The Midland Counties Field Trial Society Novice Retriever Field Trial at The Luton Hoo Estate
The Midland Counties Field Trial Society held its first 14 dog Novice Retriever Field Trial onTuesday 22nd September 2015 at the Luton Hoo Estate and by kind invitation of Messrs Edward Phillips and Paul Wills
The judges were Messrs. J.L Stubbs (A134) G.O Stanley (B1920) J.Chattaway (NP) and N.Clitheroe (NP) and the dogs competed for The Alington Challenge Trophy (Winner) The Ayres Tankard (Guns Choice)
Dodson & Horrell Limited through their "CHUDLEYS" product had once again most generously agreed to sponsor the prize money for all of the Society’s stakes and all winners received a bag of "CHUDLEYS".
The day started with a drive in mixed terrain; enough birds were down to allow the judges to assess the dogs through to the second round. Our Steward of the Beat Mr Paul Willstook great care to ensure the numbers of partridges more than met our needs. The weather was generally kind to us after an hour of drizzle we enjoyed generally dry though fairly cool conditions.
The judges took eight dogs through to the next round and we awaited another drive with guns, judges and dogs positioned on two sides of a wood through which the beaters drove the birds. As before, the drive provided plenty of game and allowed the judges to test the dogs on open farmland and maize crop. After a further four rounds and some excellent dog work which was truly enjoyable to watch, the decision was made and we decamped back to the estate’s shooting lodge.
The results were as follows –
1st and Winner of theAlington Challenge Trophy (Winner) and theAyres Tankard (Guns Choice)Mr Peter Bates with his Labrador Bitch Levenghyl Okie Dokie
2nd Mr Lee Hartis with his Labrador Dog Troddenmills Beck and Call of Leacaz
3rd Mrs Amy Bates with her Labrador Dog Levenghyl Rock ‘n’ Roll
COM Mr John Keegan with his Labrador Bitch Geordieland Norma Jean
Congratulations to the winner and to all in the awards and a very special thank you to everyone who supported this trial – we enjoyed the welcome of an excellent host, a team of good humoured honourable judges and a fabulous show of birds from our keeper supported by a great team of guns – thank you to all who made this a very enjoyable day.