Instructional FOCUS:Based on Robert Marzano’s research, I place a strong emphasis is on vocabulary. Students will learn vocabulary in context using reading texts. Students will then construct original sentences, images and cognitive maps to incorporate their new understanding of the words.
Students will participate in the selection of the texts that we read. There are four required novel titles and numerous short story titles that must be read. The remainder of the reading will be chosen by your student. I encourage parent participation in the selection of these texts. It is also infinitely helpful for parents to read the same books that students read. The connections made based on novel discussions are invaluable.
Assignments and Grade Values:
Bell Work, Journals, Daily Grades, and Homework-50%:
Bell Work is to be kept in the student’s binder, and will be turned in on Fridays. Each entry will be valued 5 points per entry. Answers and responses are shared and discussed in class daily.After bell work is graded, it will be returned to students and place back in their binders by date. This will serve as a working class dictionary.
Journalsare a method of measuring connections to text. I will teach students the format to use for journaling. Journal responses must be thoughtful, text based analysis. An additional informational sheet will be attached as an example of journals. Please sign this form and return it with the syllabus acknowledgment.
Daily Grades will consist of in class assignments and will range in value from 10 to 50 points based on the number and complexity of questions. If daily work is not completed in the allotted class time, it is to be completed at home that evening. All daily work taken home for completion will be due the following day.
Vocabulary Homeworkwill be assigned every Tuesday night of full calendar weeks. Homework will range in value from 20-50 points depending on the length and rigor of the assignment. Homework assignments will be due two class days after the assignment is made. (Tuesday night homework will be due on Thursdays).
Quizzes, Unit Assessments and Projects-35%:
Vocabulary Quizzeswill occur on every Friday of full calendar weeks, and will be worth 50 points.This maintains a predictable weekly structure. Quizzes will consist of a mixture of open responses and matching.
Unit Assessmentswill be given in the form of traditional tests, projects, presentations, and written assessments. This will include quick-writes, multi-media projects, andcreative construct projects. Many assessments will allow for students to choose their method of demonstrating unit mastery.
Semester Final- 15%: in accordance with district policy, the semester final will include all instructional material presented throughout the semester. This will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer responses.
Absent? It is important that students take responsibility for their work and grades. Students must refer to the class calendar for missed assignments. There is also gray hanging folder with copies of handouts from each day of the week. Students will need to ask for clarification if there are any questions. Bell work may be copied from the Bell Work Binder immediately following the absence. It will also be posted on my website weekly as a reference. Missed assessments must be taken within one week of the original assessment day. (Missed a quiz on Friday? It must be taken by 3:00pm on the following Friday).
Late Policy- If a student is present in class when the assignment is due, the following late policy will apply. Late work will be accepted for one week for a maximum possible percentage of half of the original possible points minus missed points.
CeLL PHONES:Cell Phones may be used for academic purposes only. I will give direct instructions on when and how they may be used. There will be no listening to music on ear buds or social media use in my class at any time. If you are in doubt, leave your cell phone off and put away. Failure to follow this expectation will result the following progression of consequences. 1. Teacher warning 2. Phone confiscated to main office and parent contact 3. 1 day ISD 4. Loss of phone privileges at school.
Binder OrganizationClass Supplies:
1. Vocabulary Bell Work1” three ring binder, three dividers, college ruled filler paper,
2. Journalsscience tool bag, a pencil every day, colored pencils/markers
3. Notes and Handoutsor crayons, Pioneer Library card.
Class Procedures:
- Raise your hand. Take turns. Use your words in a kind way. Follow the class expectations below.
- If you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings, quietly sign the tardy sheet and then get to work.
- If you need to get out of your seat or leave the room, please wait until independent work time. To leave the classroom you must raise your hand and have a hall pass ready to be signed.
- Do not disrupt my teaching or the presentations of your fellow students.
- I value our time together and when it is over, I want to say goodbye. I will dismiss you when your area is clean, your materials are properly stored, and you are quiet.
Expectations / Consequences
Be respectful of yourself, others and your school
Be on time to class
Be prepared
Be cooperative with all school staff
Follow all policies and procedures outlined in the school handbook / ·Step 1 -Verbal Warning
·Step 2– Lunch detention
·Step 3-Before/After school detention andparent contact
· Step 4- Office Referral
**Severe misbehavior such as fighting, open defiance of authority, vulgarity, or conduct which threatens the safety of others, will result in an immediate referral to the principal.
My WebPAGE: My webpage, accessed under my name within “Our Staff” on the school website, is updated weekly. It contains bell work and major assignment as well as a weekly agenda.
Contact:You may reach me by e-mail at or by phone at 405-735-4540. I will return e-mails and telephone message as soon as possible. Students may come in before or after school to receive extra assistance or tutoring. Please do let me know if you have set time aside for tutoring or conferencing so that I can resolve possible scheduling conflicts. It is my greatest desire to help all my students succeed!
Grades + Progress ReportS:If you are not yet on Parent Portal, please contact the main office for your login and password. Progress reports are given to students every 3 weeks, and it is the student’s responsibility to give this to his or her parent and have it signed. No initials will be accepted. Students must return signed progress reports to his or her 1st hour teacher on the following school day.
Mrs. Raprich’s Syllabus Acknowledgement: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich by Friday, August 25th.Both the student and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ______Class Period: ______Date: ______
______(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)
Mrs. Raprich’s Syllabus Acknowledgement: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich by Friday, August 25th.Both the student and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ______Class Period: ______Date: ______
______(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)
Mrs. Raprich’s Syllabus Acknowledgement: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich by Friday, August 25th.Both the student and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ______Class Period: ______Date: ______
______(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)
Mrs. Raprich’s Syllabus Acknowledgement: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich by Friday, August 25th.Both the student and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ______Class Period: ______Date: ______
______(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)
Mrs. Raprich’s Syllabus Acknowledgement: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich by Friday, August 25th.Both the student and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ______Class Period: ______Date: ______
______(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)