Charleston Civitan Club, P.O. Box 5428, Charleston, WV 25361
CHARTERED NOVEMBER 24, 1924 June 2016
Co-Presidents Jeanne Jarrett and Jim Harris
President Elect Wanda Hightower Home Club of International Presidents
Treasurer Bill Frame Belford Roberts 1975-1976 (Deceased)
Secretary Patty Frame Bill Rogers 1983-1984 (Deceased)
Directors Terry Hodge, Lou Maxson, Julia Noland
Summer Time has arrived!
As this Chatter is being prepared, we are experiencing the first extremely hot weekend of the summer in Charleston! Please make sure when you go out in the heat that you are avoid getting overcome by the heat. Remember to drink lots of water, wear cool clothing, avoid direct sun (and if you do wear sunblock!), and take rests from whatever you are doing.
Summer involves vacations and holidays. Given the month of July is quickly approaching; once again we will need to change the dates of our meetings to avoid the July 4 weekend. Our first meeting should have been held on that Friday but instead, here are the dates for our meetings in the summer that will be held at the usual location in the Civic Center:
Friday, June 17
Friday, July 8
Friday, July 22
Friday, August 5
The board is working on a different venue for our August meeting. We are going to meet on a different date, at a different time, in a different place. The reason for this is that we need to recruit new members. Our roster is slowly dropping each year. We need to attract other people to join the Civitan experience of making a difference in the lives of others. One of the big issues for many younger people is that they cannot get to a meeting on Friday at noon due to work commitments.
The board recognizes that the time of our meetings may be one of the issues that are keeping younger people from joining so we are going to try to hold our second August meeting at a time that may work for new people to join. The plans will be finalized in the next weeks and you will be advised of the details.
The board also recognizes that for some the lunch meeting is something members look forward to so don’t get discouraged. We are going to try to balance the meetings to meet the needs of the various members.
We will be holding our club elections before the speaker portion of the meeting at our meeting on Friday, June 17. So please try to come to this meeting to vote for our future.
Jim Harris continues to find some interesting and sometimes entertaining speakers for our meetings. We recently got some great updates on what is going on with Highland Hospital when Jim Strawn joined us at our May meeting. Rod Blackstone gave a great review of all the great activities that will be going on in our city of Charleston during the Festivall as well as throughout the summer.
Our speakers for our June 17 meeting will be Jen Wood & Shannon Synder from the Brookside Women & Children Home. Perhaps we will learn of other ways we can help our community as we have from several of our speakers in the past year. So mark your calendars and come on down to the Civic Center!
KIDS ZONE – Next Saturday, June 18, our club will once again host the Kids Zone Tent at the Chili cook-off on Kanawha Boulevard. We will be setting up at 11:00 am and should be finished at 3:30 pm. This is a great project where we not only provide a fun time for the children visiting the chili cook-off with their parents but we raise awareness of Civitans. Even if you can only come for an hour or so, it will help show Charleston who we are as Civitans. We will be passing out snacks for the children and have activities for them to do. Of course, we will have the help of our Junior Civitans who will not only help with the activities but will be in charge of the face painting which does bring so many families to our tent. So let’s raise awareness about our club so please come down to help out. The city of Charleston has advised us that the tent will be in the same area as last year which was on Kanawha Boulevard in front of the city parking garage. If they move us, just look for us – we will be there!
Power Baseball Event – the board is trying to finalize plans and a date when we will be hosting those with challenges at an upcoming Power Baseball event. This is not a difficult project to run but it makes a big impact on others. So stay tuned for the date when we will enjoy a baseball game while making a difference in the lives of others.
The board is looking at several new projects that will be discussed at our next board meeting, so stay tuned for announcements!
As you know, Roberta Allison provides a thought for the day at the end of each of our meetings. She sends us off with a good thought in our mind and we thank her for coming up with one for each meeting. Here’s the thought of the day from one of our recent meetings….
“Do all the things you can…by all the means you can….in all the ways you can…at all the times you can….to all the people you can….as long as you ever can” (John Wesley)
Our Junior Civitans have finished their school year but that doesn’t stop them from reaching out to serve others. They will be helping us at Kids Zone and any other projects we will hold during the summer.
We do have 3 delegates from George Washington Junior Civitans that will be attending the Junior Civitan International Convention in Atlanta June 23 through 26. Jeanne Jarrett will be chaperoning our incoming District Governor, Isabella Romano, along with Lt. Governor Iman Shere and Club PRC, Emmy Gore, who are all looking forward to the days of meeting with other Junior Civitans and attending leadership workshop to prepare them for their upcoming year as club and district officers.
Our next district event will be the district convention which will be held at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta, OH August 19 to 21. It will be another fun weekend with a Night at the Museum on Friday evening followed by the convention on Saturday. Mark your calendars now so we can have a delegation attend this convention. Details will be sent soon on registration and hotel arrangements.
It is with deep regret that we were just informed about the passing of our Cardinal District Sgt At Arms, David Jahn. This young man was an enthusiastic Civitan and will be missed dearly. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Birthday Wishes!
We want to wish the following Civitans a Happy Birthday and a year filled with happiness and health:
Wanda Hightower – June 10
Jeanne Jarrett – June 23
Stella Doughty – June 26
The Mission of Civitan worldwide is to build good citizenship in providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities.