Executive Committee Meeting
February 21, 2018
Easthampton High School,Room 104
5:00-7:00 pm
Topic/Goal/Strategies / Description/Action / Next stepsWelcome and Minutes Review / December minutes were approved. January (Strategic Planning Retreat) minutes will be reviewed at the March meeting.
Present: Albie Park, Cherry Sullivan, Stephen Linsky, Sue Welson, Laurie Loisel, Shannon Hicks, Ruth Ever, Corinne Briggs
Regrets: Lois Levin, Julie Anne Levin, Leah Finch, Tammy Kaleta, RickRogalski, Kendra Kuhn
Minutes by: Corinne Briggs
Building Capacity and preventing underage drug use /
- Update on cannabis regulations in Easthampton, and from the Cannabis Control Commission. What to expect next and the role of the coalition. What happens to the cannabis tax revenue generated—what does “education” look like?
New terminology was introduced, but not all terms were defined. “Adult Cannabis Use” will replace “marijuana”.
Main considerations raised were: buffer zones to schools, the number of retail locations, and the allowance for social consumption. The Ordinance Subcommittee offered a compromise buffer of 350’ (halfway between the 200’ they had proposed and the 500’ set out in state law), an allowance of 8 retail locations (4 retail, 4 social consumption cafes) in 2018 with an additional 6 (2 retail, 4 social consumption cafes) in 2019 and no cap thereafter. The granting of social consumption licenses would be limited only by state regulation. It is not clear, at this point, whether the Cannabis Control Commission will include a provision as to whether social consumption will be allowed without a voter referendum. There was acknowledgment that these issues require further re-visiting.
Salem Derbyreferenced trend data from 2009-2017 which showed that youth marijuana use does not show a significant rise.
There was a lot of discuss about “education” but it was not defined. What does education look like? This needs to be further discussed. We are working to finalize the Adult Use CannabisRack Card(we are collecting feedback from the community – Cherry and Shannon are helping with this, and feedback from INSA). INSA is opening another facility in Springfield this Spring.
We need to look closely at how the Coalition can help the City. We currently offer alcohol compliance checks and youth prevention education materials, etc. We should also explore a prevention educator role for the City to lead media campaigns, compliance checks, safe storage efforts, etc.
3/7/18 – The draft regulations will go before City Council
3/15/18 – CCC regulations out
3/21/18 – Public hearing (currently the same date as March Executive Committee meeting, so will look to change)
4/1/18 – Businesses may apply for licenses to sell cannabis
- Quick update on Jan. 30 workshop, Parenting in Age of Legal MJ: How Government Works
We are working on another Parenting Café on vaping. Other topics of interest may be: How to talk to your kids now that Adult Use Cannabis is Legal or Safe Storage, tying in alcohol and gun safety (this could be a follow-up campaign to the Parents Check-In campaign with questions to ask other parents, and possibly a pledge agreement.)
- Sharing highlights from CADCA: Poster session, networking, legislative updates and meetings, data/info learned and grant workshop Ruth attended.
Ruth has also been invited to be a highlighted presentation on the upcoming SAMHSA-sponsored national webinar about "Talk. They Hear You" for coalitions and others interested in doing the campaign in rural communities, being scheduled for early April. Susan LaPointe will likely present as well.
Now that we are launching the regional campaign with PSAs on NEPR, iHeart Radio and WWLP, it would be beneficial to touch on the “Talk. They Hear You” campaign each week in our E-Newsletter and on our Facebook page (include information on the campaign, tips on how to talk to your children, etc.) Ruth will be sending out a press release which will be a great kick off for this.
After receiving clarification from the CADCA lawyer, it was determined it’s best to not have staff speak or submit letters to the City or State on behalf of the Coalition. Coalition members may continue operating as they have been and identify as members of the Coalition. The Coalition needs to focus on education and show that we are a resource in Easthampton for topics such as Safe Storage, How to talk to your kids, etc.
At CADCA’s Capitol Hill Day, the focus was that money needs to be directed to prevention.
- Continue discussion from Strategic Planning Retreat on priorities of coalition, in context of planning for DFC grant
Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and overdose prevention will all be included in the grant (with some overlap).
- Review the mission
- Sector agreements (Coalition Involvement Agreements)
Parent: Tamara Smith
Media: Easthampton Media (Kathy Lynch)
Schools: Sue Welson
Law Enforcement Agency: Easthampton Police Department (Chief Alberti or Rick Rogalski)
Health Care Professionals: CHD (Shannon Hicks)
State/Local Agency: NWDA (Laurie Loisel)
Other Substance Abuse serving Organization: Hampshire Hope (Cherry Sullivan)
Youth Serving Organization:TBD Treehouse (Stephen Linsky) or PTO (Jane Hunter)
Religious or Fraternal Organization: TBD (Our Lady of the Valley or Easthampton Congregational Church)
Civic or Volunteer Group: TBD(Easthampton City Arts, PTO, Stephen Linsky/Citizen’s Advisory Board)
- Structure of coalition workgroups
Ruth and Julie Anne will be exploring the possibility of having us become a “Prosper Site” where the Coalition could bring together people (including other school districts) through SFP10-14 and LifeSkills, thus producing greater outcomes. Massachusetts is not currently a Prosper State. The Prosper workgroup could replace the Parent Work Group.
It would be great to have someone at the Easthampton High School to connect us more to Parents and Youth. Perhaps we can direct some funding to support the critical work of Asher Hamilton, the new Diversity and Inclusion Officer at EHS.
- Tell a story…that illustrates the work/success/impact of coalition in Easthampton.
Ruth/Shannon: Reach out to INSA about a tour (and rack card feedback)
Ruth: Provide City Councilors with educational materials such as the Marijuana and Youth Use handout
All: Continue to find educational outreach opportunities
All: Find ways to display banner: community events (Arts Night Out, etc.), place on fence outside Payson, FL2 at Payson, etc.
Ruth: Provide date of April webinar
Ruth/Corinne: will begin asking for signed CIAs based on this list
Next meetings:
March 21 – EHS, 3rd FL, 5-7 pm (Will look at reschedulingto March 14 as it is the same date as next public hearing in Easthampton on Cannabis).
April 18- (reschedule? School vacation week?) Location TBD