Republic of the Philippines

LGU – El Salvador City

9017 Poblacion, El Salvador City


Present were:

Mauricio L. Tomarong - BAC Chairman

Fernando P. Buna - BAC Vice-Chairman

Elisa R. Tan - BAC Member

Leo N. Magriña - BAC Member

Aida G. Salarda - MTL Gacus Construction

Aileen M. Marbus - AVP Trading & Construction

Avito S. Acera, Jr. - AVP Trading & Construction

Milagros Catchero - Caliber Industrial Sales, Inc.

The Pre-bid Conference for the Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials of Project: National Highway to Quibonbon Road Concreting, was called to order at 2:00 P.M. of February 28, 2012, held at Executive Conference Room and was presided by the BAC Chairman, Engr. Mauricio L. Tomarong.

1.  Business Matters:

·  Engr. Tomarong presented on the technical and financial components of the Bid, including the explanation of the different documents to be submitted by each bidders.

·  The following bonds are required:

a.  Bidders bond - during opening of bid

b.  Performance bond – prior to signing of contract

c.  Warranty bond or 10% retention – after acceptance by the procuring entity of the delivered items

·  Mr. Acera verified if they could billed as per materials delivered even if it is not yet completed as to Purchase Order. BAC Chairman advised the BAC Secretary to verify COA if partial payment is possible.

·  The BAC Chairman, being the End-user also of the project, discussed on the requirement for the ready-mixed concrete design should be 4,000 psi.

·  Mr. Acera of AVP Trading & Construction asked if there will be an inspector to represent in behalf of the Requisitioning Office during the batching of the ready-mixed concrete. Engr. Tomarong replied that the Leadman will be there for the inspection.

·  All materials delivered except for form lumbers are subject for material testing. Testing fee will be borne by the LGU.

·  Mr. Acera then clarify if LGU will specify the aggregates to be used in the ready-mixed concrete, Engr. Tomarong clear that it is not specified for as long as the required design mix is 4,000 psi will pass on the material testing.

2.  Other Matters:

·  Dr. Buna suggests that the Leadman will control on the deliveries of materials. Deliveries of aggregate base course and ready-mixed concrete should be delivered upon advised from LGU which was agreed by the BAC members present.

There are no other remaining topics for discussion, the Pre-bid Conference adjourned at 2:39 P.M.

Prepared by:


BAC Secretary

Noted by:


BAC Chairman