Plum City High School
Plum City Educational Foundationand Local ScholarshipGuidelines
The School District of Plum City is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical or mental health, emotional or learning disability.
Educational Foundation
Lester & Vernon Clare Memorial...... 01
Henry Ebensperger Memorial...... 02
Hoffman Memorial...... 03
Adolph & Mayme Olson Memorial...... 04
Plum City Educational Foundation...... 05
Plum City SOS...... 06
Lois Von Holtum Memorial...... 07
Tom & Mary Baier Family...... 08
Lyle Gilles Memorial...... 09
Helmueller Memorial………………………………………..10
Clayton Helmer Memorial...... 11
Healing Choices*...... 12
Pierce Co. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9060*...... 13
Plum City Employee...... 14
*Bold & starred scholarships require additional documentation. Please print an additional copy of the scholarship packet and attach required documents.
Lester and Vernon Clare Memorial
In memory of Lester and Vernon Clare, Dorothy Clare and family have established this scholarship. Lester was a graduate of Plum City High School and Dunwoody Institute. He was a lifelong carpenter and passed away in 2002. Vernon was a resident of the Plum City area his entire life and owned Plum City Lumber for many years. He passed away in 2006.
Each year, one $250 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior of Plum City High School.
Scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a GPA of 2.25 or better, and upon presenting institutional acceptance for enrollment for the second semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 GPA after the first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after his/her second semester with a 2.25 GPA.
Major: Any
Institution: UW-Stout or any technical college
Amount: $250
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester with a GPA of at least 2.25 & proof of enrollment for 2nd semester
By whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Henry Ebensperger Memorial
The family of Henry Ebensperger has established a scholarship in his memory. After serving in WWII, Henry attended trade school in the Twin Cities and became an electrician and refrigeration technician. He established Hank’s Refrigeration and Electrical Service in 1958 and served the Plum City area in this field for nearly 40 years.
Each year, one $250 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior of Plum City High School.
Scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a GPA of 2.25 or better, and upon presenting institutional acceptance for enrollment for the second semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 GPA after the first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after his/her second semester with a 2.25 GPA.
Major:Nursing or technical trade (any 1-2 year degree)
Institution: Any accredited 2 or 4 year institution
When Paid:Upon successful completion of 1st semester with a GPA of at least 2.25 & proof of enrollment for 2nd semester
By Whom:Plum City Educational Foundation
Hoffman Memorial Fund
The Plum City Educational Foundation, Board of Directors shall select the recipient of the scholarship using the following criteria as guidelines.
- Financial need
- Ability of student to get a degree in their selected major in 4 years, barring any illness or injury setbacks.
- Proof of enrollment in an accredited University, College, Vocational or Trade School.
- While this scholarship prefers students enrolled in science and (or) math courses to a large degree, any degree accepted by the Board of Directors will be accepted by the Hoffman Memorial Fund, with the exception of Political Science.
- The Board of Directors shall select a student as a recipient of the scholarship and notify the Hoffman Memorial Fund Administrator as to the student selected, and also submit a copy of the recipient's application to the administrator.
The Board of Directors shall coordinate a 15 minute interview with Mr. Hoffman and the scholarship recipient at the convenience of said student.
Amount: $500
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Adolph And Mayme Olson Memorial
Adolf and Mayme Olson were dairy farmers in the Plum City area. Mayme was a graduate of the River Falls Normal School and taught in area one-room schools until her marriage to Adolf. She served as clerk of the Harrison School Board of Education and later on the Plum City Board of Education. Mayme was also an author.
A minimum of two $500 scholarships will be awarded annually to graduates of Plum City High School. The scholarships may be used at an accredited two-year vocational/technical institution, or an accredited four-year college or university.
Scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a 2.25 GPA or better, and upon presenting institutional acceptance for enrollment for the second semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 GPA after the first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after his/her second semester with a 2.25 GPA.
When Paid:Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom:Plum City Educational Foundation
Plum City Educational Foundation
The Plum City Educational Foundation will be awarding two $250 scholarships to graduating seniors at Plum City High School. The scholarships will be awarded at the Senior Banquet in May. Recipients will receive their money upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a grade point average of 2.25 or better, and upon presenting institutional acceptance for enrollment the following semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 grade point average after their first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after her/his second semester with a 2.25 grade point or higher.
Amount:$250 (2)
When Paid:Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom:Plum City Educational Foundation
Plum City S.O.S.
The Plum City S.O.S. (Support Our Schools) group is comprised of members from both the community and school. Their mission is to develop, between teachers, parents, and the community of Plum City, cooperative efforts to support our schools. Participants do this in an environment of trust and cooperation. Through various forms of fundraising, the S.O.S. group provides financial support to many school programs and activities. The S.O.S. group also provides volunteer help in the schools throughout the year.
The Plum City S.O.S. group will be awarding two $250 scholarships to 2012 graduating seniors at Plum City High School. The scholarships will be awarded at the Senior Banquet in May. Recipients will receive their scholarship funds upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a grade point average of 2.25 or better, and upon presenting institutional acceptance for enrollment the following semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 grade point average after their first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after his/her second semester with a 2.25 grade point average or higher.
Major: Any
Amount: $250 (2)
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1stsemester
By Whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Lois Von Holtum Memorial
The family of Lois Von Holtum has established a helping profession scholarship in memory of Lois Von Holtum. As a young girl, caring for her terminally ill mother, Lois developed a passion for caring for others. She worked part-time at the nursing home during her high school years to save money for nursing school. After completing college, Lois traveled with the Red Cross doing disaster nursing. When she moved to the Plum City area, she worked at the Plum City Hospital from 1961-63. Lois then took a job as the Pepin County Health Nurse from 1963 until her retirement in 1990. After a few months of retirement, she worked another four years at the Nursing Home in Red Wing, Minnesota. Her passion was truly caring for other people. Her family, friends, and thousands of patients were her life. With this scholarship, the Von Holtum Family wishes to encourage young people with the same passion as Lois, to attend college or vocational school with a scholarship in memory of Lois Von Holtum.
A scholarship of $250will be awarded to a graduating senior from Plum City High School in each of the following years: 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. The scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of their post-secondary education with a GPA of 2.25 or better and presenting acceptance for enrollment in the second semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 GPA after the first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after his/her second semester with a 2.25 GPA.
Major: Nursing or other helping field
Amount: $250
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Tom & Mary Baier Family
Tom and Mary Baier have long believed in the importance of a quality public education for all children. Tom by his commitment and support of his family as they each pursued careers in education. Tom graduated from Chippewa Valley Technical College as a Sheet Metal Journeyman through the Wisconsin Apprenticeship program and Mary graduated from University of Wisconsin-River Falls with a degree in Communication Disorders and Psychology. Mary was an educator in both Wisconsin and Minnesota schools for 44 years and was the superintendent and elementary principal at Plum City until 2017. Their sons are educators in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Washington.
The family believes that all children deserve great teachers and a great education. A scholarship of $500.00 will be awarded to a graduating senior from Plum City High School who wishes to pursue a career in teaching. The scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of their post-secondary education with a GPA of 3.2 or better and presenting acceptance for enrollment in the second semester.
Major: Teaching degree in one of the following fields Special
Education, Industrial Technology, Math, Science, School Speech Pathologist, Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Elementary Education or Sheet Metal/ Construction Manager.
Institution: 2 year Technical College or 4 year college
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester with a
GPA of at least 3.2 and proof of enrollment for second semester.
By Whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Lyle Gilles Memorial
In memory of Lyle Gilles, Betty Gilles and family have established this scholarship. A lifetime resident of Plum City, Lyle graduated from Plum City High School, enlisted into the US Army Air Corps and served in the Pacific Theater in WWII. Lyle owned and operated Plum City Hardware servicing the community with plumbing and heating needs.
Each year, one $250 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior of Plum City High School.
Scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a GPA of 2.25 or better, and upon presenting institutional acceptance for enrollment for the second semester.
Major: Technical Trades or Teaching Degree
Institution: Technical College or 4 year college
Amount: $250
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Helmueller Memorial Scholarship
In memoriam- Irma HelmuellerGrantor- Eugene Helmueller
In 1855, Joseph Helmueller and his sons, Joseph Jr., Anton, Jacob, and Lawrence, embarked from Switzerland toward a new land and life in America. They arrived in the Lower Plum Creek Valley in cold November weather. Luckily another Swiss neighbor helped them create a dugout shelter near the creek about a half mile from where the Helmueller farm on County Trunk U lies today. Somewhat later on after the Helmuellers had settled into their new lives, they bought or claimed 320 acres of land. Ten they sold half the land to yet another Swiss neighbor in order to make payment on that 160 acres. Later, Anton and Jacob divided the 160 acres (80 apiece.) The Helmueller families believe that the hardships that were endured by these pioneers in bringing under cultivation the wild lands which have developed into such magnificent farms should never pas from our memories.
Two $250 scholarships (one boy and one girl) will be awarded to Plum City High School graduates. The scholarships may be used at an accredited two-year vocational/technical institution or an accredited four-year university.
Scholarship money will be turned over to the recipient upon successful completion of the first semester of post high school study with a 2.25 GPA or better, and upon acceptance for enrollment for the second semester.
If the student fails to qualify for the scholarship with less than a 2.25 GPA after the first semester, the student has the opportunity to qualify for the scholarship after his/her second semester with a 2.25 GPA.
Major: Any
Institution: Technical College or 4 year college
Amount: $250
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom: Plum City Educational Foundation
Clayton Helmer Memorial
This scholarship is offered in memory of Clayton Helmer who established Helmer Printing which now prints the Shopper/Free Press.
Major: 2 or 4 year school with a major in graphic arts, business, or journalism
Amount: $200
When Paid: Senior banquet
By Whom: Helmer Printing
Healing Choices
The Healing Choices Scholarship has been established by former area student Dr. Judy Walz. The goal of this scholarship is to find an applicant who has passion for humanity, dedication to heal the world one person at a time, and have a commitment for their life to “make a difference.” This scholarship is offered in memory of Dr. Walz’s grandparents Tillie & Henry Walz.
Thisscholarship is available to (1) Plum City High School student who will continue their education in a health-related field such as: Nursing, Art or Music Therapy, Psychology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Homebound Care, Caring for the elderly, Care giving ministries, Hospice, Acupressure and Asian Therapy.
Please attach a HANDWRITTEN document with the following information and respond to the following questions:
- Name
- Post-secondary institution & major
- What is it you want to do with your life?
- How do you motivate yourself?
- How do you motivate others?
- How do you spend your free time?
- How could you make the world a healthier place?
Healing Choices
Judy Ann Walz
W158 N11139 Legend Ave
Germantown, WI 53022-45052
Major: Focusing on human touch, helping/healing arts
Amount: $350
When Paid: Upon successful completion of 1st semester & proof of thank you note to Dr. Walz (see address above)
By Whom: Plum City High School Office
Pierce County VFW Post 9060
The Pierce County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9060 scholarship is to be used to attend a College, University, Public or Private for four years and includes Vocational, Technical, Trade School, or Junior College for two years.
To be eligible, a student must be a member of the current graduating class of Plum City. The student must be a son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter of a veteran of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, or any present conflict.
Student must attach the name of Veteran Parent or Grandparent. Student must also provide the name of conflict and the branch of service.
Eligibility:Must be a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter of a veteran
When Paid:Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom:Pierce County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9060
Plum City School District Employees
This scholarship is offered by various Plum City School District employees who choose to contribute monies toward the scholarship each year. We are very proud of our Plum City graduates and enjoy offering this scholarship. The amount is to be determined on a yearly basis.
When Paid:Upon successful completion of 1st semester
By Whom:Plum City School Counselor