This is the template for your interactive GREENscience folder. Since we do not have a textbookthis year, it is VERY important that your folder looks EXACTLY like this. You may copy this model into your folder.
The first page is your title page—personalize this page, use colors, make it YOUR own! The table of contents starts on the next sheet of looseleaf. DO NOT start the table of content on the back of your title page. Often the title page/cover sheet rips out over time. YOU can make a NEW title page when it wears out or tears over the school year. You should number the first page of your table of contents 1-25. Put the even numbers on the left side of the page, and the odd numbers on the right side of the page. This means 1 starts on the right column. Skip lines in between each number. Continue this on the next page with numbers 26-51, the next page with 52-77, and the last page of the table of contents with 78-103. See the template below for further clarification. ORGANIZE for SUCCESS!!
My Interactive Science Folder
Ms. Crane
2017 - 2018
Table of Contents
Left Page (even #s) / Right Page (odd #s)1. Syllabus 8/14
2. Remind 8/14 / 3. Lab Safety
Activity 8/16
4. Lab Safety Parent Letter 8/16 / 5. Engagement:
Solar Eclipse 8/16
6.Lunar Cycle Exploration Station 8/22 / 7. Lunar Cycle Notes 8/24
8. Describe the Phases 8/24 / 9. Lunar Cycle Model 8/24
10. Moon phases Calendar 8/28 / 11.HW: Moon Phases 8/22
12. Lunar & Solar Eclipses Explore It! 8/30 / 13. Eclipse Notes 9/1
14. Solar & Lunar Eclipses
9/1 / 15. HW: Eclipse 9/6
16. Seasons Exploration Stations 9/6 / 17. Seasons Summary 9/6
18. Describe Rotation & Revolution 9/8 / 19.Seasons Notes 9/8
20. Seasons Model 9/8 / 21. HW: Seasons 9/12
22. / 23.
24. / 25.
Table of Contents
Left Page (even #s) / Right Page (odd #s)26. / 27.
28. / 29.
30. / 31.
32. / 33.
34. / 35.
36. / 37.
38. / 39.
40. / 41.
42. / 43.
44. / 45.
46. / 47.
48. / 49.
50. / 51.
Table of Contents
Left Page (even #s) / Right Page (odd #s)52. / 53.
54. / 55.
56. / 57.
58. / 59.
60. / 61.
62. / 63.
64. / 65.
66. / 67.
68. / 69.
70. / 71.
72. / 73.
74. / 75.
76. / 77.
Table of Contents
Left Page (even #s) / Right Page (odd #s)78. / 79.
80. / 81.
82. / 83.
84. / 85.
86. / 87.
88. / 89.
90. / 91.
92. / 93.
94. / 95.
96. / 97.
98. / 99.
100. / 101.
102. / 103.
Syllabus 8/14 & 8/15 pg 1
Pg 2 Remind 8/14 & 8/15
Lab Safety Activity 8/16 & 8/17 pg 3
Pg 4 Lab Safety Parent Letter 8/16 & 8/17
Engagement Solar Eclipse 8/16 8/17 Pg5
What do you know?
What 3 questions do you have about this video?
What would you like to learn about this video?
Unit 1: Earth’s Place in the Universe
Develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun-Moon system to describe the reoccurring patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.
Pg 6 Lunar Cycle Explore Stations 8/22 & 8/23
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______
Lunar Cycle Exploration Stations
Watch It!
Question # 1: ______
Question # 2:______
Question # 3:______
Read It!
Question # 1: ______
Question # 2:______
Question # 3:______
Explore It!
Task Card # 3 ______
Task Card # 4 ______
Illustrate It!
Organize It!
Task Card # 2______
Write It!
Task Card # 1 ______
Task Card # 2 ______
Task Card # 3 ______
Probe It!
Question # 1: ______
Question # 2:______
Question # 3:______
Assess It!
Question # 1: ______
Question # 2:______
Question # 3:______
Question # 4:______
Lunar Cycle Notes 8/24& 8/25 Pg 7
Pg 8 Describe the Phases 8/24& 8/25
Describe what the term waxing means.The light is getting larger from theright side of the moon. / Describe what the term waning means.
The visible light is getting smaller on the left side of the moon.
Describe the light on a waxing moon.
The visible light is on the right side of the moon. / Describe the light on a waning moon.
The visible light is on theleft side of the moon.
Describe a crescent shape and draw one.
A crescent shape describes thelight when it looks like a silver or small piece of the moon. / Describe a gibbous shape and draw one.
A gibbous shape describes the light when it’s more than half waylit. It is football shaped.
Lunar Cycle Model 8/24& 8/25 Pg 9
Pg 10 Moon Phases Calendar 8/28 & 8/29
HW: Moon Phases 8/22 & 8/23 Pg11
Pg 12 Lunar & Solar Eclipses Explore It!
8/30 & 8/31
Eclipse Notes 9/19/5 Pg 13
Pg 14 Solar & Lunar Eclipses 9/19/5
HW: Eclipses 9/69/7 Pg 15
Pg 16 Seasons Exploration Stations 9/69/7
Seasons Summary 9/69/7 Pg 17
Pg 18 Describe Rotation & Revolution 9/8 & 9/11
Seasons Notes 9/89/11 Pg19
Pg 20 Seasons Model 9/89/11
HW: Seasons 9/12 & 9/13 Pg 21