200 West Fourth Street, P. O. Box 177, Pleasant Plains, Illinois 62677(217)626-1024
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
March 3, 2014
The Village Board of Pleasant Plains met in regular session on Monday,March 3, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall. President Jim Verkuilen called the meeting to order and roll was recorded:
Nicholas Bodineabsent/present Ian Magerlpresent
William Riggins, Jrpresent Duey Blair present
JD Harrispresent Wayne Heideman present
President Jim Verkuilen declared a quorum present.
Staff Present:Jim Verkuilen, President
Judy Reiser, Village Clerk
Brett Keyes, Treasurer
Kevin Kesselring, Chief of Police
Greg Miles, Streets Superintendent
Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent
Neil McCafferty, Assistant Water Superintendent
Visitor(s): Greta Myers and Darrel Patrick
The agenda was reviewed and approved by aunanimous aye vote.
President Verkuilen asked for additions or corrections to the minutes. Trustee Heideman did not realize President Verkuilen read a letter from the Health Department referring to Phase 2 and 3 of the new animal control policies. Notation was left in the minutes as read.
Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. suggested a couple changes to clarify Ameren’s rate increase with regard to Aggregation.
President Verkuilen brought to the boards’ attention that we follow Robert’s Rules of Order and, “The minutes should be a record of what was done at the meeting and not what was said by the members”.
Motion was made by Trustee Darrell ‘Duey” Blair to approve the minutes of the February 3, 2014, meeting with above corrections. Motion was seconded by Trustee Ian Magerl. President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a unanimous aye vote.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Brett Keyes presented the treasurer’s report. The board reviewed the Balance Sheet, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the General Fund, Receipts and Disbursements of the Special Revenue Fund, Receipts and Disbursements of the Water Fund and the Receipts and Disbursements of the Sewer Fund for the period February 28, 2014. The new format displays the majority of line items which gives a more accurate overview of the various funds. Brett reminded the board we should have a contingency plan for dual control on file. The auditors have encouraged us to have abackup plan, especiallywith the water and sewer billings,in the eventthe primary person is off work for an extended period.
Motion was made by TrusteeWayne Heideman to accept the Treasurer’s Report andTrustee Ian Magerlseconded the motion.
Ayes:Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Wayne Heideman
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Nick Bodine
PresidentVerkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
The Board reviewed the bills that were presented for payment.
Motion was made by Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair to accept the payment of the bills withrecommended changes. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr.
Ayes: Wayne Heideman, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris,
Bill Riggins, Jr.,
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Nick Bodine
President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
Police Department:Police Chief Kevin Kesselring reports the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office has contacted him with regard to assisting with security at this year’s county fair. Chief Kesselring anticipates a meeting on security detail for the fair later this month. The Board was in agreement with our police officers continuing their support at the county fair.
Kesselring reports our new recruit will attend firearms training in a couple weeks and starts her orientation and training classes March 31st.
Water Concern: Darrel Patrick asked the Board to forget the sewer charges that were incurred due to a water leak. Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair made a motion that an adjustment be made reflecting the customer’s average sewer cost over the past year, and allow customer sixty days to pay the balance of his water/sewer bill. Trustee Ian Magerl seconded this motion.
Ayes: Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell ‘Duey” Blair, Wayne Heideman
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Nick Bodine
President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
Water/Sewer Department:Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent, reports that considering the cold weather there has been minimal problems. However there was an emergency sewer line break in Circle Drive.Even though the break should have been the property owner’s responsibility the nature of the situation had placed our system in jeopardy and needed immediate action. Petersburg Plumbing & Heating was called for assistance. The property owner has expressed their dissatisfaction with the way the situation was handled and does not feel they should be financially responsible for the repair costs. It was suggested the property owner be approached with the village paying half the costs and they assume the other half. If the property owner does not agree with this arrangement, then the Board will further this discussion.
Trustee Ian Magerl made a motion that the Villageoffer to pay half of the Petersburg Plumbing & Heating costs and rock. Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair seconded this motion.
Ayes: Wayne Heideman, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris,
Bill Riggins, Jr.,
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Nick Bodine
President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
A letter of understanding regarding the above will be sent to the property owners.
Dave also advised Brodke Well and Pump is scheduled this week to complete the annual cleaning of the wells. This will cost approximately $9,000 for two wells.
Trustee Wayne Heideman asked if an estimate had been put together on the costs to run a water line down Lehman Road. It was felt if a more specific estimate other than the $50,000 originally given was needed, it would be the property owners’ responsibility to obtain this.
Dave will put some numbers together for his budget to include the valve repair/replacement and estimated cost for the upgrade to radio water meters.
Our need to pursue a new well was briefly discussed. No action was taken.
Streets Department: Superintendent Gregprovided his written report for review along with a map showing needed sidewalk repair. Priority repair list was reviewed. Sidewalks had been removed during storm sewer repair along West Main around the 300 block, between Washington & Jefferson; and the north side of West Main around the 100 block. These areas are on the priority list as outlined in our ordinances.
air, we supply labor and resident pays for half the concrete.
Greg will obtain costs for sidewalk repair which could be listed as aseparate line item on the FY15 budget.
The broken cap on the well at the corner of Lincoln and Main Streets also needs to be replaced. Due to safety issues this takes top priority. Someone will need to be brought in to assist with the fabrication of this sewer cover.
There was a lot of snow removal for February and minor vehicle repairs. The street’s pick-up is still having transmission problems. Greg will get bids for this repair.
Old Business
Update on Emergency Water Hook-Up Property–The emergency water hook-up project is progressing smoothly. A meeting is being planned for the near future with the engineers from both parties. The Board will be notified of the date and time as soon as we hear back from the engineers.
Update on Retail Sales Tax Referendum-If the Retailer’s Occupation Tax referendum passes at the March 18th primary a special meeting will be scheduled to accept the ordinance increasing the retail sales tax by 1% and so it can be filed through the Illinois Department of Revenue and made effective as of July 1, 2014. It is anticipated this increase will bring an extra $48,000 a year, which will be used toward the cost of a new water tower.
Update on Emergency Siren- A handheld radio from the firehouse will be activated so the emergency alarm can be set off manually at Village Hall. As soon as this has been accomplished the landline through Frontier will be disconnected.
Radio Water Meters—Radio water meters were tabled last month. Final numbers have not been obtained therefore this will be tableduntil the FY15 budget is discussed. We may be able to replace a few meters each year until the district has been switched over.
Intergovernment Agreement for Animal Control-The proposal for the intergovernmental agreement for animal control through the Sangamon County Department of Public Health was reviewed.
Phase 1- There will be no change in the billing process from spring 2013 through spring 2014. Rates will remain the same for boarding and officer calls.
Phase 2: There will be no change to the billing process for Animal control Officer and Boarding services provided from Spring 2014-2015.
Phase 3- Final decision has not been finalized for the Spring 2015-2016 period.
It was a majority vote that the Intergovernmental Cooperate Agreement for Animal Control Services through the Sangamon County Department of Public Health be aaccepted.
New Business
There being no further business TrusteeDarrell “Duey” Blair.made a motion to adjourn the meeting Trustee Ian Magerl seconded the motion. The motion was passed by voice vote. President Verkuilen declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by,Approved by,
Judy Reiser, Village ClerkJim Verkuilen, President
Facebook: Village of Pleasant Plains
Minutes – Village Board – Regular Session –March 3, 2014Page 1