Request for Exempt Determination:
Evaluation of Educational Strategies, Curricula, or Classroom Management Methods
Title of Study:A. Will the study be conducted in a commonly accepted educational setting? No Yes
If No, STOP. Your project does not meet criteria for this exempt category; contact the IRB at .
B. Will the study involve normal educational practices? No Yes
If No, STOP. Your project does not meet criteria for this exempt category; contact the IRB at .
[Examples include (i) research on regular and special education instructional strategies, or (ii) research on the effectiveness of, or the comparison among, instructional techniques, curricula, or classroom management methods]
C. Will subjects under 18 years of age be studied? No Yes
D. Will “sensitive information” be recorded that could damage subjects’ reputation or employability, or place them at risk for criminal or civil liability? No Yes If yes, explain:
E. FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) applies when student educational records are used for research. FERPA requires a signed permission when IDENTIFIABLE information from student records is released to anyone who did NOT already have legitimate access.
Will this study obtain IDENTIFIABLE information from students’ educational records? No Yes
If Yes, address the following:
1. What information will be obtained from the records?
2. Who will obtain it?
3. Does the individual obtaining the information have legitimate access (e.g. as the student’s teacher)?
If IDENTIFIABLE educational records are obtained and will be released to anyone who did NOT already have legitimate access, describe how signed permission will be obtained from the adult student or the parent of a child:
Note: Information on FERPA, Section, XIV. Considerations for Special Subject Populationsis available on the IRB website:
- Subjects
- Who will be studied?
- At what educational sites will this research be conducted?
- On what basis was this particular educational environment selected?
- Will children be studied? No Yes
If Yes, address the following:
- Provide a rationale for the specific age ranges of children to be included.
- Describe the expertise of the investigative team for dealing with children of that age range.
- Describe the adequacy of the research facilities to accommodate children of that age range.
- Will sufficient numbers of children be studied to answer the scientific questions? Please elaborate.
- If applicable, how will parents be informed or involved with this project?
- Will you be interacting with non-English speaking subjects? No Yes
- If Yes, are you fluent in the language they understand? No Yes
- If No, indicate how you will communicate with subjects (e.g., with interpreter-if so, who will serve in that role:
- Recruitment
- How will potential subjects be identified and how and where will they be approached for participation (as applicable)?
- Describe the recruitment materials (ads, letters, recruitment script, e-mails etc.) and upload a copy of materials, if applicable, into OSIRIS question E 2.0.
- How will study be introduced to participants?
(If applicable, upload the introductory script that describes the study and includes relevant elements of consent in OSIRIS question E 2.0.) View the model introductory script on the IRB website at
Not Applicable If Not Applicable, why?
- Who has issued permission to provide access to the proposed research site(s)? Upload copies of letters of support in OSIRIS question CS15.0, if applicable.
- Methods
- Describe all RESEARCH procedures, including tests, recording, observation, collection of course materials, changes to curriculum, testing, etc.
- What types of interactions will occur between investigators and subjects?
- Where (in what context or educational setting) will these interactions occur?
- How will subjects be evaluated?
- List the measures (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, tests, etc.) to be used, and upload a copy of each in OSIRIS question E 2.0 (unless measure does not require submission because it is listed in the Standard Screening Instruments section in the Resources page on the IRB web site (
- Who will collect the data?
- How often will subjects be contacted, and why?
- How will confidentiality of data be maintained?
- If subjects will be paid or otherwise compensated or ‘incentivized’ (e.g. extra credit), indicate how much they will receive, and how they will be compensated?
Note: Review ‘Incentives for Participation in Research Studies’ under Section XV of the IRB Policies and Procedures Manual at and for WePay payments from University accounts.
- Analysis
- How will results be analyzed to ensure that study aims have been met?
- Additional Information, Clarification, or Comments for the IRB Reviewer:
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