Time flies and when it’s gone, it’s gone!

Page Production Days: conducting more effective and efficient work period based on a 46- minute class period.

The first 3 minutes of the work period, staff members can focus on themselves. They should get laptop turned on and plugged in if needed, log on to yearbookavenue.com if needed, return and sign back in any pieces of borrowed equipment, complete last minute homework, chat among themselves appropriately, and get out any needed materials. This gives everyone a chance to clear their minds of important “me” stuff and get ready to do some work!

The next 7-10 minutes, staff members devote to staff organization details and announcement updates regarding deadline progress, special circumstances, and a focus on what needs to be accomplished both today and long term. This may also include direct instruction from the teacher regarding new information, new techniques, and other creative tools. Editors share the responsibility for keeping this 10-minute meeting topical and timely. During this time, staff members make sure they know what they have to do during “it” time.

During this 30 minute time span, editors work with staff members who concentrate on achieving successful results in tasks that will lead to meeting the staff’s deadline. ALL staff members and editors give 100% of their attention to yearbook planning and production.

In the final 3 minutes of the staff time, members tie up any loose ends and clean up the staff room in preparation for the next meeting. Editors and adviser make any last minute announcements.

Staff members must understand they will have homework in yearbook just as they would expect in any other class. Staff will also share the responsibility of “covering” a variety of school events before, during, and after school, as well as, on the weekends. Student life does not have a time limit! Be sure to check your schedules and make arrangements if needed.



Specific job descriptions help guide each staff member.

A well-crafted job description that lists duties and responsibilities will guide each staff member. These elements can enhance each job description:

  • Objectives of the position
  • Job functions, duties, responsibilities and timelines.
  • Supervisory role
  • Qualifications needed
  • Attitude
  • Interaction with other staff members
  • Measurable performance standards

As you evaluate applicants, keep in mind that the leadership traits most valued among yearbook staff members include dedication to the people and publication, open-minded attitude, accepting of new ideas, enthusiasm, consistency, communication skills, vision, knowledge about publication skills and tasks, responsibility, respect of staff members, generosity with praise, trustworthiness, fairness, maturity, strong work ethic, persistence.

An effective and efficient editor provides the staff with a general direction as well as specific focus to each task of the yearbook experience. Editorial leaders are held to a different and higher set of standards than staff members.

Editorial roles and responsibilities range from full staff leadership to more specialized areas of focus.


  • communicates with adviser throughout entire yearbook endeavor to promote learning, planning strategies, production tracking and other decision-making
  • plans and conducts regular staff meetings
  • maintains a master calendar of events
  • brainstorms with staff members to formulate an appropriate theme
  • works with other editors and staff members to incorporate theme throughout the book
  • designs cover, endsheets and all theme pages, including opening, closing and divider pages as well as contents, folios and index/colophon
  • creates a plan to achieve maximum, fair and balanced coverage
  • implements a system to best guarantee that all school individuals (students, faculty, staff) appear in the book three times
  • tracks coverage by student and topic to best guarantee all-inclusiveness
  • plans design and graphics for each part of the book, including content treatment and other graphic considerations
  • formulates story and photo ideas that help tell the story of the year
  • assigns stories and photos when activities and events lend themselves to an accurate, fresh approach to coverage
  • assists reporters and photographers with assignments when necessary
  • oversees production of section spreads
  • edits stories, captions, headlines and design elements before final submission
  • proofs all materials for completeness; checks all facts and name spelling for accuracy
  • works with photo editor in photo selection
  • meets deadlines with accuracy and establishes a system to track deadline progress
  • represents yearbook staff in meetings with school administrators and other student leaders
  • collaborates with other editors to create a positive atmosphere for staff by planning and executing motivational programs, celebrations
  • develops a working relationship with the plant consultants to facilitate page flow through plant
  • monitors Yearbook Avenue


  • plans and executes at least three successful advertising sales campaigns
  • coordinates the planning of and approach to sales
  • sends invoices and collects payment for advertising
  • works with staff to insure complete customer satisfaction with advertising and book sales
  • works with the production editors, adviser and printing plant to insure that all advertisers receive the proper size ads and that all advertising is complete and correct in the yearbook
  • monitors the financial standing of the yearbook at all times
  • plans and executes a successful book sales campaign
  • initiates all yearbook sales and keeps orderly, accurate records
  • sends invoices and collects payment for advertising
  • insures complete customer satisfaction with advertising and book sales
  • works with the production editors, adviser and printing plant to insure that all advertisers receive the proper size ads and that all advertising is complete and correct in the yearbook
  • monitors the financial standing of the yearbook at all times
  • organizes and maintains all aspects of the advertising for the yearbook


  • edits each story, caption and headline thoroughly with each staff member
  • edits pages with other editors before pages are submitted to the plant
  • presents information at meetings that will assist members in writing or editing
  • helps establish content for stylebook
  • reports copy progress to editor and section editors
  • develops a listing of students already quoted in copy to ensure that a maximum of students get covered


  • works with other editors to ensure coverage of activities and events
  • maintains an up-to-date calendar of events so photo opportunities are not missed
  • presents educational information at staff meetings that will assist members with photography
  • assists editor in the visual development of the opening, closing, division or other theme pages
  • manages photo requests documents and reminds staff of photography assignments
  • creates and maintains a filing system for materials
  • develops organization system for filing digital image files
  • maintains inventory of memory cards, card readers and battery chargers
  • handles equipment checkout and tracks repair and maintenance orders


  • assists section editors in designing spreads
  • helps section editors choose graphics that will be a reader’s service, enhancing deserving content
  • develops a method of executing design on computer systems
  • presents educational information at meetings that will help staff with production
  • posts an accurate example of each section, opening, divider and closing pages, detailing type and graphic specifications by creating a visual style sheet
  • assists in staff training of computer software and/ or production process like file management and page envelopes
  • checks pages for production accuracy prior to plant submission
  • photocopies or prints staff copy of pages before plant submission; keeps organized system of these pages
  • facilitates the proofing process to best guarantee accuracy