Year Name of Winner Title of Paper

2010 1st: Joanna Klimaski ?

2nd: Kathryn Brokus ?

2009 1st: Joanna Klimaski “The Essence of Identity: On the Relevance of the Metaphysical Question of Identity”

2nd: Patrick McLaughlin “Hannah Arendt and Augustinian Theodicy”

2008 1st: Christina Drogalis “Aristotle and the American Social Welfare State: Failure’s Consequences for American Democracy and Self-Sufficiency, and the Plausibility of a Solution”

2nd: John Miller “The Roots of Peircean Conceptual Analysis and the Withering Fruit of Contemporary Society”

Honorable Mention: Jeffrey Musyt, “Jokes on Us: The Philosophy of Inside Jokes”

2007 1st: Amanda McCulloch “The Trilaterial Relationship of Rationality, Language, and Human Uniqueness”

2nd: Amy L. McKiernan “Moving Into The New Science of Giambattista Vico: The Orator as Homemaker”

Honorable Mention: Michael Frechen, “The Ethics of Sustainability: the Need for a Paradigm Shift”

2006 Sarah Brilmyer

2005 Irene Alfred

2004 1st: David Fine “Finding a New Way Home: Rethinking Arendt’s Concept of the Private Sphere”

2nd: Christopher Boltinghouse “Despair as the Affective Status Viatoris: A Thomistic Analysis”

2003 Joann C. Zielinsky

2002 Gregory Reichlen

2001 Anninha Nonnenmacher

2000 Eric Pauli

1999 David Stagliano

1998 Kim Blakiewicz

1997 Matthew Pierlott

1996 Steven Pustay

1995 Carol A. Hee

1994 Carol A. Hee

1993 Daryl Kovalich

1992 Paul Debraski

1990 Jeffrey Tiel

1989 Alexander Bertland

1988 Kelly Coughlin

1987 Timothy McGrew

1986 Kathleen Gallagher