How to Complete an Exported RSS Word Technical Evaluation Score Sheet (TESS)
1) Open the Word Technical Evaluation Score Sheet (TESS) form that you have exported from RSS and saved to your computer or laptop.
2) For each of the Technical Evaluation Criteria on the TESS, enter Strengths, Weaknesses and a Score in the Strengths, Weaknesses and Score box for each criterion. The Strengths and Weaknesses boxes accept text, numbers and special characters. The maximum score that you can enter in a Score box for a criterion is indicated above the Score box. Enter only numbers in the Score boxes.
3) In the Special Issues Questions Section of the TESS, click on the words, “Choose an Item,” wherever they appear. A drop-down box will then appear. Select your answer from the drop-down box.
4) If an item is “Unacceptable,” enter any comments that describe your concerns in the box provided for that item.
5) At the end of the Special Issues Questions Section, there is a place for you to comment on the Budget and make any additional comments about the proposal.
6) Be sure to save your responses on your completed RSS Word TESS to your computer or laptop.
7) You can import your completed Word TESS into RSS by going to the Applications/Proposals tab for the meeting in RSS. Click on the Fill Form link in the Evaluation Form column for that proposal and then on the button, “Import TESS Form”. A box will appear that will allow you to browse for and upload your completed Word TESS for that proposal to RSS.
8) Please make sure that you use the correct Fill Form link to upload your corresponding completed Word TESS for that proposal.
9) After you have uploaded your completed Word TESS, you will then see that it has uploaded the responses on your Word TESS to the web RSS TESS form. Scroll to the bottom of the web TESS form. Then indicate whether the proposal is, “Acceptable,” or “Unacceptable.” Next, electronically sign the TESS by typing your name in the Reviewer Signature field. Press the “Save” button and then press the “Submit to SRO” button to submit your completed TESS to the meeting’s Scientific Review Officer (SRO).