Rosebank Health Patient Participation Group

Minutes of Meeting held 22nd September 2015

Present: Clive Andrews (CA), Elizabeth Mudway (EM), Glen Duff (GD), Rita Leach (RL), Rachel Price (RP), Belle James (BJ), Wendy Hubbard (WH), Dr R Remfry (RR), Wyndham Parry (WP), Sue Hawkins (SH)

Apologies: Nasreen Patel (NP), Jon Tremeer, Tania Cresswell, Cheryl Ellis and David Sysums

CA advised that there is a new member of the Group (Tracy Sutherland) but she was unable to attend.

1.  Actions:

  1. Vice Chair: CA asked if there were any volunteers for Vice Chair. RL put herself forward to act as Vice Chair. CA thanked RL and the group present agreed and RL was appointed Vice Chair.
  2. It was noted that other actions were covered by the agenda.

2.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

3.  Matters Arising

3.1  CQC Update. WP confirmed that the fridge had been repaired and also a new one purchased.

3.2  Gloucester Locality Reference Group. - CA advised that there has been no further information received from the Gloucester Locality Reference Group.

3.3  Patient Diabetes Talk. – CA has still to meet with WP and Karen Rearie (KR) regarding arranging the next Diabetic self-help/education meeting.

The poster designed by GD was circulated. It was agreed that this was a very good design and could be adapted for advertising any self-help/education meeting. GD was thanked for his work in producing the poster.

Topics for further sessions were discussed. RR stated that it would be beneficial to have sessions on:

·  Feverish illness in children

·  Physio


·  Alzheimer’s/Dementia

·  Young Mums/Teenage Pregnancy

·  Joints

·  Mental Illness

WH advised that she is a retired physiotherapist and had offered her help if required.

CA stated that he has a number of contacts and would investigate some of the suggested topics.

3.4  Online Appointment System – it was reported that there are now nearly 6,000 patients registered for online appointments. GD questioned the number of appointments that could be booked ahead. It was noted that this was initially restricted as some patients were ‘block’ booking appointments and not using them.

3.5  Tannoy System – Severnvale

WP reported that the new information screens have been installed at both Rosebank and Severnvale surgeries and these also ‘called’ patients for their consultations.

3.6  Notice Boards

RL advised that she had been at Rosebank, Stroud Road recently and stated that the notice boards were much improved but they are still ‘work in progress’.

It was noted that the notice board at Severnvale was currently empty and was being worked on.

3.7  Friends and Family

The latest report from the Friends and family survey was circulated.

There were a number of positive responses. Majority of negative responses were about the difficulty in getting an appointment. It was noted that some patients have to wait many weeks to see a specific GP, the main reason being that the GP is part time therefore has less appointments available.

RL felt that there is a lack of understanding by patients and that since joining the PPG she has a better understanding of why some of the issues arise.

3.8 Waiting Room Background Music

As suggested at the last meeting, the Practice investigated the radio station that was being played at GHAC.

The radio station is Smooth FM. The Practice has purchased a radio for each of the waiting rooms and hopefully the music playing in the waiting rooms will be more acceptable.

4.  Practice Update

4.1 Kingsway - WP advised that progress is moving forward, but slowly. Negotiations are still taking place with the landowner for the site.

Architects and agents have been appointed by the Practice and work has commenced on the design of the building. Visits have been made to three surgeries that the architects have designed and discussions taken place with these surgeries to find out what has worked well, and changes that they would make which will hopefully assist with our design.

The size of the building is what NHS England has approved, plus some which will be self-funded by the Practice.

WP circulated draft designs for discussion.

WH stated that the positioning of the doors/interior design expose the patient to patient/staff movement in the corridor and suggested that this could be discussed with the architect. The layout with the patient being nearest the door and the clinician having to pass the patient to exit the room was also discussed as this could make the clinician vulnerable to problem patients.

4.2 Recruitment - WP was asked how many more patients were expected to be attracted to the Practice and did the Practice have enough GP capacity to cope with the increase in numbers.

WP advised that the Practice would recruit as appropriate as numbers increase but it was noted that there is a shortage of GPs.

WP advised that we currently have four GPs on maternity leave and Locum GPs are covering and the Practice is trying to encourage these locums to stay with the Practice.

RR advised that the Practice has been advertising continuously and that we are now trying new ways of recruiting. A Head Hunting company is being used to try to recruit GPs for the Practice.

RR also advised that there are problems for GPs returning from Australia and New Zealand and one idea by the Practice is to facilitate their return and that the GPs work for the Practice as Retainers. This is being further investigated.

WP advised that the Practice has been expanding the Nursing team and the Advanced Nurse Practitioners appointments are releasing GP appointments.

BJ stated that it was good to see the Practice forward thinking.

5.  Operations Manager Interviews

WP had sent out an email to PPG members asking if there were any members who would be interested in taking part in the interview process for the new Operations Manager post. WP thanked RL and RP for their offer of assistance. The interviews are taking place on 7th October. Update will be given to the PPG at the next meeting.

6.  Access to Appointments

WP advised that Choice+ is now in operation. Patients requiring urgent appointments can be offered (where available) appointments at GHAC, Matson, Rosebank or Severnvale.

WP also advised that Severnvale surgery is being used by Choice+ on Saturday mornings.

There was a question raised about the number of appointments which were lost by patients not attending (DNA). Statistics will be presented at the next meeting.

7.  Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 8th December 2015 at Rosebank, Stroud Road Surgery.