962-1966Two years as a field geologist with the MT Isa Mines exploration division (CEC), based for varying periods at Monto, Herberton, Cloncurry and Tenterfield searching for tin, wolfram, silver and copper.Two years as underground geologist at the mine working in the 7 and 9 level lead stopes and the 11 and 13 level copper stopes.
* See the book “Meekatharra. A journey from gold dust to bulldust”
Prospectus Reports and Valuations carried out by Minnelex
Minnelex Pty Ltd has written the Independent Geological Reports for the following companies, mostly for Prospectus floats.
Company ProspectusCommodityLocation
#Aldoga BauxiteWA
Admiralty ResourcesMetal brinesArgentina
# Akubra MiningGold/copper.Philippines
Ark Mines LtdGold/CopperNSW
Augur Resources LtdGold/CopperNSW
#Aussie Q ResourcesPorphyry Cu/MoQld
Aurora UraniumUraniumWA
#AusGemGems dim-stoneWA
#Aussie Q ResourcesCu/MoQld
BattleMountainGold/base metalsCambodia/Laos
Bowen EnergyCoalQld
Cardia Resources Gold Queensland
#Chamelion ResourcesGoldFiji
# Creswick Resources NLAlluvial goldVictoria
# Diamond RoseDiam./gem/dim-stoneWA/NT
Eastern CopperBase metalsQueensland
Eastern GoldGoldPhilippines
# Equinox ResourcesGoldWA
#Golden RoseGoldWA
# Interchrome NLGold/copper/cobaltChile
#Kimberley RoseDiamondsWA
# Kingsgate ResourcesGoldThailand
Kryptonite Minerals NLCopper/GoldQld
# Marbim Gold NLCopper, goldVic/NSW
# Murchison UnitedGold/copperQld/NSW
Norton Gold FieldsGoldQld
#Opal Horizon LimitedOpalsQld, SA
Oroplata LtdGoldArgentina
Parsons GoldGoldPhilippines
Pluton LtdGold, Iron oreFiji/Tas/WA
Queensland Mining CorpGoldQueensland
Rimfire MiningSilver/gold/copperQld/NSW
Sabena LimitedGoldPhilippines
# Scorpion PacificGoldNSW
# Solomons Mines NLGold/antimonyQld
Southern Cobalt NLCobaltNSW
Union MiningGoldQueensland
Waraluck MiningGoldQueensland
Western Pacific GoldGoldSolomon Is & /Fiji
Xenolith GoldGoldQueensland
# Written in conjunction with TV Willsteed and Associates, Sydney. Not all floats have reached the market.
Valuations andProjectLocation
Independent Expert Reports
Astrik Resources NLAgricola Gold MineQld
Ark Mines LtdCopper and goldNSW
Augur Resources LimitedCopper and goldNSW
Australian GeoScientistsBestman Road, Mineral SandsQld
Bruce Resources NLAtric GoldQld
Eidsvold SiltstoneDimension StoneQld
Eastern Gold NLT’Boli GoldPhilippines
Eastern Stone and Minerals NLDimension StoneQld
ExcoGold/base metalsQueensland
Gullewa LimitedNickelTasmania
Haoma Mining NLGoldQld
IPOH Pacific NLMantuan BentoniteQld
Kageena/Garawa MiningGold/copperSA
Kinsha LimitedAlluvial GoldNSW
Lake ResourcesCopper, platinumPakistan
Lake ResourcesGold/Base metalsSweden
Pacific Rim Minerals P/LGurulmundi BentoniteQld
Pacific Magnesium Corp LtdMantuan BentoniteQld
Plouton LtdGoldTas
Union Mining NLCroyden/Georgetown gold reefsQld
Robert McLennan, SydneyNumerous companiesQld/NSW/Vic/Fiji