Family Dynamics

Mrs. C. Belcher

Portable 4

Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in Mississippi consists of the CORE program and specific career and technical programs. The CORE program prepares students for living in the real world and helps them develop leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, communication, computer, and mathematical skills. The specific career and technical programs focus on career exploration and gaining the skills in a specific profession for entry-level employment or continuation of education. FCS education enhances the leadership potential and essential life skills of its students and encourages life-long learning.

Since this class covers many topics that are relevant to everyday life experiences, class discussions are highly encouraged; therefore, mutual respect for your peers as well as participation is mandatory and will be reflected in your grade for this class.

Family Dynamics —Course Code: 20.0121

Unit Number / Unit Name / Hours
1 / Orientation / 1
2 / Discovering You / 20
3 / Discovering Relationships / 20
4 / Discovering Family Growth / 20
5 / Discovering Career Opportunities / 9
Total / 70

Assignments will include bell ringers, which are assignments posted on the board, to be completed as soon as you enter the classroom, individual and group reading assignments, chapter reviews, outside research and class projects. Occasional writing assignments will also be given.

Supplies: It is required that you have a 3 folders with prongs, binder, 1 pack of construction paper, and a jump drive used only for this class, since you will be turning your entire folder in at times. Please come prepared for class each day with something to write with, your class folder, and other needed supplies.

Please note that study guides will not be provided in this class. If you keep an organized notebook, you will benefit in two ways.

1. You will have all of the information necessary to prepare for your tests and exams.

2. Random notebook grades are excellent ways to boost your grade.

Classroom Rules:

1.  The tardy/absence policy will be strictly enforced.

2.  No food, drinks, or cell phone usage in the classroom.

3.  Purses, jackets and backpacks should be stored on floor or use cubby in room.

4.  Treat others in the manner you would like to be treated. This is especially important so that everyone can feel comfortable participating in our class conversations.

5.  Late work will receive half credit at best, unless pre-approved arrangements have been made and only if your absence has been excused.

Grading Scale and Letter Codes (Board Policy IHA) The following letter grades and corresponding numerical scale will be used in the Hinds County School District for classes and courses where such grade indicators are necessary and expected

A 100-90

B 89-80

C 79.-70

D 69-65

F 64-Below

How your average will be calculated:

Tests/Projects/Presentations/Notebook/Classwork/Homework/Quizzes (This includes bell ringer activities)

Make-up assignments and tests are YOUR responsibility. You are responsible for making up assignments within 3 days of your absence. Work assigned before your absence is due upon your return. If an absence is unexcused, a grade of 0, which calculates as a 0, will be entered for any work or tests missed during that absence until work is made up and graded.

If student need any help, I will be available before school at 8:25 - 8:40.

Student signature: ______

Date: ______

Parent/Guardian signature: ______

Date: ______