County Hall
Hertford, SG13 8DF
Fax: / 01992 555719
E Mail:
My ref: / SN/jrg
Your ref:
Date: / 9 May 2014
Dear Head teacher,
I am writing to you in connection with the above duty, which comes into effect in September 2014.
Arrangements for Identifying Pupil Premium Pupils
The DfE has stated that the basis on which pupil premium funding is calculated will not be affected by the introduction of UIFSM. It is however clear thatonce free meals are offered universally there will be challenges in identifying pupil premium pupils as parents will no longer be incentivised to apply for free school meals as they will be in automatic receipt of them. The DfE has confirmed that Schools and LA’s will need to continue to identify pupil premium pupils as there are no plans to link with data from the Department of Work and Pensions.
The challenge of identifying Pupil Premium pupils was discussed with Schools Forum earlier this month and it was concluded that schools would need to work with parents of the new reception cohort to encourage and support registration on the Herts Direct Free School Meal Page at Forum suggested that HCC should provide a template leaflet/letter for schools to send to parents to support registration by schools on behalf of parents. The template is attached to this letter.
It should be noted that applications for free school meals on behalf of parents must be made online at
The HCC Customer Service Centre has been receiving a number of enquiries from schools around Ever6 data. HCC does not hold the data needed to resolveenquiries, but the Department for Education provides a special web site where schools can log in and get Ever6 information. explains the information that can be supplied through the portal for Ever6 data at .
Arrangements for Parents Registering for Free School Meals
Schools should note that it will be their responsibility, as currently, to record pupils that wish to have a school meal. It would be helpful if schools could make clear to parents of all new reception pupils and those in Year 1 and 2 that they are automatically entitled to Free School Meals and need to register with the school, not HCC if they would like to receive them.
Revenue Arrangements
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the term ‘newly eligible’ pupils. Newly eligible pupils will be the whole reception class and pupils in Year 1 and Year 2 that are not currently entitled to Free School Meals. Schools will be allocated a flat rate of £2.30 per meal taken, based on actual take-up by newly eligible infant pupils, which will be measured in the Schools Census from next year. Schools should note that infant pupils who were already registered to claim free school meals, schools will receive the current rate. The Universal Free Infant Meal £2.30 flat rate will apply only to the meals of pupils who were not already registered for free school meals.
If you have any questions regarding the impact of Universal Free School Meals on Pupil Premium, or on revenue arrangements, please contact my colleague Catherine Tallis
Capital Programme
The kitchen surveys are now largely complete, and the capital allocated to those schools with identified need. HCL will be writing to the schools that contract with them shortly with details of any equipment or works required. Similarly, HCC will be writing to all non-HCL schools that requested a kitchen survey with the results and proposed next steps.
Yours sincerely
Simon Newland
Assistant Director
Education Provision and Access
Children’s Services