7.30 pm / Willy Wagtails Play Group. Contact Ali Bish 0438 7397.
LENTEN STUDY.in the Chapel.
Wed 2/4 / 10.30 am / Praise and Fellowship Service . Contact Alison Craige 6288 4183
Thurs 3/4 / 9.30 am
7.45 pm / That Thursday Thing Bible Study. Contact Margaret Johnston on 6288 5553
Choir Practice. Contact Charlotte Hearder on 6288 4801
Fri 4/4 / 9.30 am / Blue Wrens Play Group. Contact Linda Simmons on 6288 6129
Sun 6/4 / 8.00 am
9.30 am / Traditional Service with Holy Communion in the Chapel
Family Service with Holy Communion in the Worship Centre
What’s on this week?
Thank you to everyone who makes a contribution to our church.
8.00 AM / 9.30 AMPreacher / Rev Dr Ross Kingham / Rev Dr Ross Kingham
Bible Readers / Lyn West / Alison Garnsey & Robin Fitzsimmons
Pianist / Margaret Jones / Jason Francis
Leader / Charles Mailler
Steward / Ewan Carr / Robin Fitzsimmons (W) and Stephen Francis
(W) = Welcomer at door
Morning Tea / Ann and Ewan Carr / Sheridan Harvey & Charles Mailler
PowerPoint Producer / Kimberly Francis
Sound / Justin Harvey
Communion Preparer / Lyn West / Lois Noack
Communion Servers / Tom Allen
KidsChurch Teacher / Robin Neideck
KidsChurch Helper / Bruce Smith
Flowers / Lois Noack
Grounds / Johnston, White, Noack
Fox, Johnston
Preacher 9.00 am : Rev Dr Ross Kingham
Leader – Clinton White
Bible Readings for today: Psalm 23 Luke 7: 36 - 8:1
Dear Visitors - Welcome to our Church family today. We are so glad that you could join us! We would be grateful if you would please sign the visitor’s book in the foyer If you would like to be contacted during the week, please let us know.
Please join us for Morning tea in the Concourse.
Everyone is invited to attend a BYO lunch at BlackMountainPeninsula following the Combined service. More info from Rosemary Flintoft on 0422 995 815.
Community News
Michelle Kallmier, Michelle’s latest Prayer letter is on the notice board. If you would like to contribute to Michelle’s support her bank details are HSBC bank account BSB: 342 066 Account number: 273 624 412
Paul and Chaa Flack. If you would like to help, Paul and Chaa’s Bank details for direct funds transfer are BSB 012 984 Account number 506609585
ECUMENICAL CHOIR EASTER CANTATA On Saturday April 12th at 2.30p.m. in our Worship Centre there will be a performance of the Cantata “The Sound of Singing” by John Peterson. An entrance donation is requested. All proceeds will go to the refurbishment fund for the Rendall organ at St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Braidwood. This will be the first time the Ecumenical Choir has assisted one of our Ecumenical community. Hopefully we will be able to do more in the future. Please assist us to advertise this event by distributing flyers which are available in the foyer to your friends around the area. Charlotte Hearder.
Other performance dates
Palm Sunday 13th April: WCUC 9.30am service and at St Jude’s Catholic Church , Mulley St , Holder that evening at 7 pm .
Treasurer’s Corner . Thanks to everyone for their Retiring Offering for the Flacks last Sunday. A total of $419.0 0which included $100 from Ladies Fellowship. Blessings Simon
Free Will Offerings by Direct Debit :
Many thanks to those who make their free will offerings via Direct Debit to our bank account at St George ( BSB 112-908 Account no 043 623 304 ) . Recently $1000 and some other special amounts were donated this way . Your on-going commitment to our church is very much appreciated. If you are attending church and wish to put some form of token in the Offering Bowl to signify that you are making a Direct Debit , then it is suggested you collect a packet of the Free Will Envelopes ( available at the table in the foyer ) and place an empty envelope in the Offering Bowl . Not necessary, but you can mark it “ Direct Debit “ if you wish as some people are currently doing . Simon
From Council – A recent enquiry about leasing some office space in our centre, which will now not go ahead , has prompted Council to proceed with relocation plans of the Library and Playgroups toy cupboard. The Library will be relocated to the conversation area outside the Minister’s office. The two pink couches will be removed - anyone want them ? A new Playgroup toy cupboard will be built in the north-east corner of Genesis Hall, allowing all three Playgroups to have all their toys in the one hall .
David Fox
Lenten Studies with Rev Dr Ross Kingham; You are most welcome to reflect upon some key images of the Easter story in the Chapel - 25 Mar; 1 Apr and 8 April at 7.30 pm
1. Can you help keep our Website current and relevant? Please send information of any coming events or regular activities In our church to Margaret Johnston.
2. Also did you know that you can receive e-mail notification whenever new content is placed on the Website? Just go to the page and type your e-mail address in the “subscribe” box at the bottom of th e front home page.
3. From this issue onwards the News sheet will be posted on the Website rather than e-mailed to all members.
Hi all, here's just a quick update about what will be in store for youth group. This term will involve the following:
Friday 11th April - Movie Dress-up Night $5, 6:30-10pm @church
We hope to see you there! We look forward to a great term. Bless you, Benji "Maranatha!"
Presbytery Partnership in Prayer
Kippax Congregation
Please give thanks for
• The many people involved in our Lenten worship and study series “First Light”
• The consistent generosity of the members of our congregation and community in carrying the ministry
Please pray for
• The planning for the Families in June
• The team from Penrith UCA who have spent 2 days with people from Kippax as they consider their future and calling
• The involvement of members of Kippax in the community consultations regarding the future of the Kippax Centre, and the West Belconnen/Riverview housing development.
Ethics of Migration: A public symposium on the Ethics of Migration will be held from 1.30 – 5pm, Saturday 5 April 2014 at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT.$5 entry fee (pay at door) – afternoon tea provided. Speakers include retired Bishop George Browning. Further information: Jenny Goldie: 0401921453
RALLY FOR REFUGEES – Break the Silence The Refugee Action Committee Canberra is organising a rally and march at 1.00 pm in Garema Place on Palm Sunday 13 April. All congregation members are encouraged to attend to demonstrate our Christian compassion for refugees and to ask our leaders to re-consider present inhumane and unjust policies.
Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you an asylum seeker and welcomed you, or without visa or passport and treated you as a child of God, a stranger of different race and language, sick, afraid and befriended you, in detention and we became an advocate for your plight? And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these asylum seekers and refugees, you did it to me.