The Year
The First Sunday of Advent: 27 November – 3 DecemberI
The Second Sunday of Advent: 4 - 10 DecemberI
The Third Sunday of Advent: 11 - 17 DecemberI
The Fourth Sunday of Advent: 18 - 24 DecemberI
Christmas Eve: 24 DecemberII
Christmas Day: 25 DecemberI
The (First) Sunday of Christmas: 26 – 31 DecemberI
The Second Sunday of Christmas: 2 - 5 JanuaryII
The Epiphany may be celebrated on this Sunday
The Epiphany of our Lord: 6 JanuaryI
The First (Second) Sunday of Epiphany, The Baptism of Christ:
7 – 13 JanuaryII
The Second (Third) Sunday of Epiphany: 14 – 20 JanuaryIII
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18 - 25 January
The Third (Fourth) Sunday of Epiphany: 21 – 27 JanuaryIII
The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany: 28 January – 1 FebruaryIII
The Presentation of Christ: 2 FebruaryI
The Presentation may be celebrated on the Sunday between 28 January and 3 February
The Fifth Sunday before Lent*III
The Fourth Sunday before Lent*III
The Third Sunday before Lent*III
*Propers 1-3 are used, as necessary, on these Sundays
The Second Sunday before Lent, Creation SundayIII
The Sunday before Lent, Transfiguration SundayIII
Ash WednesdayI
The First Sunday of LentI
The Second Sunday of LentI
The Third Sunday of LentI
The Fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering SundayI
The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Passion SundayI
The Sixth Sunday of Lent, Palm SundayI
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy WeekI
Maundy ThursdayI
Good FridayI
Easter EveI
Easter DayI
Monday to Saturday of Easter WeekI
The Second Sunday of EasterI
The Third Sunday of EasterI
The Fourth Sunday of EasterI
The Fifth Sunday of EasterI
The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Rogation SundayI
Rogation Days: Monday, Tuesday and WednesdayIV
The Ascension of our Lord: ThursdayI
From the Ascension to the Day of Pentecost is a time of prayer for
the gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Seventh Sunday of EasterI
The Day of PentecostI
Trinity SundayI
Thursday: Thanksgiving for the Holy CommunionII
The First to Twenty first Sundays after TrinityIII
The Last Sunday after Trinity, Bible Sunday: 23 - 29 OctoberI
All Saints’ Day: 1 November or Sunday between 30 Oct and 5 Nov
The First Sunday of the Kingdom: 30 October - 5 NovemberI
The Second Sunday of the Kingdom: 6 - 12 NovemberI
The Third Sunday of the Kingdom: 13 - 19 NovemberI
The Fourth Sunday of the Kingdom: Christ the King: 20 - 26 NovemberI
Other Holy Days
1The Naming of JesusI
3Morris Williams (1874), Priest and PoetV
10William Laud (1645), BishopV
11Rhys Prichard (1644), Priest and Poet,
William Williams (1791), Deacon and Poet, and
Isaac Williams (1865), Priest and PoetV
13Hilary (368), BishopIV
14Kentigern (c 603), BishopIV
17Antony (356), AbbotIV
18The Confession of Peter, ApostleIV
21Agnes (304), Virgin and MartyrV
23Francis de Sales (1622), BishopV
24Cadoc (6th century), AbbotIV
25The Conversion of Paul, ApostleII
26Timothy and Titus, Companions of PaulIV
27John Chrysostom (407), Bishop and DoctorIV
28Thomas Aquinas (1274), DoctorIV
1Bride or Bridget (6th century), AbbessV
2The Presentation of Christ in the TempleI
3The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of EuropeV
orSeiriol (6th century), AbbotV
4MancheMasemola (1928), MartyrV
9Teilo (6th century), BishopIV
14Cyril (869), Monk and Missionary, and
Methodius (885), Bishop and MissionaryV
18John of Fiesole (Fra Angelico) (1455), Priest, and
Andrei Rublev (c 1430), Religious, PaintersV
19Thomas Burgess (1837), Bishop and Teacher of the FaithV
20The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of AfricaV
23Polycarp (c 155), Bishop and MartyrIV
27George Herbert (1633), Priest, and all PastorsV
1David (6th century), Bishop, Patron Saint of WalesII
2Chad (672), BishopIV
5Non (5th century), Mother of David of WalesV
7Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions (203), MartyrsIV
17Patrick (5th century), Bishop, Patron Saint of IrelandIV
18Cyril of Jerusalem (386), BishopV
19Joseph of NazarethII
20Cuthbert (687), BishopIV
21Thomas Cranmer (1556), Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley,
and Robert Ferrar (1555), Bishops, Teachers of the Faith and MartyrsV
24Oscar Romero (1980), Bishop and MartyrV
25The Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin MaryII
29Woolos (6th century), KingIV
7Brynach (5th century), AbbotV
8Griffith Jones (1761), Priest and Teacher of the FaithV
9Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of South AmericaV
orDietrich Bonhoeffer (1945), Pastor, Teacher of the Faith and MartyrV
11George Augustus Selwyn (1878), Bishop and MissionaryV
15Padarn (6th century), BishopIV
20Beuno (c 640), AbbotIV
21Anselm (1109), Bishop and DoctorIV
23George (304?), Martyr, Patron Saint of EnglandIV
25Mark, EvangelistII
29Catherine of Siena (1380), WriterIV
1Philip and James, ApostlesII
2Athanasius (373), Bishop and DoctorIV
3Henry Vaughan (1695), PoetV
5Asaph (6th century), BishopIV
8Julian of Norwich (c 1417)V
9Gregory of Nazianzus (390), BishopV
14Matthias, ApostleII
15EdmwndPrys (1624), Priest, Poet and Translator, and
John Davies (1644), Priest and TranslatorV
19Dunstan (988), BishopV
24Charles Wesley (1788) and John Wesley (1791), Priests and MissionariesV
25Bede (735), DoctorIV
26Augustine of Canterbury (605), BishopIV
28Melangell (6th century), AbbessV
31The Visit of the Virgin Mary to ElizabethII
1Justin (c 165), Apologist and MartyrIV
2Blandina and her Companions (177), MartyrsIV
3James Hannington (1885), Bishop, Missionary and Martyr,
the Martyrs of Uganda (1886) and JananiLuwum, (1977), Bishop and MartyrV
5Boniface (754), Bishop, Missionary and MartyrV
9Columba (597), AbbotIV
10Ephrem the Syrian (373), Deacon, Hymnwriter and Teacher of the FaithV
11Barnabas, ApostleII
14Basil the Great (397), Bishop and DoctorV
16Richard (1253), BishopV
20Alban (250), Julius and Aaron (304-5), MartyrsIV
24The Nativity of John the BaptistII
28Irenaeus (c 200), Bishop and DoctorIV
29Peter, ApostleII
orPeter and Paul, ApostlesII
30The Martyrdom of Paul, ApostleIV
1Euddogwy (6th century), BishopIV
3Thomas, ApostleII
4Peblig (4th century), AbbotV
6Thomas More (1535), MartyrV
11Benedict (c 540), AbbotIV
14John Keble (1886), Priest and Teacher of the FaithV
18Elizabeth of Russia (1918), Religious and MartyrV
19Gregory of Nyssa (c 394), Bishop, and
Macrina (c 379), Virgin, Teachers of the FaithV
21Howell Harris (1773), PreacherV
22Mary MagdaleneII
23Bridget of Sweden (1393), AbbessV
25James, ApostleII
26Anne and Joachim, Parents of the Virgin MaryIV
27Martha, Mary and Lazarus of BethanyIV
28Samson (5th century), BishopIV
29William Wilberforce (1833), Josephine Butler (1906) and all Social ReformersV
30Silas, MissionaryIV
31Joseph of ArimatheaV
orIgnatius Loyola (1556), Priest, Founder of the Society of JesusV
3Germanus (5th century), BishopIV
5Oswald (642), King and MartyrV
6The Transfiguration of our LordII
8Dominic (1221), PreacherIV
9Augustine Baker (1641), Priest and ReligiousV
orMary Sumner (1921), Founder of the Mothers’ UnionV
orEdith Stein (1942), Teacher of the Faith, Religious and MartyrV
10Lawrence (258), Deacon and MartyrV
11Clare of Assisi (1253), MendicantIV
12Ann Griffiths (1805), PoetV
13Jeremy Taylor (1667), BishopV
14Maximilian Kolbe (1941), Priest and MartyrV
15Mary, Mother of our LordII
20Bernard (1153), AbbotIV
23Tydfil (430), MartyrV
24Bartholomew, ApostleII
27Monica (378), Mother of Augustine of HippoIV
28Augustine of Hippo (430), Bishop and DoctorIV
29The Beheading of John the BaptistIV
31Aidan (651), BishopIV
2Lucian Tapiedi (1942), Missionary and Martyr,
and the Martyrs of Papua New Guinea (1901 & 1942)V
3Gregory the Great (604), Bishop and DoctorIV
8The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin MaryIV
10William Salesbury (1584), Translator, and
William Morgan (1604), Bishop and TranslatorV
11Deiniol (6th century), BishopIV
13Cyprian (258), Bishop, Doctor and MartyrIV
14Holy CrossII
16Ninian (c 430), BishopIV
20Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Australasia & the PacificV
21Matthew, Apostle and EvangelistII
25Sergei of Radonezh (1392), AbbotV
26Lancelot Andrewes (1626), BishopV
27Vincent de Paul (1660), PriestV
29Michael and All AngelsII
30Jerome (420), DoctorIV
4Francis of Assisi (1226), FriarIV
6William Tyndale (1536), Translator and MartyrV
9Cynog (5th century), AbbotV
13Edward the Confessor (1066), KingV
14Esther John (1960), Missionary and MartyrV
15Teresa of Avila (1582), Teacher of the FaithIV
16Daniel Rowland (1790), Priest and PreacherV
17Ignatius (c 117), Bishop and MartyrIV
18Luke, EvangelistII
19Henry Martyn (1812), Pastor, Translator and MissionaryV
23James of Jerusalem, BishopIV
25Lewis Bayley (1631), Bishop and WriterV
26Alfred (899), KingV
28Simon and Jude, ApostlesII
30Richard Hooker (1600), Priest and Teacher of the FaithV
31Catholic and Protestant Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation EraV
1All SaintsI
2All SoulsII
3The Martyrs and Confessors of our TimeV
orWinifred (7th century), AbbessV
4The Saints and Martyrs of the Anglican CommunionV
5Cybi (6th century), AbbotIV
6Illtud (5th century), AbbotIV
7Richard Davies (1581), Bishop and TranslatorV
8The Saints of WalesIV
10Leo (461), Bishop and DoctorV
11Martin (c 397), BishopIV
12Tysilio (6th century), AbbotV
13Charles Simeon (1836), Priest and Teacher of the FaithV
14Dyfrig (6th century), BishopIV
15The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of North AmericaV
16Margaret of Scotland (c 1045), QueenV
17Hugh (1200), BishopV
18Hilda (680), AbbessV
19Elizabeth of Hungary (1231), PrincessV
21Paulinus (5th century), AbbotV
22Cecilia (c230), MartyrV
23Clement (c 100), BishopV
25John Donne (1631), Priest and PoetV
29Vigil and Day of Intercession for the Mission of the ChurchIV
30Andrew, Apostle, Patron Saint of ScotlandII
1Nicholas Ferrar (1637), DeaconV
2The Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of AsiaV
3Francis Xavier (1552), MissionaryV
6Nicholas (c 342), BishopV
7Ambrose (397), Bishop and DoctorIV
8Cynidr (6th century), BishopV
13Lucy (304), MartyrV
14John of the Cross (1591), Priest, Poet and Teacher of the FaithIV
17O Wisdom!IV
18O Adonai!IV
19O Root of Jesse!IV
20O Key of David!IV
21O Dayspring!IV
22O King of the nations!IV
23O Emmanuel!IV
26Stephen, Deacon and First MartyrII
27John, Apostle and EvangelistII
28The InnocentsII
29Thomas of Canterbury (1170), Bishop and MartyrIV
30Tathan (6th century), AbbotV
31John Wycliffe (1384), Priest and TranslatorV
Ember days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in the week before Advent 3, Lent 2, and the nearest Sunday to 29 June and 29 September.
Notes on the Calendar
The classification of the Calendar into five groups does not indicate the importance but priority. When two holy days fall on the same day, the feast with the lower number takes precedence. Holy Days and Festivals in groups I and II should always be celebrated and those in group II which are displaced are normally celebrated on the next available day but may be celebrated on any convenient day before the next Sunday. If St David falls on Ash Wednesday it is transferred to the previous day.Lesser Festivals and Commemorations in groups IV and Vare optional and are not normally transferred.
Groups I, II and III: The Eucharist and Daily Offices are of the day, normally with lectionary provision. Daily Eucharistic provision is omitted and Daily Office material may be combined on the preceding and/or following weekday. The collect used is that of the day.
Groups IV and V: The Daily Offices are of the ordinary day or season, and the collect is normally that of the week although the collect of the day may be used, especially if there is not a celebration of the Eucharist that day. At weekday celebrations of Lesser Festivals in group IV the Daily Eucharist readings are normally used but may be replaced by proper readings. At weekday celebrations of Commemorations in group V the Daily Eucharist readings are normally used.
A Patronal Festival, Feast of Title, Dedication Festival or Provincial, Diocesan, Ecumenical celebration or Harvest Thanksgiving (traditionally around the first Sunday of October) may take precedence of any Sunday or other observance in groups III - V.
Octaves are observed at the feasts of Christmas and Easter only. Easter-tide begins on Easter Eve and ends on the Day of Pentecost.
The Collect: It should be normal to use one collect of the day, as appropriate to the lections in use. The Post Communion prayer is optional and matches the collect.
The Liturgical Colours
Sundays and Seasons - Advent in PURPLE; Christmas Day to Candlemas (2nd February) in WHITE; 3rd February to Shrove Tuesday in GREEN; Ash Wednesday until eve of Palm Sunday in PURPLE (although PASSION RED may be worn for Passion SundayPASSION RED is a dark mulberry red as distinct from the more Pentecostal red); Palm Sunday and Holy Week in PASSION RED or PURPLE, except the Eucharist on Maundy Thursday in WHITE. Lenten array may be worn during Lent or just in Holy Week; Easter Day to the eve of Pentecost in WHITE; Pentecost Sunday in RED; Trinity Sunday in WHITE and the Monday after Pentecost to eve of Advent Sunday in GREEN (with RED as optional for Kingdom Season). Christ the King in WHITE.
Holy Days - Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Joseph of Nazareth, Birth of John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, Transfiguration, Michael and All Angels, John the Evangelist, Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion in WHITE;Apostles and Evangelists, Holy Cross Day, Holy Innocents in RED;All Souls’ Day in PURPLE (or Black);Lesser Festivals (IV) in RED (for Martyrs) or WHITE or the colour of the season;Commemorations (V) normally in the colour of the seasonbut RED (for Martyrs) or WHITE may be used if desired.