IvyTechCommunity College of Indiana
First Year Seminar*
IVY 101
DIVISION: General Education and Support Services
PROGRAM: General Education
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with specific skills and strategies necessary to reach their educational, career, and life objectives. Topics include time management, study skills, learning styles, campus and community resources, critical thinking, utilization of technology, career skills, and diversity in society.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:
1.Identify learning style and personality type and apply this information to develop a personal study and learning strategy.
2.Demonstrate proactive strategies in achieving educational goals.
3.Adjust to and successfully navigate the college infrastructure and its social environment.
4.Develop effective application of study skills such as note taking, listening, textbook usage, test preparation, concentration, memory skills, and time management.
5.Demonstrate the use of basic computer functions including the ability to send and receive email with attachments, access institutional web sites, use internet search engines, and use technology for communication and research.
6.Locate and utilize a variety of resources on and off campus.
7.Demonstrate knowledge of distance education options and expectations.
8.Explore and apply critical and creative thinking strategies.
9.Set goals and explore career and educational options.
10.Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human diversity.
11.Examine personal and wellness issues that can have an impact on college success and develop stress management and other strategies for handling those issues.
12.Increase awareness concerning information and academic integrity.
13. Demonstrate knowledge of financial resources and goals for managing financial resources.
14. Demonstrate familiarity with library resources both on campus and online and be able to effectively access those resources.
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include--
Campus orientationTime management techniques
Utilizing technologyEvaluation of Internet resources
Goal settingInformation integrity
Career explorationAcademic Integrity
Library skillsPersonality Types
Career skillsLearning styles
Test taking strategiesManaging finances
Diversity in societyGroup process
Note taking Listening skills
Textbook usageConcentration
MemoryProactive Strategies
Distance EducationHealth and Wellness Issues
Methods of Delivery:Course material will be conveyed via lecture, lab activities, small group work, guest speakers, class discussion.
Textbooks:Leonard, Enid. College Success Simplified. New York:
Pearson/Longman, 2005.
Clifton, Donald O. and Chip Anderson. StrengthsQuest. Washington
D.C.: The Gallup Organization, 2001.
Materials and Supplies: 3½ disks or flash drive. Loose Leaf Notebook, notetaking materials
Methods of Evaluation: Assignments, Attendance/Participation, Cumulative Notebook
Make-up Policy:You will not be allowed to make up any in-class assignments. All work must be submitted by the last class meeting.
Grading: Letter grades will then be determined based on the following scale:
90% - 100%A
80% - 89%B
70% - 79%C
60% - 69%D
59% and belowF
Grades will be weighted on the following scale:
Your notebook will consist of all assignments and a 3-5 page paper in which you analyze how you can use your strengths in your academic career and as a basis for career planning.
Attendance: Your attendance is crucial to your success. Ten percent of your grade is based on your attendance and class participation. Being tardy and leaving early may impact your attendance grade. A Student Status Report may be written after three hours of absence.
Academic Honesty Statement: The College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. The faculty value intellectual integrity and a high standard of academic conduct. Activities that violate academic integrity undermine the quality and diminish the value of educational achievement. Cheating on papers, tests or other academic works is a violation of College rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of the class, may be construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet as well as those who attempt such behavior
ADA Statement: If you need an accommodation because of a documented disability, you are required to register with Disability Support Services at the beginning of each semester. If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor immediately. Look for evacuation procedures posted in your classrooms. In South Bend, call Cathy Cassady, 574-289-7001, ext 5340, . Her office is in 1213 (in the Learning Lab) on the South Bend campus.
Learning Environment: The primary purpose of the college classroom is to provide an environment in which students can learn efficiently and effectively. Be respectful of your classmates and professor by avoiding side conversations, turning off cellular phones and beepers, and refraining from other behaviors that would likely cause disruption to the class. If you need to leave the room for any reason, you do not need instructor permission, just do so as quietly as possible and return as soon as and quietly as possible.
Virtual Library: Ivy Tech State College Virtual Library: For students on- and off-campus, the
Virtual Library offers full-text journals, books, and other resources essential for
completing course assignments. Access through Campus Connect Click on the library tab then chose the Virtual Library link for your campus.
General Education Outcomes: IvyTechState College is committed to graduating students who have the appropriate technical and general education skills. General Education skills are assessed in selected courses through an authentic assessment project to evaluate curriculum effectiveness.
Copyright Statement: Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials. They must insure that their activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of others and that the materials used and developed at IvyTechCommunity College contain nothing unlawful, unethical, or libelous, and do not constituteany violation of any right of privacy.
Syllabus, notes and grades will be posted on elearning. Access elearning through Campus Connect, Click on courses to be connected to the elearning page.
First Year Seminar
IVY 101
Office hours:
XxCourse Introduction/ Overview
First Week Survival, College Success
Simplified (CSS) Chapter 2
Procedure for completing
StrengthsQuest (SQ)
XxGoal Setting, Read CSSChapters 4,16
Activity 1, CSSp. 16 DUE
Your Goals Activity DUE
SQ text, p. 1-22
SQ Five Signature Themes and
Reflection DUE
XxProactive Strategies
CSSChapters 1, 19
Program Planning Checklist DUE
Develop Strategy for completing items
not checked off
SQ Affirming Your Talents DUE
xxLearning Styles
CSS Chapter 6
Activity 1, p. 23 DUE
SQ Exploring Signature Themes DUE
xxStudy Skills
CSSChapters 9, 10, 11, 13
Five test questions DUE (2 MC, 2 T/F,
1 Essay)
SQ How Talents Work Together DUE
XxWellness Issues/Stress Management
Read CSSChapters 5, 11
Being Successful DUE
SQ text p, 279-283
XxCollege Infrastructure, Computer
Functions, Distance Education
Student Handbook
Distance Ed materials
Distance Ed Questionnaire and
XxCampus and Library Resources
Student Handbook
Library Home page
Read Chapter 15
CSS Activity 1, p. 87 in-class, Reflection
on Activity 1 to be included in notebook
Diversity Exercise DUE
XxFinancial Resources
Money Savvy Quiz DUE
XxCritical Thinking/ On-Going Success
Read Chapter 3
Notebooks DUE