VenusYear 3 Medium Term Summer 1 2016
Topic: Where in the world are rainforests? What plants and animals can be found there? Why are rainforests important? What would happen if the rainforests disappeared?JCP: Development –How are rainforests changing? Who benefits from resources found in rainforests? Who has the power to make decisions about rainforests?
Literacy / Numeracy / Science
Non-Fiction: Persuasive writing
Explore and discuss adverts. Find key features of persuasive writing and use these with a twist, to persuade people NOT to buy! Using compound and complex sentences write a persuasive letter.
Grammar focus:
1. Extend a range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of connectives.
2. Use conjunctions.
Narrative: Adventure Stories
The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith
Using TheHodgeheg by Dick King-Smith, children look for examples of adverbs and adverbial phrases. They memorise a section of dialogue and use it as a basis for their own writing. In the second week the focus is on complex and compound sentences as yhey write an animal adventure story.
Grammar focus:
1. Use fronted adverbs.
2. Use commas after fronted adverbials.
3. Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of connectives, e.g. when, if, because, although.
Poetry: Shape Poems
Read, recite and discuss a variety of shape poems before writing their own.
. Grammar focus:
1. Indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe with singular and plural nouns.
2. Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of connectives.
/ Fractions
Recognise, find & write fractions of a discrete set of objects
Recognise and use fractions as numbers
Recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole
Compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators
Count up & down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing 1-digit nos or quantities by 10
Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml)
Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute
record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours
use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight / Light
Investigate shadows
Make sundials.
Look at the transparency of various materials & the shadows they form.
Make enquiries about shadows.
To understand the process of photosynthesis. Start an enquiry to answer ‘Do leaves help plants grow?’ Observe the effect of water on growth & grow cress under different conditions.
Investigate the function of roots and stems
ICT / Art/DT / Humanities
Using the internet for research
Using Microsoft Word to present learning
Use search technologies effectively
Be discerning in evaluating digital content
Collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information / To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials.
Pastel sketches of animals
3D bugs
Rousseau paintings / Rainforests
To locate vegetation belts around the world.
To identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator.
To use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied.
To identify key physical features of rainforests
These activities are flexible and may change if the children are more interested in one area than another.
Global learning
- The importance of places and their locations at different scales, including local, regional,
national, international and global
-Human and physical geographical processes and how they influence, shape and change the lives and prospects of people living around the world
/ Global learning
- Human and physical geographical processes and how they influence, shape and change the lives and prospects of people living around the world
- Recognising that knowledge is subjective, and based on viewpoints and power
- The concepts of interdependence, development, globalisation and sustainability.
- To empathise with others’ situations
Caring for the environment
/ Sports – Super Skills
Athletics / Development of emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills
Global learning
–To listen to, understand and respect different voices and perspectives
–- To question viewpoints and challenge stereotypes
–To explore their values and how they impact on others
Music / French
Recorders / Classroom objects
Likes and dislikes