Scalby School Governing Body
Finance and General Purposes Committee.
Wednesday 10th June 2014 meeting at 6.45 pm
Item / Minute / Action /FGP
14/76 / Attendance. Individuals present shown in bold type.
Committee members underlined
Local Authority Governors Mr J Scoble (JS) (Committee Chair), Mr R Cannon (RC), Mr A Backhouse (AB)
Community Governors Mr M Goode (MG), Mrs S Williamson (SW) (Committee Chair), Mr P Noble (PN).
Parent Governors Mrs S Hartley (SH), Mr G Casper (GC), Mr A Newton (AN), Mr A Robson (AR), Mrs C Wareing (CW).
Staff Governors Mr D Read (DR) (Head Teacher), Mrs S Cammish (SC), Mr C Robertson (CR)
School staff Mr M McCluskie (MM) (Deputy Head Teacher), Mr B Evans (BE) (Assistant Head Teacher), Mrs M Garfield (MG2) (Assistant Head Teacher), Mr N Penn (NP) (Business Manager)
Local Authority Officers
Clerk Mr. R Hobson (RH)
Mr P Roberts
14/77 / Joint session with School Improvement Committee
1. Staffing update
1.1. The school is fully staffed for September. Governors welcomed this.
1.2. Induction programmes for new colleagues have been arranged.
2. Combined Cadet Force
2.1. The Ministry of Defence require cadet forces to be accessible to students through to the age of 18. Negotiations with post 16 partner schools are under way to see if this can be achieved.
3. Academy status.
3.1. Two reports had been circulated to governors. The Head Teacher used the screen to give a presentation on this matter.
3.2. He described the new political landscape and the drive for all schools, particularly secondary schools, to become academies. He reviewed the local situation, and described the possibility for change and the potential impact on Scalby School.
3.3. He reviewed the types of academies that are available. This included being part of a collaborative teaching alliance, or an established chain under a sponsor.
3.4. Governors noted that there are both positive and negative effects of departing from the Local Authority. Partnership with other schools would support professional development, including the potential to train and develop teachers within the school. The Local Authority have significantly less resources to support professional development in future. There would be a potential short fall in Local Authority capital financing for building projects, and the funding of a lead practitioner for the coastal area.
3.5. Governors recognised the positive advantages of making a decision on the school’s own terms. An enforced change could remove the ultimate decision making authority away from the local community.
3.6. Governors recognised the changing situation regarding academisation. Governors authorised the Head Teacher to register an interest, and to lead a team of colleagues to commence due diligence, to prepare for the process of academisation. A final decision would be taken at a future Full Governing Body Meeting.
4. Governing Body re-constitution update
4.1. Two parents have been nominated for the 2 parent governor posts and will therefore fill the vacancies. The 5 core members of the new Governing Body will meet prior to the next Full Governing Body Meeting to consider the appointment of the co-opted members. They would consider the skills analysis previously completed. Any unfilled vacancies could be filled by further recruitment in the autumn term.
o Co-option and the election of Chair, would take place at the end of the final Full Governing Body Meeting of the current Governing Body on 8th July.
14/78 / Apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Mr Caspar. Governors agreed consent.
14/79 / Declaration of interest
To invite governors to declare any interest in matters which are the subject of, or are connected with, any item of business on the agenda.
No declarations made.
14/80 / Confidential agenda items
To consider if an agenda items need to be treated as confidential and excluded from the published minutes. None Selected
14/81 / Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising.
The minutes of the meetings of the committee held on 13th May 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
14/82 / Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered on this agenda.
14/83 / Policies and statutory documents
Review and approve the following policies: -
1. Educational visits
1.1. The Deputy Head Teacher had consulted with the Local Authority’s Education Visits co-ordinator on the matter of funding for disadvantaged students. The document had been amended in the light of the discussion. Latest Local Authority guidance on supervision rates had also been included.
1.2. An additional section had been included to cover matters pertaining to the new Combined Cadet Force.
1.3. Governors re-approved the policy for use in school.
2. CCTV in school – new
2.1. This is a new school policy drawing on best practice elsewhere. The appendix identifies the current and proposed locations.
2.2. Governors noted the potential for concern by parents of the new locations within toilet areas. The Business Manager noted that there are still images available to show anyone concerned the scope of each camera installed.
2.3. Governors approved the policy for use in school. Governors agreed to review this every 2 years.
3. E mail protocol. Staff guide to acceptable use of ICT
3.1. This has been updated to reflect changes in social media.
3.2. The document would now be reviewed by a governor with legal expertise in order to identify any concerns re-liability of the school for use of school equipment.
3.3. Governors approved the policy for use in school.
4. Publications
4.1. This was presented unchanged for periodic review. It is the County model and has proved appropriate and effective.
4.2. Governors re-approved the policy for use in school. / Head
14/84 / Finance
1. Review any urgent budgetary matters.
1.1. There had been a full review of the current budget at the May meeting. The Business Manager confirmed that there are no significant concerns.
1.2. The Local Authority are having problems with the software that provides centrally recorded expenditure, including salaries. The Business Manager confirmed that reports had only arrived earlier in the day, and there were no significant problems.
14/85 / Premises and Grounds
1. Building development programme.
1.1. The upgrade to science labs is currently in the Local Authority’ funding plan for 2016. The school’s contribution to the development project would be replacement ceilings and lights. This would be carried out this summer. Governors welcomed this.
1.2. There would be 2 improvement projects carried out within the budget allocations already approved. They are: -
o New classroom furniture and storage due to an increased need for teaching areas.
o New chairs for the main school hall.
1.3. An additional project was proposed that would require an additional allocation. It involves the change of furniture in a computer suite to allow it to be also used as a general teaching classroom. The furniture would store the screens when not in use, and support them on display when required. The overall cost would be around £20k, but there is potential to make a contribution of up to £10k, due to negotiating a better price for the replacement computers. Governors approved the additional project.
14/86 / Health and Safety
1. Inspection Reports
1.1. The site inspection, and Health and Safety audit had taken place on 14th May. The Business Manager explained that the report had not yet been received. Verbal feedback at the time had not identified anything of major concern. A new risk assessment for the use of the playground had been requested, and since been completed.
14/87 / Head Teacher items
Contained in the joint session with the School Improvement Committee.
14/88 / Standing items
1. Educational visits Review and approve any proposed overseas visits.
1.1. There were no new trips requiring approval.
2. Academy status
2.1. Refer to joint session
3. Safeguarding
3.1. There were no matters of concern to report. The storage of files and records are being re-organised to make them more accessible.
1489 / Educational visits
The annual summary report of completed visits was shared with governors. Governors welcomed the wide range of activities on offer to the students. Governors noted the affordability of even the most expensive trips.
14/90 / Urgent Items agreed by the Chair.
14/91 / Dates of future meetings
Full Governing Body Meetings at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 8th July.