/ Ten-Year Network Development Plan
Infrastructure Projects


Infrastructure Projects

Scope & Objective

To achieve a transparent, non-discriminatory and objective approach to gas infrastructure projects within the framework of TYNDP, ENTSOG prepared the following questionnaire aiming at collecting the same relevant information about such projects. It covers FID projects as well as those at a less advanced stage of development.

When developing the questionnaire, ENTSOG also considered the impact of the future regulation on investment project notification.


All non-ENTSOG members that are sponsors of a gas infrastructure project and believe their project should be included in the TYNDP 2011-2020 (TYNDP).

Conditions for Project Inclusion in TYNDP

ENTSOG will include all the projects in the TYNDP for which all the requested information has been submitted by the project sponsor(s). All such information will also be published in the TYNDP.

Information shall be submitted separately for each project or each part of the project (in case of projects developed in more than one phase in terms of capacity). Information shall be submitted in the format as presented below.

Each submission shall also include contact details of the person responsible for the submission who can be contacted by ENTSOG if there is any need for clarification.


General Information

Type of information / Available options* / Defined Format
Name of the project
Type of project /
  • Pipeline(incl. compressor stations)
  • LNG terminal
  • Storage facility (indicate the type of storage)
  • Production facility within the EU

Graphical representation of the project on the map / Please provide the graphical representation using the ENTSOG map available at
Expected costs / (in 106€)
Name of the sponsors and their shares
Link to the project website / webpage**

* Please choose the respective answer and delete all the others options.

** Besides the link specified above, sponsors may provide ENTSOG with links to additional relevant websites

Technical Information

Type of information / Defined Format***
For Pipeline projects (incl. compressor stations)
Length of the pipe / (in km)
Diameter / (in mm)
Technical capacity / (in 109 Nm3/y)
Expected load factor(non-mandatory information to be included in the TYNDP if provided)
Power of the compressor station(s) / (in MW)
For LNG terminals
Annual capacity / (in 109 Nm3/y)
Daily send-out capacity / (in 106 Nm3/d)
LNG storage capacity / (in m3LNG)
For Storage facilities
Working Gas Volume / (in 106 Nm3)
Deliverability / (in 106 Nm3/d)
For Production facilities
Technical capacity / (in 109 Nm3/y)
Peak deliverability / (in 106 Nm3/d)
For all projects
Interconnections with other gas infrastructures / Please indicate the location, the type of interconnected infrastructure and its operator

***Nm3 refers to m3 at 0°C and 1.01325 bar (as defined in the EASEEgas CBP 2003-001/01

Time Schedule

Type of information / Available options* / Defined Format
Probable date of commissioning and the main milestones / Date of commissioning:
End of permitting phase:
Project development phase reached* /
  • FID taken (indicate if under construction)
  • Design & Permitting
  • Planned / Under consideration

Please provide a public statement demonstrating that the phase has been reached; date of publishing, any relevant links/references

TEN-E Project Information

Type of information / Available options*/ Defined Format
Is the project part of TEN-E? / Yes / No
If the project is part of TEN-E, specify the project category. /
  • Project of common interest
  • Priority project
  • Projects of European interest

If the project is part of TEN-E, has financing from TEN-E funds been requested / received? / Date of request:
Year in which funding was received:

Expected Benefit

Type of information / Available options* / Defined Format
What is/are the expected benefit(s) of the project?(Selection of more than one option is possible) /
  • SoS
  • Market Integration (Increase of competition)
  • Others, please specify:

Please provide short reasoning (no more than 375 characters, incl. spaces) for the selected option(s).

TPA regime

Type of information / Available options* / Defined Format
Have you applied for an exemption from Third Party Access? / Yes / No
If yes, please provide information on whether the exemption has been granted or not, or alternatively which stage of the exemption process has been reached.

(Expected) Gas Sourcing (only applicable for import pipeline projects)

Type of information / Defined Format
(Expected) Gas Sourcing / Please provide information on the gas supply sources (expected) to be available for the project.

Inter-governmentalAgreements (only applicable for import pipeline projects)

Type of information / Defined Format
Inter-governmental agreements / Please list all inter-governmental agreements necessary for the project and indicate which have been signed.

Financing Structure (non-mandatory information to be included in the TYNDP if provided)

Type of information
Expected or obtained share of public financing
Expected or obtained share of private financing
Expected or obtained share of multilateral financing

Additional Remarks (non-mandatory information not to be included in the TYNDP)

Submission Deadline

All information shall be submitted by 31 August 2010 to the following address:


Attn: Andrea Ćirlićová

Rue Ducale 83

B-1000 Brussels


Submission by email is also possible. In such case, the email should be sent to: Andrea Ćirlićová () and copied to Olivier Lebois ( ).

For each submission, ENTSOG will send a confirmation of receipt to the contact person’s email address.

In case, project sponsors need any clarification on the questionnaire, they can contact :

Andrea Ćirlićová

T: + 32 2 894 5103

M: + 32 497 447961


Olivier Lebois

T: + 32 2 894 5105

M: + 32 496 120 685