Department of Medical Biochemistry
For Dentistry Faculty
1.Laboratories in biochemistry are conducted in accordance to the plan provided by the Dean with the teaching load of 30 hours of lectures, 60 hoursof laboratories and 10 hours of auditorial classes.
2.During the first laboratory the students are acquainted with laboratory regulations, safety instruction, course organization and requirements necessary to complete the course.
3.In order to obtain a credit for biochemistry it is compulsory to:
properly conduct the experiments designed in the course plan(taking into account §13 subparagraph 4 of Wrocław Medical University Regulations of Studies “Student has a right to miss up to 10% of obligatory classes in a given subject without giving any explanation of the absence and without the necessity to repeat these classes”).
return all the laboratory equipment and leave the working station in order after each laboratory.
get a credit for all laboratory reports
obtain a credit for all entry tests
actively participate in seminars/auditorial classes
obtain a positive grade for semestral laboratory exams covering both theoretical and practical material.
4.Laboratory exams are taken:
in a written form at the end of each laboratory section and covering both practical and theoretical material pertaining to a given section. Points obtained from these tests will count for first term of semestral lab exam (max 5% for each test).
in a written form (short open questions and/or test), during the last classes of each semester and embracing theoretical as well as practical material covering the whole semester.
repeat of the semestral laboratory exam (second term) will take place in a week following semestral lab exam
the date of the third term for the students who took the lab exam twice and did not obtain a positive grade or were absent due to important (certified) reasons will be set after consultations with students but no later than last week of classes in a semester.
5.Students' attendance at the classes is compulsory. The leave of absence certificate must be presented to the person supervising the classes on the first classes after the cessation of the cause of absence. The laboratories on which the student was absent because of justified reasons must be conducted at a later, designated date (taking into account §13 subparagraph 4 of Wrocław Medical University Regulations of Studies).
6.The student, who didn't complete some of the laboratories can conduct them in the last week of classes in a given semester. The right to repeat the laboratories is granted to students who:
didn't get a satisfactory result of the experiment.
were absent from the classes because of the justified reasons (leave of absence).
have maximum 3 uncredited absences.
7.A credit for all laboratories, seminars/auditorial clases and semestral lab exams is a prerequisite for participation in final exam in biochemistry.
8.Final exam in biochemistry is in a form of a test consisting of both single-choice and open questions (both first term,second-chance and athird term exam).
The students who want to take the exam earlier, can participate in pre-term exam, taking place before the beginning of the examination session (according to §30 subparagraph 4 of Wrocław Medical University Regulations of Studies), which is also in a test form and counts as a first term of the exam.
9.Students cannot possess phones or any other electronic or multimedial devices (even switched off) during the time of any examinations. Possession of such devicesor using any prohibited help or materials will result not only in a negative grade without no discussion as to the reasons of their presence but also in a lack of credit for the WHOLE SUBJECT and necessity to repeat the WHOLE SUBJECT. The Dean will also be informed about the attempt of cheating by a student, which is considered a serious transgression against the University rules (according to §29 subparagraph 4 of Wrocław Medical University Regulations of Studies).
10.The student, who, because of justified reasons, is not present on the first term of final exam should inform the person responsible for the exam within three working days from the date of the examabout the reason of absence (taking into account §31 subparagraphs 15-16 of Wrocław Medical University Regulations of Studies).
The original of leave of absence should be left in the Dean Office and a copy at the secretarial office of the Department immediately after the cessation of the cause of absence.
In case the leave of absence is considered justified the student is assigned a new exam date during the examination session or, in a case of prolonged illness, during the second-chance session.
11.All the information concerning the program, organization and plan of course as well as the terms of course evaluation is accessible to Students on information boards in the Medical Biochemistry Department and on the Internet page
12.The above rules of Medical Biochemistry Department Internal Regulations are based on "Wrocław Medical University studies Regulations " approved by the University Senate for academic year 2017/2018