From the
State of Maryland
Maryland School for the Deaf
Section I: Cover Sheet
Date: May9, 2016
Dear Contractor:
The Maryland School for the Deaf is soliciting for the purchase of a HVAC contract for the Columbia campus equipment.
A.Solicitation Identification:MSD CC640004
B.Solicitation Title:HVAC service contract
C.Procurement Officer:
Tony Middleton
Maryland School for the Deaf
8169 Old Montgomery Rd.
Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
Mailing Address:8169 Old Montgomery Rd.
Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
Telephone (301) 360-2012
Fax (301) 360-1415
D.Bid Due Date:
Bid must be delivered to the office of the Procurement Officer by June7,2016
Before 10:00am at the Denton building located at 8169 Old Montgomery Road
Ellicott City, Maryland 20143.
E.Pre-Bid Conference:
XXXA pre-bid conference will be held on May 24,2016 at 10:00 amat the Columbia Campus - Denton Building located at 8169 Old Montgomery Road, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
Please notify the Procurement Officer at least two (2) business days prior to the conference if you plan to attend so that adequate accommodations can be arranged.
F.Minority Business Enterprises:
Minority Business Enterprises are encouraged and invited to respond to the solicitation notice. The Maryland School for the Deaf actively supports the statewide MBE program and invites the participation of minority businesses in this business opportunity.
G.Solicitation Source:
An offeror who has received this solicitation from a source other that the Procurement Officer should immediately notify the Procurement Officer’s to add its name, address and telephone number to the Procurement officer’s Contractor list. If such an offeror fails to notify the Procurement Officer, the offeror accepts full responsibility for any failure to notify it of any communications, such as Addenda, issued by the Procurement Officer.
End Section I
Offerors should give specific attention to the identification of those portions of their bids that they deem to be confidential, proprietary information or trade secrets and provide any justification of why such materials, upon request, should not be disclosed by the State under the Access to Public Records Act, State Government Article, Title10, Subtitle 6, Annotated Code of Maryland.
By submitting a response to this solicitation, a vendor shall be deemed to represent that it is not in arrears in the payment of any obligation due and owing the State of Maryland, including the payment of taxes and employee benefits, and that it shall not become so in arrears during the term of the contract if selected for contract award.
The Agency reserves the right to cancel this solicitation in whole or in part at any time as provided for in COMAR21.06.02.02.
The Agency reserves the right to reject in whole or in part any proposal as provided for in COMAR21.06.02.03.
The offeror must acknowledge receipt of all amendments, addenda, or changes in this solicitation.
A vendor's proposal is irrevocable for 90 days following the closing date for submissions.
All communications regarding this solicitation are to be made solely through the Procurement Officer or his designee. Only information communicated by the Procurement Officer or his designee shall be the official position of the Agency.
Questions regarding this solicitation may be directed verbally to the Procurement Officer or the designee; however, the Procurement Officer reserves the right to require that the offeror submit the question in writing.
All questions, either verbal or written, should be submitted in a timely manner, i.e. early enough to be received by the Procurement Officer at least two weeks before the bid due date. The Procurement Officer shall, based on the availability of his time to research and communicate an answer, decide whether he can answer an untimely submitted question before the bid due date.
In the event that written questions are submitted, the questions and the answers, as well as any amendments to the solicitation, will be sent to all of the firms on the Procurement Officer's vendor list. If, therefore, a firm receives a copy of this solicitation from a source other than the Procurement Officer, it should notify the Procurement Officer to add its name to the Procurement Officer's vendor list.
1All documents submitted by the offeror must be typewritten or written legibly in ink.
2. All erasures or alterations on any documents submitted by the offeror must be initialed in ink by the offeror.
3.All signatures of the offeror must be in ink.
4.The bid must be submitted in aSEALED envelope, which indicates that it contains a proposal. It is recommended to enter the Solicitation Title and Solicitation Identification on the front of the SEALED envelope.
Any protest regarding this solicitation must be filed in writing with the Procurement Officer only. If the reason for the protest is apparent before the proposal opening, the protest must be filed before the proposal opening. In all other cases, the protest must be filed within 7 calendar days after the reason for the protest is known or should have been known.
The term "filed" means receipt by the Procurement Officer who has issued this solicitation.
The protest must be in writing and must contain (1) the name and address of the protester; (2) the appropriate identification of the solicitation and, if a contract has been awarded, the contract number if it is known; (3) a statement of the reasons for the protest; and (4) any supporting exhibits, evidence, or documents to substantiate any claims unless the documents are not available within the filing time, in which case the date by which the supporting documents are expected to be available is to be noted.
The Procurement Officer will respond to the protest in writing as expeditiously as possible. If the protester wishes to appeal the Procurement Officer's decision, the appeal shall be made to the Maryland Board of Contract Appeals only. The Board of Public Works will not consider a protest or an appeal of a protest.
Unless otherwise stated in SECTION III: SPECIFIC SOLICITATION INFORMATION of this solicitation, multiple or alternate proposals will not be accepted.
Bid will be publicly opened at the time when the bids are due. The bid opening will occur at the address of the Procurement Officer.
Each bidder should complete the BID FORM in this solicitation package and return it with the Bid.
Material, supplies, equipment, or services shall comply in all respects with the Federal Noise Control Act of 1972, where applicable.
The Contractor may not for any period during the contract term, seek to reduce the amount of the Contractor’s income subject to Maryland income tax by payments made to an affiliated entity or an affiliate’s agent for the right to use trademarks, trade names or other tangible property associated with the Contractor. The Contractor agrees that during the course of this contract it shall not make any such royalty or similar payments to any affiliated company; and if not such royalty or similar payments are made, the Contractor and the affiliated company shall file separate Maryland income tax returns and pay their respective Maryland income taxes in such a manner that the Contractor does not claim a deduction against Maryland income tax for such payments, and the affiliated company receiving the royalty or similar payment files Maryland income tax returns and pays Maryland tax, under a formula that reasonably apportions the income of the affiliated company among the states, including Maryland, in which Contractor does business. The Contractor agrees that it us authorized to bind affiliated entities of the terms hereof.
Potential Offerors should be aware that the State Ethics Law, State Government Article, § 15-508, might limit the selected Contractor’s ability to participate in future related procurements, depending upon specific circumstances.
The successful Offeror will provide services to the State and must do so impartially and without any conflicts of interest. The Contractor will be required to complete a Conflict of Interest Affidavit. A copy of this Affidavit is included as ATTACHMENT 1 of this RFP. If the Procurement Officer makes a determination that facts or circumstances exist that give rise to or could in the future give rise to a conflict of interest within the meaning of COMAR, the Procurement Officer may reject an Offeror under COMAR
A. Background:
The Maryland School for the Deaf is soliciting a vendor to provide HVAC service contract.
B. Term of Contract:
Contract period is from July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 for the first 3 months. The contract may be renewed for two (2) additional 3 month periods.
C. Scope of the Work:
Full Preventive Maintenance Service Contract
HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Contract
Contractor is to supply all labor and material to perform the following duties:
•Annually prepare all campus boilers for State inspection after the heating season is over, including cleaning both fire and water sides, installing gauge glasses, gasketing and make necessary repairs to fire box. Clean flue and intake piping as necessary. Maintenance Supervisor will schedule this boiler shut down service annually with awarded contractor.
•Prepare all boilers for seasonal operation in September of each contract year including cleaning and adjusting burners to insure peak efficiency utilizing a Bacharach or similar combustion analyzer, checking all pumps and valves (including relief, control and pressure regulator valves) for leaks and proper operation. Lubricate pumps and motors per recommended practice. Provide the school with a written report of the combustion analyzer report.
•Clean and prepare all campus chillers and cooling towers in March of each contract year. This includes flushing of all water systems, check cooling tower fan belts (replace as necessary) and motors, brushing of all tubes as per manufacturers’ recommendations, cleaning strainers, change water filters, checking pumps, controls and control valves and piping for proper operation. Change oil and dryer filters both external and internal annually. Perform an annual laboratory oil analysis for each chiller. Provide the school with a written report on the oil production. Check Freon levels in each unit and add Freon to appropriate levels. Maintenance Supervisor will schedule this chiller shut down service annually with awarded contractor. Make necessary adjustments to systems to insure that they are operating at maximum efficiency.Perform vibration testing annually and provide MSDC with a written report.
•Provide rates for time and materials if oil change is needed and approved by school
On Call Maintenance:
The Hourly rate will be the rate listed on the bid form for service during normal business hours. For after-hours rate will be the rate listed on the bid form for after-hours service after normal business hours to the noted campus HVAC systems listed in Appendix 1. Rates should be provided for normal working hours as well as after hours, weekend and holiday rates. Contractor will be required to respond to campus within 4 hours of a trouble call.
Examples of typical call include:
•No heat in a campus building
•Chiller will not start
•Boiler not cycling on
•No hot water in dormitory building
Equipment Serviced:
The listing of maintenance tasks and procedures to be performed is not intended to be all Inclusive. Rather, it is intended to be representative of the scope of maintenance service to be provided. Omission of the description of specific task or of identification of specific equipment or system components does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for maintenance of any part of the HVAC systems and all associated operating, distributing and controlling equipment, devices or components.
Contractor shall monitor the performance of the water treatment services monthly to insure that safe chemical levels are maintained. All chemicals used shall have been awarded an EPAC Environmental Protection Agency registration number and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Chemical levels are to be maintained to control and inhibit corrosion, pitting scale formation and biological growth on those metal surfaces in continuous contact with water.
For each preventative or corrective service performed, the Contractor shall provide a written record to the school's maintenance supervisor with the following information:
A.Date of service.
B.Building the work was performed in.
C.Name and signature of service technician.
D.Signature of authorized school representative.
E.Condition of major ATC and chiller systems.
F.Equipment readings and settings made to devices and equipment.
G.Detailed description of work performed.
H.Parts and materials used.
Existing conditions:
The contractor must provide a list of deficiencies at the end of their first inspection/service. Any item not listed as a deficiency at that time the vendor assumes responsibility for the repair/replacement. The school reserves the right to repair/replace or not to repair/replace at that time. The school also can obtain other vendors to provide the corrective measures. The school has the right to verify the list of deficiencies.
A.All replacement parts and materials used shall be new and meet all original equipment manufacturer’s specifications. All approved repairs will be issued a purchase order or credit card approval; no repair work shall begin until approved by MSDC. Test equipment used by the contractor is to be properly calibrated and certified at least annually and certification is to be provided to the school's maintenance supervisor upon request.
B.The Contractor shall coordinate all work with the various trades and suppliers in order to complete the project expeditiously and within the time limits of the contract.
C.All work shall be performed to minimize disruption of Facility operations. Work shall be accomplished during the normal work hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless permission is giving in writing by the Maintenance Supervisor to do otherwise.
D.All work shall be performed in the best and most professional manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades.
E.Throughout the entire project, the Contractor shall maintain the work site in a safe, neat, and orderly manner. The Contractor shall adhere to OSHA-MOSHA regulations throughout the project to insure the safety of his/her employees, state employees, and the public. The Contractor shall take steps to prevent the accumulation of debris at the job site.
F.The Contractor shall provide all signs, barricades, etc., to insure a safe work area throughout the entire project.
G.Emergency service may be required to keep the School operational. Emergency service shall be provided on a twenty-four (24) hour per day, seven (7) days per week basis. The contractor shall respond within four (4) hours on the same day after receiving a request for emergency service by providing a qualified service technician to accomplish necessary emergency repairs. The contractor shall provide one telephone number where a designated representative can be contacted in case of an emergency. The Hourly rate will be the rate listed on the bid form for service during normal business hours. For after-hours rate will be the rate listed on the bid form for after-hours service after normal business hours.
H.The Contractor shall repair any and all damages during the course of this project to the reasonable satisfaction of Maryland School for the Deaf.
I.Appropriate, non-offensive clothing is to be worn by any and all contractors, subcontractors, and their representatives.
J.There is no tobacco use on school grounds.
K.All Contractors must sign in/out, and wear a badge
Experience criteria:
1.The contractor shall have been in the business of servicing ATC and chillers of this type and size for at least five (5) years and be licensed in the State of Maryland in accordance with COMAR regulations. With the bid submission the vendor must provide evidence of his reliability, ability and experience by furnishing at minimum the following:
a.A list of personnel who will perform under the contract, showing the length and type of experience of such personnel. These personnel must have certification and experience with MSD equipment of at least two (2) years. Documentation shall be provided on each technician stating qualifications on MSD’s equipment. Only those technicians will work on MSD equipment unless prior request to substitute is submitted and approved by the Maintenance Supervisor.
b.The name, address and phone number of other concerns and/or similar customers for which prior comparable services have been rendered by the bidder.
Potential Repairs Outside Preventive Services defined in Scope of Work