Nelson Tasman Connections Meeting

Wednesday March 22nd 12 noon-2pm

Sport Tasman House Board room, Nelson.

Present and Notices:-

Deanne – NTYWC Coordinator, SF Nelson – programme 5-12 and resources 5-25 for children with a family/ whanau member with a mental illness

Holly Drummond– Volunteer Nelson – programme coordinator – 4 spaces left in the youth and emergency servicesprogramme.

Annette Milligan - Clinical director NMDHB – please pass on any information or feedback about young people accessing health services. Now have a youth advisory panel.

Adam Duckworth- youth service – youth advisor

Caroline Robinson – youth services – youth advisor

Paul McConachie – youth and community works director,

Julia O’Connor- Community Law – support for young people with the legal process and legal awareness

Matt Walters – NCC

Scott Tambisari – Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust

Beth Rogers – Te Ara Mahi

Gabrielle Thorpe – NCC

Fi Lankshear- Youth Services

James Alker – Wilderness Canoes

Jacinda Nurse – NTYWC – please go to the Ara Taiohi website and complete the survey about professionalisationof the sector so our voices can be heard.

Claire – LabourElectoral Committee – youth rep.

Scott palmer – Corrections 17-25

Maree Nevill- NMDHB – Oral health- encouraging young people to attend oral health service before they turn 18 as it is free. Maree has resources if people would like them.

Keith Christie- NTYWC

Adge Tucker – NTYWC and Rites of passage.

Paul McConachie- Youth and Community works – funding for supporting young people in event management – 1 day training in nelson and Golden Bay. New project package for young people re events- training – sound and light and organisation, funding and mentoring – before June 2017. Awareness raising music workshops- could come under new project – flyers previously sent.


Ken Adams, Paul Johnson,Lesley Hooson, Sally Wood, Sheridan Duncan, Kaye Latham, Loraine Cain, Saskia, Olivia, Q Youth, Jess Currin-Steer.

Connections updates:

Flyers, leaflets please put them out on the table and take with you at the end of the meeting.

Informal Catch up time with nibbles


Julia O’Conner- Nelson Bays Community Law Service.

Now 30 years old. They are one of 24 services throughout the country.

Partially funded by the ministry of justice.

They provide a free service but criteria apply.

They aim to provide access to justice

The demand for their services is massive.

If there is a conflict of interest they can only act for one party in any dispute.

Gatekeeping – there are financial eligibility criteria but even though the threshold is low many still come in under it.

Free with no criteria is Advice, Assistance locating right Information or services. This might be help finding a lawyer, pointing in the right direction, what to do, next steps etc.

Areas of Law

They do NOT cover – commercial, trusts, wills, leasing

They DO cover

Consumer , Govt agencies (although recommend BUWT for WINZ), Courts – family and police tribunals – tenancy and disputes, health and disability, Privacy, Debt, Fines – police and traffic, employment – employees only, youth rights, Education, Tenancy – tenants only, neighbour disputes, human rights and restraining orders.

Youth Specific

Youth Law Auckland – Free national service for young people under 25. 0800 number plus website and app.

Education, relationships, shops and purchases, health and wellbeing, Police, driving, work, tenancy, welfare, human rights

Home and Family – Guardianship and CYFS

Community law have a website which covers a variety of information including legal ages (set of posters available) and alcohol issues.

Gabrielle / Matt – NCC


The youth strategy will help council decide where to focus their input and funding.

So far feedback has been gathered from consulting widely within the youth sector, youth and youth stakeholders, not the wider community,and compiled and Gabrielle has started developing the strategy.

On April 6th there will be a report to the Community Services committee who will check how it aligns with overall strategy and plans.

Then a draft will be completed which will come out to the community for consultation in June and this will be adopted later in 2017

Themes have included- Transport, drugs and alcohol, mental health, housing affordability and the state of adequate housing, youth spaces and places.

Once the strategy has been adopted council will then look at work streams.


Matt is looking to engage further.

He is looking at focus groups – groups of young people 14-25, various ethnicities, sexual orientation and financial spectrum- asked 3 questions.

  1. What do young people love about Nelson?
  2. What challenges do young people face?
  3. How much should Council be involved?

Draft strategy will be available June / July.

The youth development investment fund is being considered by council, no decision has been made yet. If it is offered again it will be in October.

If anyone requires assistance with their applications support sessions are available with Matta and Steve.

Anyone interested in further conversations about cross generational conversations. How do we lead positive conversations to benefit everyone across the generations?

Any interest? Contact Matt.

Scott Tambisari- Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust

Agency began 20 years ago.

Began employing people 1 year ago – Scott, Jennifer Beatson, Seoni and Eddie.

Focusses on 6 Strategic areas

Health, Education, Social Services, Economic Development Plus ….. and ……

Youth are involved in all areas they are not siloed as “youth”

Scott has been approached about setting up a Pasifika youth council and he has started this process to give a space for the youth voice.

In Pasifika 50.47%of the population is aged 0-19, 50.75% are aged 0-24

And this is growing rapidly.

By 2035 1 in 4 children in NZ under 20 will identify as Maori or Pacifika.

The trust is part of the South Island Pasifika providers Collectiveand they liaise with other areas of NZ.

The resident population of Nelson is 1300 with about the same number again who seasonal workers – rse.

There are 11 different pan Pacifica ethnicities in Nelson / Tasman. 9 plus the 2 non specific.Samoan , Tongan and Cook Island Maori make up 70%

61% are NZ born and 39% Island born.

Main work with Young people is

  1. Working with Kidpower around a framework and developing these into Pasifika appropriate programmes
  2. Pasifika youth council

Pathway to have youth voice input into the trust.

  1. Community of learning – Schools

Pasifika education plans and strategies.

Where to from here

Trust development of a youth strategy within the trust

Develop action plan from the strategy

Implement the action plans.

Suggestions for future speakers


Feedback re Nelson Tasman Connections meetings

Length good

Maybe a speaker before the break

Rep from Greypower- intergenerational connection

Speakers – number and timeslot – prefer status quo – at least 3 speakers for 20 minutes each

2 hour timeline suits quarterly meetings

Invaluable to connect with likeminded people working with / for youth.

Equal spread of the meeting across year and region

People can only go to so many meetings so 4-6 per year is good.

High attendance is self-fulfilling so more people make an effort to attend

“connections” is invaluable for networking between youth providers. At every meeting I learn of another service / agency with which I need to connect to get better services for young people.

Stoke venue is great – very easy travel and parking

Networking opportunities are fantastic for making connections that would not have occurred to either party without the forum

Appreciate that “non pure” youth workers are able to participate too (those who work predominantly with adults but who do also support youth)

Really appreciate the food and the coffee

Interesting mix of topics and speakers duration is good.

Suggestions for those to invite -Teachers / counsellors/ principals ,Youth Justice, WhakatuMarae / iwi representation, Youth housing rep, NMIT rep, trade academy (many of these are invited and attend but where not there on the 22nd or choose not to attend)

Upcoming meetings

Nelson meeting 12 -2pmJune 28th

TheBoardroom of Sport Tasman, Saxton Field.

Speakers at Junemeeting –

Annette Milligan- youth health in NMDHB

John Harrington- SCOPE assessment tool

?? Nelson Young Parents School

Future meetings
