Text Complexity Analysis of

Title: Shiloh(Treasures Grade 5/Unit 1)

By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Recommended Complexity Band: Moderately Complex

Text Description

Briefly describe the text: A Realistic Fiction (chapter pull out from thechapterbook SHILOH) about a boy who does all that he can do to protect a runaway dog from an abusive owner. Theme: Taking a Stand/Standing Up for What is Right/Perseverance.

Qualitative Measures

Meaning/Purpose: (Briefly explain the levels of meaning (Literary Text) or purpose (Informational text) Moderately Complex-Purpose: more than one level of meaning, theme is clear and conveyed with subtlety.Pg.40 - Synopsis

Text Structure(Briefly describe the structure, organization, and other features of the text)Slightly Complex-Text Structure-organization of text is clear and chronological.

Moderately complex-use of graphic/pictures supports selected parts of the text. Pg. 45– Family sitting around the table. Illustration shows the parents training the family on the acceptable dinner time practices with the Shiloh. Pg. 47 – Marty speaking to Mr.Travers – The illustration depicts one of the main ideas within the text. Marty’s Dad is supporting his son as he addresses Marty’s concern for Shiloh.

Language Features: (Briefly describe the conventions and clarity of the language used in the text, including the complexity of the vocabulary and sentence structures.)

Very Complex-Conventionality-use of figurative language, dialect and slang Figurative language: Idioms –taking a stand, take five, take a minute, takes to him, takes a lick Similes – ‘my bones feel like icicles’

Slang and Dialect:

Pg. 42- Even David Howard, when his macame to pick him up the other day, opens his mouth right off and says…

Pg. 44- And then, just as ma’s dishing upa peach cobbler……

Moderately Complex-Vocabulary- mostly contemporary language with familiar conversational language

(Vocabulary: injury, mournful, sympathy, delivering, couple, shrieks, decency, dilemma)Moderately Complex-Sentence Structure- -simple sentences with multi-layered construction and meaning.

Knowledge Demands: (Briefly describe the knowledge demands the text requires of students.)

Very complex-Life Experience - story explores several life themes - most students have experience with having pets however the concept of abused animals may need some further explaining, socio-economic position/status/issues, family dynamics (foster, adoptive and step families), community support, taking responsibility.

Moderately complex - Intertextuality and Cultural Knowledge- all pets are not just pets, some ‘pets’ are food in different cultures. Some pets are likened to family members so the level of compassion may vary from family to family; culture to culture & generation to generation.

Pg. 50: Mr. Taverssees Shiloh as a “...hunting dog”, Whereas Marty sees Shiloh as a pet. Mom shares with Mr. Tavern that “…Marty’s got awful attached to that dog.”

Quantitative Measure

Complexity Band Level (provide range): 4th-5th Grade Level Band

5.1 – 5.3 Based on Text Complexity Noted- According to Scholastic 5.7

Lexile or Other Quantitative Measure of the Text: 890L (Lexile.com and Treasures)

Considerations for Reader and Task

Below are factors to consider with respect to the reader and task (See attached guiding questions to assist each teacher in filling out this section for his or her own class):

Potential Challenges this Text Poses: Vocabulary: injury, mournful, sympathy, delivering, couple, shrieks, decency,dilemma Figurative language: idioms –taking a stand, take five, take a minute, takes to him, takes a lick Similes – my bones feel like icicles Making inferences – connecting to characters actions, thoughts, words Literary device–Slang and Dialect Explaining-abuse/cruelty and being sensitive to audience’s experience *Depending on student/s reading level student/s may need a front load of selection vocabulary, time era, geographic location, and graphic organizers to track skills and strategies being presented in the selection.

MajorInstructional Areas of Focus (3-4 CCS Standards) for this Text: 5R:L1-Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text states explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 5R:L4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such idioms and similes RL: 5.3 –Compare and Contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g. how characters interact.) 5W-1a-Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose. 5L5b-Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages and proverbs.

Differentiation/Supports for Students Code Switching;Questioning/Answering Strategy – “Right There”;utilize/reference pictures for support; &Read Aloud Fluency, intonation, and expression can be addressed through repetition of reading using sections within the selection to review.

ELD Students – Break down the passage into smaller phrases. Use gestures and sketches for ELD 1 students. Have ELD 2 Students summarize the text orally. ELD 3 students can restate the selection in their own words, answer questions, and write their inferences using graphic organizers.

GATE Students- Differentiate the lesson/s by using the Depth Complexity Icons and Imperatives (refer to Dr. Sandra Kaplan’s Depth & Complexity Icons) Assign the book ‘Shiloh’ as an independent read to enable students the opportunity to read the complete text.

Recommended Placemat: Briefly explain the recommended placement of the text in a particular grade band.

Created by:Dr. Krishna Smith/Jocelyn Johnson/ Maria Blanco/Maria VasquezReviewed by: