SPANISH 205TERM 6, 2015
Professor Marcela Ochoa-Shivapour Office Hours:
318 College Hall M-T and Th: 3:00-4:00; M, W, Th, F 11-12 or by appointment
phone: 4440
Spanish 205 Topics & Encounters in Hispanic Culture is a review of basic grammar
with special emphasis on the topic of immigration. The course is designed
to continue developing your abilities in the Spanish language through cultural
components, such as readings, movies, oral presentations, and class discussions. All
classes will be conducted in Spanish.
Your goal is correct self-expression in Spanish as well as understanding of both
written and spoken Spanish. You should prepare lessons ALOUD whenever possible.
Studying with classmates is also recommended.
The course will be enriched with materials on the Internet and exercises done at the
Humanities Multimedia Classroom. Oral presentations and cultural communicative
situations will also be an important part of our class environment.
Educational Outcomes:
SPA 205 supports the Educational Priorities and Outcomes of Cornell College with emphasis on knowledge, inquiry, reasoning, communication, and intercultural literacy.
M-F: 9:00-11:0 0, and M-Th: 1:00-3:00
3 Exams (35%)
Daily Quizzes (10%)
Class Participation (10%)
Homework (10%)
Oral Work (15%)
Final Project (10%)
Compositions (10%)
Grade Scale: A (100-93) A- (92-90) B+ (89-87) B (86-83) B- (82-80) C+ (79-77) C (76-73) C- (72-70) D+ (69-67) D (66-63) D- (62-60) F (59...)
The accelerated pace of an intensive course supposes no absences. Only faculty
Approved absences and official medical excuses are valid. In general, if you miss more
than two full days you should discuss dropping the course with the professor. Your daily
attendance (morning and afternoon sessions) and class participation are key elements in
you final grade. After one unexcused absence, your grade will drop a full letter grade.
Grade will continue to drop for every additional unexcused absence.
The assignments must be done BEFORE class. The class is devoted mainly to
practicing the grammar points, learning more related vocabulary, and participating in
communicative activities. Use pencil or blue/black pen for assignments and tests.
Homework is due at 9 am. Late Homework will not be accepted.
Compositions are an in-class assignment. You should bring dictionaries. Topics will
be based on themes discussed previously or movies watched in class. Compositions
should be written on every other line to allow for corrections. A second draft should be
stapled to the corrected first draft the day after the first draft is returned to you.
There will be NO make-up quizzes, exams or compositions.
You should plan to spend at least three or four hours daily studying, preparing for
class, and doing homework. If you spend less than this amount of time on this course,
do not complain to the professor about low grades or difficult assignments. Before
coming to class, review grammar and vocabulary, familiarizing yourself with the
materials we will be covering that day.
In groups of two, all of you will be responsible for facilitating discussion of topics,
vocabulary, grammar activities, and short presentations about the assigned readings.
The final oral presentation (exam) will be in Spanish of course, and you will be asked
to talk about a topic pre-approved by your professor. Details will be provided later.
No cell phones or laptops allowed in class.
Cornell College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all
students. If you have a documented learning disability and will need any
accommodation in this course, you must request the accommodation(s) from [the
instructor of the course] as early as possible, and no later than the third day of the term.
Additional information about the policies and procedures for accommodation of
learning disabilities is available on the Cornell web site at:
If academic dishonesty occurs (cheating or plagiarism), you will get a “0” in the assigned
work. Further penalties and a final grade of “F” are probable. Please, read Cornell
College’s policies on Academic Dishonesty at
1. Come to class every day.
2. Pay attention and ask questions.
3. Do your job. If you feel lost after spending hours in a subject, look for help.
Form a study group. Visit your professor. Look for a tutor at the writing studio.
4. Diversify the way you study: write cards with vocabulary, use charts to visualize
irregular verbs.
5. Keep track of your mistakes. Ask your professor to explain further why you keep
making the same mistakes. I will be happy to meet with you and help you
individually during my office hours.
6. Practice grammar and/or vocabulary creating your own quizzes. Share with other
7. Get involved in the Spanish ‘community’ at Cornell College. Attend, if possible,
the activities of the Spanish Club, OLA, or the Adjunct Conversation and/or
Adjunct Spanish Play course. Listen to Spanish music. Watch movies or TV in
Spanish. Try to talk and think in Spanish rather than translating every single
8. Be positive and enjoy the next 31/2 weeks! I hope we will have a great time
FebLunes 9 / AM / Introducción a la clase.
(handout) / Vamos a conocernos!
Actividad: “Yo soy yo y miscircunstancias”.
PM / Gramática: ser y estar
Lab 1-3
(Peer editing, Soy…) / Repasarusos de verbosser y estar
Mart10 / AM / Tema:La estatua de la libertad.
(Poema de Lazarus) / Ver el siguiente video y contestarlaspreguntas:
- Cuáles el problemaquecausó la llegada de la estatua a los EEUU?
- Cuántasciudades (cuáles) quieren la estatua?
- Porquéfueimportante Pulitzer para la estatua?
- Cuántoshombrestrabajaronhaciendo el pedestal?
- Cuálfue el modelo para la cara de la estatua? (dice la gente)
- Con quénombre se conoció a la estatua?
- Cuántosanosdemoró la estatuaenoxidarse y obtener el color verde?
Tomar el quiz
PM / Lab1-3
Gramática :Por/para / Un pocomássobre la estatua de la libertad
Miérc 11 / AM / Tema: La inmigración, generalidades / Leer:
Los inmigrantesen Chile
PM / Lab 1-3
Gramática :Gustar / Repasarusos de gustar: quiz
Juev12 / AM / Tema:Hablando sobre inmigración.
Lab10-11 / Tarea: leer las etapas de la inmigración:
Reflexiona y explica con ejemplos las diferentes etapas. Etapas.
Repasar el pretérito y el imperfecto.
Tomar quiz:
PM / Película
Viern13 / AM / Tema:¡Viva la diferencia!Estereotipos
Gramática:Más pret/imperfecto
Lab 10-11 / Tarea:
1. Traerejemplos de estereotipos de revistas,televisión, etc.
2. Leer:
a)Escribe 10 estereotipos sobre los norteamericanos.
b)Escribe una breve composición sobre el tema ¿Qué es ser americano?
Leer: Los mitos de la inmigración.
Lunes 16 / AM / EXAMEN 1
PM / Composición 1
Mart17 / AM / Tema: Otrasinmigraciones: El Magreb
Gramática: ComplementosDirecto e Indirecto
Lab 10-11 / Leer:
Leer transcripción de El Viaje de Said. Luego, ver el video:
-Repaso de Complementodirecto e Indirecto:
-Tomar quiz:
PM / Película
Miérc18 / AM / Debate sobre inmigración
Lab 10-11 / Leer:
-Leer cuento: No queremos inmigrantes:
Práctica de futuro y condicional
Tomar quiz:
(Salma cuenta)
PM / Tema: análisis de poesíasaharaui (análisisengrupos) /
Juev19 / AM / Tema:La inmigración latina a los EEUU.
Gramática: Modo Subjuntivo
Lab 10-11 / Ver video:
Práctica del subjuntivo influencia, duda y emoción:
Hacer quiz
Hacer quiz
PM / Tema: Poemas, reflexión(Presentacióngrupal)
-Spanglish / Leer: Spanghish
Viern20 / AM / Gramática : Subjuntivo No conocido
Lab 10-11 / Repaso del subjuntivo no conocido:
Ejercicios de escritura
Lunes 23 / AM / Tema: SerAmericano
Repasogramatical : lascláusulasadverbiales
Lab 10-11 / Leer:
(OJO: leer la experiencia de las migraciones argentina y colombiana)
Tarea: Escribir una composición sobre qué es ser americano.
Hacer quiz
PM / Composición 2
Mart 24 / AM / Repaso GramáticalCláusulas Adverbiales II
Lab 10-11 / Leer:
(Los EEUU por dos lenguas, Carlos Fuentes)
Repaso de cláusulasadverbiales #2:
PM / Película
Miérc 25 / AM / Tema:Inmigración en los EEUU situación actual /
- Buscarnoticiassobreinmigraciónrecienteenlasnoticias
- Leer:
- Leer:
Ver video:
PM / Gramática: Práctica de las Cláusulas Adverbialesy Secuencia de Tiempos
Lab 1-3
Juev 26 / AM / Actividades
Cláusulas con si
Lab 10-11 / Leer: Mario Vargas Llosa, Los Inmigrantes
Leer vocabulario y contestarlaspreguntas:
PM / Resumen de la clase
Lab 1-3
Viern27 / AM / Historias de Inmigración / Leer algunosartículos de los siguientessitios y venirpreparado/a para hacerunapresentaciónenclasesobreunahistoria.
Obrateatral “La maleta” Englert Theatre, Iowa City.
6:30 PM
Lunes 2 / AM / TBA
Mart 3 / AM / Presentaciones Orales
PM / Presentaciones Orales
Miérc 4 / AM / Examen Final