Office of the
Commissioner of CommercialTaxes
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013Date:- 31- 01-2014
Sub:- APVAT Act-2005 and CST Act 1956 – Mandatory usage of e-Waybills by
VAT Dealers – Issuing of Certain instructions with regard to exemption
of mandatory usage of e-Waybills to all oil companies of Twin Cities –
Ref: - 1. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 30-08-2013.
2. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 25-11-2013.
3. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 10-01-2014.
The attention of all the Deputy Commissioners (CT) of the Divisions noted in the margin is invited to the subject and references cited, wherein it was decided to make the e-Waybill system mandatory for all dealers of Twin Cities and R. R. with effect from 01-02-2014.
In this respect the PSU oil marketing Companies (OMCs) namely IOCL, BPCL, HPCL in a representation vide reference (4) stated requested to exempt OMCs from mandatory use of e-Way bills, citing various reasons.
Further it is brought to notice that a circular vide reference 4th cited issued earlier regarding movement of petroleum products wherein M/s. Caltex India, HPCL, IOCL were permitted to use their Delivery Challans for transport of their goods instead of a way bill.
In view of the above, The Department has now decided to exempt all Public Sector Oil Companies of Twin Cities and Ranga Reddy District (i.e., HPCL, BPCL IOCL) of mandatory usage of e-Waybills. The same may be informed to all concerned.
Sd/- Heeralal Samariya
Commissioner (CT)
The Deputy Commissioners of Twin Cities and R.R District.
Copy to VATIS to put up in these instructions in CTD home page portal under Circulars.
Copy to the Chairman, Trade and Commerce Committee, the Federation of the A.P. Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Federation House, Red Hills, Hyderabad – 500004 for information and to bring to the notice of the Trade.