Type Of Problem / Possible Causes / You Can Try / Who Can Help
Toilets / Items down the loo, such as personal hygiene items, loo rolls or toys etc. / Put personal hygiene items in a bin, avoid letting anything other than loo paper go down / Our plumbers will unblock WCs. Report the problem early to theHousing Repairs Call Centreon 635100 before it gets worse!
Toilets / Unforeseen fault with the WC, such as a broken part of it. / None. / Request that a inspector visits before the plumber calling. Report early!
Bathroom sinks and baths / Possibly can be caused by a build up of soap and hair down the plughole. / Fit a small plug hole cover to catch hair etc. Try using a plunger to clear. / We will unblock plug holes, but on a 'B' category, as a 'Right To Repair'. Ask the Housing Repairs call Centre on 635100for details
Burst water pipe / Turn off the water at the stop valve. Switch off the central heating system. Switch off the electricity at the mains. Switch off any water heaters. Turn on all taps to sinks and baths to drain all the water from the pipes. / Contact the Housing Repairs Call Centre on 635100 to report the problem.
Kitchen waste gully / Possibly food/ oil products/build up of soil or leaves. / As above, and if possible clear any surface obstructions using a mop or plunger / Ring the Housing Repairs Call Centre on 635100, usually a 'B' category repair
Blocked / overflowing inspection chamber / Could be related to waste from property including unsuitable objects put down WC, or could be broken pipes / Avoid flushing WC or running taps until it has been tended to / Ring the Housing Repairs Call Centre on 635100, it is 'A' category repair or ring Emergency Repairs (521500) if out of hours. If its a break in the sewer pipe repair may take longer.
Blocked gutter or rainwater gully / Could be caused by build up of soil of leaves. / Fit a drainpipe cover around lower neck of pipe to enclose gully area. / Contact the Housing Repairs Call Centre on 635100, possibly will need an inspection. Job usually under "C" category.
Highway or pavement flooding / Road gullies silted up / None / Contact 01792 843330
Type of Problem