Mrs. Duke
8th Grade
English/Language Arts
I am excited about a great year working with you!!
All learners at Jacob Coy Middle School will receive access to the types of varied reading and writing opportunities that will allow them to be successful members of a literate learning community. This is meant to enable each student to fulfill his or her maximum potential as a reader, writer and communicator in the 21st century.
Course Description:
The eighth grade course of study for English/Language Arts (ELA) consists of many interrelated parts which include: comprehension and skill based activities meant to improve reading fiction and non-fiction text; informal and formal writing assignments utilizing the writing process; reading process; literary terms are reviewed and analyzed; comparison and analysis of texts; novels; projects; presentations; vocabulary and root word study; grammar; and word processing. This curricula is from the State of Ohio Common Core Standards and details can be found at : . This new year may bring about changes to the PARCC online assessments.
*1 three ring binder (1 ½ - 2” width) with 1 set of (5) tab dividers with one pkg. of loose leaf (college ruled, not wide ruled) notebook paper to be kept in binder
Create the five dividers based on my instructions at school the first week.
*Pens- blue or black for writing
*Colored pen of your choice for editing/proofreading/grading
*Highlighters (any color)
*2 packs of index cards
*Charged iPad and Stylus pen(if you like using one – helpful for Doceri)
*Post it notes Please bring in required materials by Friday, August 28th.
Class Rules:
My classroom rules focus on RESPECT- all rules stem from that idea and are posted in class. Consequences follow Coy Middle School student handbook guidelines.
**Any serious behavior that interferes with student learning or threatens the safety of the student or others will be referred immediately to the principal’s office.
Grades will be taken using a variety of assessments:
Homework assignments Class work
Quizzes Other miscellaneous assignments
Tests Projects
**Grades will be posted in Progress Book in a timely manner; make sure to check regularly to monitor your progress.
**Students are expected to keep their planners up to date and write in all assignments and due dates for work. Manage your schedule and time.
Webpage & Progress Book Communications:
I will be sure that grades are updated in Progress Book. Assignments and announcements will always be listed on my webpage on the district website. The website will contain Power Points or flashcards if they are available. Also, helpful links for various sites will be posted on the webpage. Be sure to sign up using the login key information that all students get at the beginning of the school year for Progress Book - it is an invaluable tool to keep up with weekly progress and grades.
Homework is comprised of practice from all types of class work. Homework will be checked or collected on the day it is due (unless otherwise specified). Any work not completed when you come intoclass will be given a zero. Do not do homework in a rush at the beginning of class. Homework is graded some days and is not graded other days. No late homework is accepted. The only exception would be a long-term project and then you will lose 10% off your grade for each day late.
Make up work:
~In the event of an absence from school, school policy allows one school day for every day missed to make up work that was given during an absence. If the absence was planned and work was given in advance, all work is due the day the student returns to class unless other arrangements were made.
~The students are responsible for gathering their own make up work from Progress Book, the webpage, and the “Assignments” board in the classroom. The assignments board has all missed worksheets or handouts in folders by day of the week. You may get details on what you missed from your peers or Mrs. Duke. TIP: when you are absent, check my webpage and do what you can from home and/or make a list at home to follow up on the next day. The best way to get make up work turned in is to hand it to Mrs. Duke personally.
Plagiarism is defined as stealing the language, ideas, or thoughts from another and representing them as one’s own original work. This includes copying word for word- or just changing a few words -from a source in a book or on the internet. This is against school policy - please see the student handbook.
Mrs. Duke’s classroom library check out:
I am pleased to have a great classroom library for students! There are book shelves of young adult novels that students may check out in my classroom for their use. I ask that all books are signed out if they leave my classroom. Books may be borrowed for a reasonable number of weeks so that others may also use the library. Any books that are not returned will be considered lost and the replacement cost of the book will be asked for to replace it. Please take good care of the books that you check out from my library; it took me a long time to purchase all of them. Most are fragile paperbacks. Thanks! J
Class Preparation:
Be prepared for class every day. This means that you are ready to learn, have all of your materials and have a positive attitude for teamwork and participation! It is essential that you bring writing materials and paper each day. It is also imperative that you have the reading materials we are working on that day and something to read for fun if you finish class work early. Our class will rely on mature eighth grade behavior to accomplish our learning goals and have a great time!
eSpark is part of the district curriculum and will be for a grade.
NOTE: iPads are to be fully charged each day for any work that may be assigned. Students may not “play” on iPads during class.
Contacting Mrs. Duke:
If you’re not sure, please ask questions. Don’t forget that students may see me any day, any time after school, during study halls or between classes.
My email address is: This is the best & quickest way to reach me. Please make certain to put your child’s name and or topic of question in the subject portion of the email. Also, on rare occasions our system filter stops parent emails from getting to us. If I have not responded within 24 hours and I am in attendance, please send in a note or leave a phone message so that I may respond to you as promptly as possible. Coy's phone number is: 937-429-7577 extension 1386. I will normally get back to you in the same day if at all possible.
The role of the student:
ü Be ready to learn
ü Maintain high expectations for yourself and your classmates
ü Be an active and positive participant in class
ü Be prepared each day for class and do your own work to your best ability
The role of Mrs. Duke:
ü Provide an engaging classroom in a safe atmosphere
ü Be ready to teach students important standards-based curriculum to help them succeed with their life goals
ü Maintain high learning expectations for all students
ü Impart a love of reading & writing every day
Please sign and return the attached form to Mrs. Duke by
Friday, August 28th . Please keep this packet for your reference.
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. I am proud to be part of Beavercreek City Schools! Thank you for your support!
Acknowledgement/Parental Contact Information
I have read and understand Mrs. Duke’s Classroom procedures and routine.
Printed student name
Student signature date
Class Block: E L A
PRINTED parent name parent signature
Preferred Contact Information:
Parent phone:______home
Parent email: ______
A copy of this page will remain on file with Mrs. Duke.
Please answer these quick questions about yourself so that I may learn a bit more about you.
Thanks! J ~Mrs. Duke
1) What do you enjoy doing in your free time? (hobbies and interests)
2) What is your favorite book? Also, what is your favorite genre?
3) What is your strength in ELA? (reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, etc.)
4) What is the thing you struggle with the most in ELA?
5) What types of work do you enjoy most in ELA classes?