Title of the Group

The group shall be called the PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP (PPG) ofTudor Practice and Birmingham Cross City CCG local commissioning network.

Mission Statement

The group will work together to raise the profile and effectiveness of the PPG (patient participation groups) by developing a structured forum to become proactively engaged in development of patient services, and to represent the patients voice in Tudor Practice and their local Patient Led NHS.

The group will represent the PPG network as well as their own locality, and support the ethos of seeking to influence provision of healthcare across the represented Birmingham localities.


The forum to allow for regular review of the level of support from members of the forum, and to evaluate its achievements, that will determine the long term viability of the forum.

Organisation of the group

  • The group will consist of a chair, 2 senior members of Tudor practice and patientsof the practice.
  • Elections of the Chair will be held once a year
  • In the event of the post of PPG chair becoming vacant in between elections the PPG group will assume the role of chair for the duration of the elected period.


  • Membership of the group shall be open to all Patients of Tudor Practice Senior members of Tudor Practiceand Birmingham Cross City CCG
  • The membership will consist of a minimum of 4-6 members, including chair, and Practice Senior Members.
  • A quorum of 5 members is required for all meetings.
  • Members who do not attend meetingsfor a prolonged period of timewithout relevant apologies may be excluded from the group.
  • Membership is open to any new Patients throughout the year.
  • Members will act in a professional way at all times in order to promote a positive and transparent appreciation of the benefits of the PPG’s and to enable productive and proactive engagement with their practices, fellow members and the wider NHS


  • The group’s activities will be organised by a Committee of volunteers and members
  • The group will meet bi-monthly as a pre arranged venue, as agreed with group members
  • A structured agreed agenda and actions points will be the main focus of the meetings.
  • Notices of meetings, reports and information about the PPG activities will be made available to all on the circulation list for dissemination toPPG group and practice website/newsletter and PPG notice Board.
  • The members will organise all agreed activities to include keeping up to date with relevant information through guest speakers from across the NHS spectrum.
  • Members will network to discuss collective issues
  • Members will provide support for new and aspiring PPG chairs
  • Attend events across Local Council Networks and agree proactive activities for the benefit if their patient groups.
  • Any sensitive information that is shared during PPG meetings will remain confidential within the forum.