1000000Patterned Tools (Early Man)

360000Harnessing Fire (Early Man)

100000Rise of the Neanderthals

60000Flowers included in burials (Neanderthals)

30000Venus of Willendorf

15000Cave Paintings

12000Domestication of Wolves/Dogs

11500First Americans make Spear Points

10000Canoes, Needles, Traps

7700Civilization established between Tigris and Euphrates

6500The Wheel

6100Landscape Painting with volcano in Turkey


5 500Smelting Copper

5000Domestication of Corn (Mexico)

3760Year One – Jewish Calendar

3500Dawn of Sumerian Civilization

3000-700Cuneiform/Block Printing

2700Gilgamesh rules Sumeria





1950Hammurabi establishes a Code of Laws


1600Minoan Civilization in Crete


1380First Canal: Unites Nile and Red Sea

1375Akhenaton Egyptian Pharaoh attempts to introduce Monotheism

1349Pharoah Tutankhamen buried

1200Trojan War

1000-965King David rules Israel

950Poppies cultivated in Egypt

850Homer presumed to have lived

776Olympic Games begin

753Founding of Rome

700Musical Notation

660Shinto founded in Japan

658Founding of Byzantium

657First music school established in Sparta

600Coinage invented by Lydians

599Birth of Vardhamana Mahavira founder of Jainism

586Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem

565Taoism founded by Lao Zi in China

551Birth of Confuscius

549Cyrus the Great unites Medes and Persians

528Buddhism founded by Siddhartha

508Democratic Constitution in Athens

500Aesop’s Fables

460Birth of Hippocrates “Father of Medicine”


398Socrates, Teacher and Philosopher, condemned to death

356Birth of Alexander the Great in Macedonia

220Great Wall of China started

210Emperor Shihuang buried with 8000 Terra Cotta soldiers

165The Maccabees defeat the Syrians

100Venue de Milo

73Spartacus leads a rebellion of Roman slaves

47-44Julius Caesar rules

46Leap Year introduced

30 Aeneid

27Roman Empire established under Augustus Caesar


1Christian Calendar starts

7Birth of Jesus, founder of Christianity

32Peter is the first Pope

70Destruction of Jerusalem following Jewish revolt against Rome

100Concrete in Rome and Paper in China

200Silkworms arrive in Japan and China from Korea

271Chinese sailors use first Compasses

300Polynesians settle in Hawai’i

312Christianity becomes office Roman Religion under Constantine

400Vulgate Bible

406Birth of Attila, the Hun

476The Fall of the Roman Empire

537St Sophia Basilica in Constantinople

550Chess invented in India

595First recorded reference to decimals in India

605Grand Canal links Yangtse and Yellow Rivers in China

607Japan’s Horyuji Temple, the world’s oldest wooden structure

622Year One in Mohammedan Calendar

632Abu Bakr succeeds Mohammed at First Caliph

629Mohammed brings the Koran to Mecca and establishes Sharia

690Songhay Empire in Niger

742Birth of Charlesmagne

750Royal Stables in China contain 40,000 Polo Horses

850Kaldi, Arabian goatherd, credited with the discovery of coffee


860Norsemen settle Iceland

879Pope and Patriarch excommunicate one another

969Birth of St. Stephen, Patron Saint of Hungary

982Vikings settle Greenland under Eric the Red

1000Leif Ericson alleges visits Nova Scotia

1020Tale of the Genji

1066Norman French conquer England

1096-1270The Crusades

1135Birth of Maimonides, the “Second Moses”

1200Toltecs defeated by the Aztecs

1203Parzival by Wolfram van Eschenbach

1211Genghis Khan conquers China

1215Magna Carta

1220First giraffes shown in Europe

1229The Inquisition forbids laymen to read the Bible

1230Crusaders bring leprosy to Europe

1265Birth of Dante Alighieri, author of The Divine Comedy

1271Marco Polo, his father and uncle, head to the court of Kublai Khan

1337-1453The Hundred Years War

1358The Black Plague in Europe

1431Martyrdom of Joan of Arc

1438Inca Rule established in Peru under Patachacutec

1452Pope Nicholas V allows Spain and Portugal to practice slavery

1453St. Sophia Basilica converted to a mosque

1455The Gutenberg Bible and the birth of printing

1473Birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish Astronomer

1490First known orphanages established in Italy and Holland

1492Columbus seeks a sea route to India

1495Major European syphilis outbreak

1500First Caesarean on a living woman

1503Mona Lisa

1517Martin Luther nails 95 theses to a church door

1519Magellan sets out around the world

1519Cortes introduces the horse to the Americas

1520Death of Montezuma, Aztec Emperor

1532Sugar Cane cultivated in Brazil

1534Ignatius Loyola of Spain founds the Jesuit Order

1535Henry VIII declares himself Head of the English Church


1567Typhoid, imported from Europe, kills 2 million South Americans

1570Spain colonizes the Philippines

1588William Morgan translate the Bible into Welsh


1605England claims Barbadoes

1606Birth of Rembrandt van Rijn

1609Quebec founded

1619First African slaves arrive in Virginia

1620The Mayflower hits Plymouth Rock

1633The Inquisition forces Galileo to renounce the Copernican Theory

1648Society of Friends founded

1656Rings of Saturn discovered

1666First Cheddar Cheese Made