On behalf of the Dick & Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences of Texas A&M University-Kingsville and Alpha Tau Alpha, National Professional Honorary Agricultural Education Organization, we would like to invite you and your membership to participate in the ATA-TAMUK Agricultural Mechanics Project Show. We hope this grows into a premier event with your help and support for years to come.
Jerome Tymrak, Project Show Coordinator
Agriculture, Agribusiness, Environmental Sciences
MSC 228
Kingsville, Texas 78363
University phone: 361-593-3808
Cell phone: 361-215-6376
Fax #: 361-593-3788
Entry Deadline: Friday, April 23, 2012
Place: Texas A&M University-Kingsville Campus,
Move In: Monday, April 30, 2012 beginning at 7:30 a.m.
In Place By: Monday, April 30, 2012, 9:30 a.m.
Judging: Monday, April 30, 2012, 10:00 a.m.
Awards: Monday, April 30, 2012, 1 hour after completion of all judging
Entry Fee: $25.00 per project, meals included.
Please send one check.
Make checks payable to TAMUK ATA
Mail entry forms & check to address shown above. Thanks.
*Ribbons & cash and/or prizes will be awarded during the show.
**Noon Meal will be provided.
Special Rules for TAMUK ATA Agricultural Mechanics Project Show
1. Eligible Entries: Entries are limited to Texas FFA & 4-H members. Projects exhibited must have been constructed by FFA & 4-H members, either as part of their agricultural mechanics instruction in agriculture science class or as part of their supervised work experience program.
2. Ownership: Project may be individually or group constructed and may be individually or chapter owned.
3. Club Entries: Entries made in the name of FFA Chapters, 4-H Club are not eligible. All entries must be entered in the name(s) of exhibitors who participated in planning and constructing the project.
4. Maximum Entries: No Limit.
5. Construction Date: A project can be exhibited only one time at the TAMUK-ATA Agricultural Mechanics Project Show and must have been constructed within one calendar year and/ or have not exhibited previously in TAMUK/ATA AG. MECHANICS PROJECT SHOW.
6. Project Presentation: All projects must be painted or properly treated and must be cleaned and in a presentable condition even though they may have been used.
7. Plans / Bill of Materials / Photographs / TxDOT Regulations / ASAE Standards: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) regulations are to be provided for all projects (trailers, portable livestock equipment, and tractor equipment) that will be operated on public roads. ASAE standards are to be provided for all mounted and or P.T.O. operated tractor equipment. An original, exhibitor drawn, working plan or drawing; photographs showing stages of construction; bill of materials are required with each project.
8. Tractor Restoration Requirements: Engine projects will be test run on show date and should contain a parts list and photographs of rebuilding process.
9. Signage: All projects are to be identified with standard club exhibitor cards. Additional signs, banners, etc are encouraged. No “For Sale” signs will be permitted.
10. Safety: Appropriate and safe displays must be provided for gates, panels, and other projects that need support. Sharp edges and points, such as found on self-feeder roofs, bale movers, etc., are to be padded or covered as necessary to prevent injury. All trailers and other equipment that is to be operated on or be transported on public roads must be equipped with safety equipment as stated in the latest DOT publication. All three-point hitch and P.T.O. operated equipment is to meet ASAE standard and specifications.
11. Loss or Damage: Neither Texas A&M University-Kingsville, ATA nor the officials of this contest will be responsible for any loss or damage to person or persons.
12. Unloading & Loading Activities: TAMUK/ATA will not provide heavy equipment (front-end loader) to unload or load project(s). Project(s) to heavy to unload can remain on its carrying device.
13. Judging System: Projects will be judged based on the following:
Criteria / Pointsa. Workmanship and Finish / 35
b. Design and Materials Used / 20
c. Degree of Difficulty / 15
d. Plans, Bill of Materials, Photos / 5
e. Showmanship / 25
Total / 100
Tractor will be judged based on the following:
Criteria / Pointsa. Mechanical operation / 40
b. Degree of Difficulty / 10
c. Finish / 10
d. Photos, Parts Lists, Work Done to Engine / 20
e. Showmanship / 20
Total / 100
I. Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Classes
Class I: Hay Handling Equipment (forks, single round bales movers), spray equipment
Class II: Tractor Equipment (mounted and pull type); truck/tractor accessories
Class III: Shop Equipment
II. Livestock and Equipment Classes
Class I: Livestock panels, gates and cattle guards
Class II: Restraining equipment-squeeze chutes, trim chutes, blocking stands, headgates
Class III: Feeders
III. Trailers
Class I: Bumper Pulls – Utility, Implement and stock trailers
Class II: Gooseneck – Utility, Implement and stock trailers
Class III: Multi-bale Trailers (round bale)
IV. Recreation Classes
Class I: Bar-B-Que Pits
Class II: Bar-B-Que Trailer Pits
Class III: Yard Accessories
Class IV: Home Accessories
Class V: Wildlife – deer blinds, feeders, animal traps
V. Tractor Restoration
Class I: Restored Tractors
(All tractors are started and ran at time of judging)
Engine Class is a division on its own. A grand and reserve grand champion will be selected in this division. It will not compete for overall grand and reserve grand champion in the other division.
Ribbons will be awarded to all entries. Blue and red ribbons will be awarded according to judge’s evaluation system and presented at time of judging. Placing ribbons will be awarded during the award ceremonies.
All classes will be placed. Only blue ribbons will be eligible for placing. Champion and Reserve Champion will be selected from each division. Over-all Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of the Show will be selected from the Division champions. Merchandise and or gift cards may be given to Award winners (if available).
Entry Deadline: April 23, 2012Entry Fee: $25.00 per project which includes project entry fee/noon meal
Fill an entry form for each project (make copies of this form as needed.)
Make check payable to TAMUK / ATA
Mail entries to: Jerome Tymrak, TAMUK, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Environmental Sciences
MSC 228, Kingsville, Texas 78363
Project Constructed by: (Circle one) Individual Group
Project Constructed & Exhibited by: Please print names
Exhibitor(s) name Classification: Sr., Jr., Soph, Fr
Description of Project: (include terms commonly used to identify project, dimensions, etc)
Project to be entered in—refer to Project Division Information.
Division: ______; Class Number ______
Chapter /or Club Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______TX Zip:______
E-mail: ______Phone: ______
# Students attending from your chapter, including yourself.
Supervising teacher(s) and/or club leader(s) signatures: