Forest and Rural Fires Regulations 2005

Silvia Cartwright, Governor-General

Order in Council

At Wellington this 7th day of June 2005


The Right Hon Helen Clark presiding in Council

Pursuant to section 67 of the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977, Her Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council, makes the following regulations.


1 Title

2 Commencement

3 Interpretation

Part 1

Fire control organisations

Subpart 1---Rural fire committees

4 Application of subpart 1

Appointment, election, term, resignation, and removal of members

5 Who may be member

6 How membership attained

7 Term of office of appointed committee member

8 Term of office of elected committee member

9 When member ceases to hold office

10 When representative no longer eligible to represent member

11 When member may be removed from office

12 Vacancy may be filled by committee appointing member

13 Powers of member or committee not affected by defect in appointment or

election, or vacancy in membership

First meeting of committee

14 First meeting of committee

Committee procedure

15 Procedure generally

16 NRFO may require committee to hold meeting

17 Quorum

18 Presiding at meetings

19 Voting

Disclosure of interests of members

20 Disclosure of interest


21 Committee may appoint subcommittees


22 Employees

Financial provisions

23 Accounting records to be kept

24 Committee must prepare financial statements

25 Payments must be authorised

26 Committee must send estimates to NRFA

27 Members' remuneration and allowances

Confidentiality of information

28 Confidentiality of information

Subpart 2---Committee elections

29 Application of subpart 2

30 How election conducted

31 Electoral system to be used

32 Election supervised by electoral officer

33 Duties of electoral officer

34 Who may be candidate for election

35 Who may be elector

Subpart 3---Voluntary rural fire forces

36 Fire Authority may establish voluntary rural fire force

37 Members of voluntary force must be treated as employees of Fire Authority

Subpart 4---Warrants of appointment

38 Warrants of appointment for Principal Rural Fire Officers and Rural Fire


Part 2

Fire control operations

Subpart 1---Fire plans

39 Fire Authority must adopt fire plan

40 Fire plan must be reviewed


41 Fire plan to include policies and procedures to reduce likelihood and

consequence of fires


42 Fire plan to include policies and procedures in relation to readiness for

fire-fighting event

43 Additional information relating to readiness


44 Fire plan to include policies and procedures for response to fire in


45 Response systems


46 Fire plan to include policies and procedures for activities following fire


Subpart 2---Other fire control operations

Forest areas

47 Registration or re-registration as forest area

48 Annual notification of forest area

Notification of fire control measures

49 Notification of fire control measures


50 Permit to light fire in open air

51 Special permit to light fire in open air


52 Fire Authority must erect signs during restricted fire season

53 Fire Authority must erect signs during prohibited fire season

Storage of spontaneously combustible material by industrial operator

54 Storage of spontaneously combustible material by industrial operator

Spark-hazardous engines

55 Spark-hazardous engines treated as being approved for purposes of Act

56 Rural Fire Officer may require owner or operator to make vehicle or

machinery available for inspection

Restriction on entry into exotic forests

57 Restriction on entry into exotic forest

58 Fire Authority intending to close entry into exotic forest must consult

with NRFA

Processing plant and equipment

59 Fire Authority may require operator of processing plant or processing

equipment to obtain fire safety clearance

Part 3

General provisions

60 Penalties

61 Revocations

Transitional provisions in relation to Forest and Rural Fires Regulations 1979

62 Interpretation

63 Voluntary rural fire forces

64 Warrants of appointment

65 Fire plan

66 Forest areas

67 Permits

Transitional provision in relation to Rural Fire District Regulations 1980

68 Rural fire committees




1 Title

These regulations are the Forest and Rural Fires Regulations 2005.

2 Commencement

These regulations come into force on the 28th day after the date of their

notification in the Gazette.

3 Interpretation

(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,---

Act means the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977

chairperson means the chairperson of a committee

committee means a rural fire committee

election means an election of members of a committee held under subpart 2 of

Part 1 of these regulations

electoral officer means a person appointed under regulation 32 to conduct an


entity means a corporation sole, a body corporate, or an unincorporated

association of persons

financial year means any 12-month period ending on 30 June

fire plan means a fire plan---

(a) required under section 12(4) of the Act; and

(b) prescribed in subpart 1 of Part 2 of these regulations

First Past the Post has the same meaning as in section 5(1) of the Local

Electoral Act 2001

Gazette notice means a notice in the Gazette made under section 8 of the Act

that establishes (by constituting or providing for the constitution or election

of) a rural fire committee

National Commander has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Fire Service

Act 1975

New Zealand Fire Danger Rating System means the system of fire danger

indices developed by the NRFA under section 14A(2)(f) of the Fire Service Act

1975 to rate the fire danger in New Zealand

NRFA means the National Rural Fire Authority constituted under section

14A(1) of the Fire Service Act 1975

NRFO means the National Rural Fire Officer appointed under section 17W of

the Fire Service Act 1975

trigger point means any particular fire danger level in the New Zealand Fire

Danger Rating System

voluntary force means a voluntary rural fire force established under

regulation 36.

(2) Unless the context otherwise requires, terms and expressions that are

not defined in these regulations but that are defined in the Act have the same

meaning as in the Act.

Part 1

Fire control organisations

Subpart 1---Rural fire committees

4 Application of subpart 1

(1) This subpart applies to all rural fire committees (other than a

committee that is a local authority or that consists solely of representatives

of the same corporation).

(2) Despite subclause (1), regulation 26 applies to all rural fire

committees including a committee that is a local authority or a committee that

consists solely of representatives of the same corporation.

Appointment, election, term, resignation, and removal of members

5 Who may be member

(1) A member of a committee may be---

(a) an individual:

(b) an entity:

(c) a local authority:

(d) the Minister of Defence:

(e) the Minister of Conservation:

(f) the National Commander.

(2) If the member is an entity, its representative on a committee must be---

(a) the holder of a particular office or position in the entity (for

example, the chief executive or the financial officer); or

(b) a named individual employed by the entity.

(3) If the member is a local authority, its representative on a committee

must be---

(a) the holder of a particular office or position in the local authority

(for example, the mayor or chairperson, a councillor, or the chief executive);


(b) a named individual employed by the local authority.

(4) This clause applies unless the Gazette notice that relates to the

committee provides otherwise.

6 How membership attained

Members of a committee are elected or appointed as specified in the Gazette

notice that relates to the committee.

7 Term of office of appointed committee member

(1) An appointed committee member---

(a) holds office for 5 years commencing on the date of the appointment;


(b) may be re-appointed; and

(c) continues in office despite the expiry of the member's term of

office until---

(i) the member is re-appointed; or

(ii) the member's successor is appointed; or

(iii) the NRFA informs the member by written notice that the member

is not to be re-appointed and no successor is to be appointed.

(2) This regulation---

(a) applies unless the Gazette notice that relates to the committee to

which the member is appointed provides otherwise; and

(b) is subject to regulations 9 and 10.

8 Term of office of elected committee member

(1) An elected committee member---

(a) holds office for 5 years commencing on the date the election result

is publicly notified; and

(b) may be re-elected; and

(c) continues in office despite the expiry of the member's term of

office until---

(i) the member is re-elected; or

(ii) the member's successor is elected; or

(iii) the NRFA informs the member by written notice that there will

be no election in relation to the member's seat.

(2) This regulation---

(a) applies unless the Gazette notice that relates to the committee to

which the member is elected provides otherwise; and

(b) is subject to regulations 9 and 10.

9 When member ceases to hold office

A member of a committee ceases to hold office if the member---

(a) dies or, if the member is an entity or local authority, ceases to

exist or operate; or

(b) resigns office by written notice to the chairperson of the

committee; or

(c) is adjudged bankrupt or, if the member is an entity, is put into

liquidation; or

(d) is, for 3 consecutive meetings of the committee,---

(i) absent without leave; and

(ii) unrepresented; or

(e) breaches regulation 20(1).

10 When representative no longer eligible to represent member

(1) An individual representing a committee member that is an entity under

regulation 5(2) is no longer eligible to represent the entity if he or she

ceases to hold office or be employed by the entity.

(2) If subclause (1) applies, the entity must appoint a new representative

under regulation 5(2).

(3) An individual representing a committee member that is a local authority

under regulation 5(3) is no longer eligible to represent the local authority if

he or she ceases to hold office or be employed by the local authority.

(4) If subclause (3) applies, the local authority must appoint a new

representative under regulation 5(3).

11 When member may be removed from office

(1) A member of a committee may be removed from office if the member---

(a) is, in the committee's view, unable to perform or inadequately

performs the functions and duties of the office; or

(b) is proven, to the satisfaction of the committee, to have neglected

the duties of the office or engaged in misconduct.

(2) Before a member is removed under subclause (1), the member must be given

a reasonable opportunity to make written submissions and be heard on the


(3) A member who is removed under this regulation is not entitled to any

compensation or other payment or benefit relating to the member's removal from


12 Vacancy may be filled by committee appointing member

(1) A vacancy resulting from the operation of regulation 9 or regulation 10

may be filled by a committee appointing, for the remainder of the term of

office of the vacating member, a person who, in the opinion of the committee,---

(a) has the skills, attributes, or knowledge that will assist the work

of the committee; and

(b) if relevant, will represent the interests of the people affected by

the vacancy.

(2) If a vacancy is not filled within 3 months after the vacancy arises, the

NRFO may appoint, for the remainder of the term of office of the vacated

member, a person who---

(a) has the skills, attributes, or knowledge that will assist the work

of the committee; and

(b) if relevant, will represent the interests of the people affected by

the vacancy.

13 Powers of member or committee not affected by defect in appointment or

election, or vacancy in membership

(1) The acts of a person as a member are valid even if---

(a) the person's appointment or election was defective; or

(b) the person is not qualified for appointment.

(2) The powers of a committee are not affected by---

(a) any defect in the appointment or election of any member; or

(b) any vacancy in its membership.

First meeting of committee

14 First meeting of committee

(1) The NRFO must---

(a) set the date, time, and place for the first meeting of a committee;


(b) give written notice to all members of the matters in paragraph (a).

(2) At the first meeting of a committee, the committee must appoint one of

its members to be the chairperson of the committee.

Committee procedure

15 Procedure generally

A committee may regulate its own procedure, except as provided in these

regulations or in the Gazette notice that relates to the committee.

16 NRFO may require committee to hold meeting

The NRFO may, at any time, require a committee to hold a meeting.

17 Quorum

(1) A quorum for a meeting of a committee is---

(a) a majority of the members; but

(b) in any case, no fewer than 3 members.

(2) No business may be transacted at a meeting of the committee if a quorum

is not present.

(3) A member may appoint any individual to attend a meeting of the member's

committee on the member's behalf if the member cannot attend the meeting.

(4) An individual appointed under subclause (3) must be treated for all

purposes as a member of the committee while attending any meeting of the


18 Presiding at meetings

(1) At a meeting of a committee, the following person presides:

(a) if there is a chairperson and he or she is present, the chairperson;


(b) if there is no chairperson, or there is a chairperson but he or she

is not present, a member chosen by the members present to be chairperson of the


(2) The chosen person may exercise all the powers, duties, and functions of

the chairperson for the purposes of the meeting.

19 Voting

(1) Each member has 1 vote.

(2) However, if there is an equality of votes, the chairperson also has a

casting vote.

(3) A resolution of the committee is passed if a majority of votes are cast

for it.

Disclosure of interests of members

20 Disclosure of interest

(1) A member who, other than as a member, is directly or indirectly

interested in any arrangement or agreement made or entered into, or proposed to

be made or entered into, by the committee must, as soon as practicable after

the relevant facts have come to the member's knowledge, disclose the nature of

the member's interest at a meeting of the committee.

(2) A disclosure under this regulation must be recorded in the minutes of

the committee and, except as otherwise provided by a resolution of the

committee, after the disclosure the member must not take part in a deliberation

or decision relating to the arrangement or agreement and must withdraw from the

meeting during the deliberation or decision.


21 Committee may appoint subcommittees

(1) A committee may, by resolution, appoint 1 or more subcommittees to

perform 1 or more of the committee's functions or duties, or exercise 1 or more

of the committee's powers.

(2) A subcommittee must consist of at least 1 member of the committee and

may include any other persons that the committee thinks fit.

(3) A subcommittee is subject in all things to the control of the committee.

(4) A subcommittee may, at any time, be discharged, altered, or

reconstituted by the committee.


22 Employees

A committee may employ the employees it thinks necessary in order to carry out

its functions under the Act.

Financial provisions

23 Accounting records to be kept

(1) A committee must cause accounting records to be kept that---

(a) correctly record and explain the transactions of the committee; and

(b) will at any time enable the financial position of the committee to

be determined with reasonable accuracy; and

(c) will enable the members of the committee to ensure that the

financial statements of the committee comply with regulation 24; and

(d) will enable the financial statements of the committee to be readily

and properly audited.

(2) The accounting records must be in written form or kept in a manner in

which they are easily accessible and convertible into written form.

24 Committee must prepare financial statements

(1) A committee must prepare, for each financial year, annual financial

statements in relation to the affairs of the committee in accordance with

generally accepted accounting practice (within the meaning of section 3 of the

Financial Reporting Act 1993, applied as if the committee were a reporting


(2) A committee must submit its financial statements to a chartered

accountant for audit no later than 90 days after the end of each financial


(3) A committee must send a copy of the audited accounts to the NRFA within

30 days of receiving an audit report from a chartered accountant.

(4) This regulation does not apply to a committee that is a

council-controlled organisation within the meaning of section 6 of the Local

Government Act 2002.

25 Payments must be authorised

A committee may not pay money out of its accounts except as authorised by any 2

of the following people:

(a) the chairperson of the committee:

(b) a member of the committee appointed by the committee for the purpose

of making lawful payments from the committee's accounts:

(c) a person, not being a member of the committee, appointed by the

committee for the purpose of making lawful payments from the committee's


26 Committee must send estimates to NRFA

A committee must send to the NRFA a copy of each estimate of proposed

expenditure it has prepared under section 44 of the Act.

27 Members' remuneration and allowances

A member of a committee is entitled to receive, from the funds of the

committee, remuneration and allowances for services as a member in accordance

with the framework determined by the Government from time to time for the

classification and remuneration of members of statutory and other bodies.

Confidentiality of information

28 Confidentiality of information

(1) A member of a committee who has information in the member's capacity as

a member that would not otherwise be available to the member must not disclose

that information to any person, or make use of, or act on, that information,


(a) for the purposes of the committee; or

(b) as required or permitted by law; or

(c) in accordance with subclause (2).

(2) A member may disclose, make use of, or act on, the information if---

(a) the member is first authorised to do so by the committee; and

(b) the disclosure, use, or act in question will not, or is unlikely to,

prejudice the committee.

Subpart 2---Committee elections

29 Application of subpart 2

This subpart applies to any committee that is required by the Gazette notice

that relates to the committee, to elect 1 or more members.

30 How election conducted

(1) An election must be conducted in accordance with---

(a) any requirements in the Gazette notice that relates to the

committee; and

(b) this subpart.

(2) The requirements in this subpart apply subject to the Gazette notice.

31 Electoral system to be used

An election must be conducted by booth voting using the First Past the Post

electoral system.

32 Election supervised by electoral officer

(1) The first election of members of a committee must be supervised by an