Deforming Force
A force which produces a change in configuration of the object on applying it, is called a deforming force.
Elasticity is that property of the object by virtue of which it regain its original configuration after the removal of the deforming force.
Elastic Limit
Elastic limit is the upper limit of deforming force upto which, if deforming force is removed, the body regains its original form completely and beyond which if deforming force is increased the body loses its property of elasticity and get permanently deformed.
Perfectly Elastic Bodies
Those bodies which regain its original configuration immediately and completely after the removal of deforming force are called perfectly elastic bodies. e.g., quartz and phosphor bronze etc.
Perfectly Plastic BodiesThose bodies which do not regain its original configuration at all on the removal of deforming force are called perfectly plastic bodies, e.g., putty, paraffin, wax etc.
The internal restoring force acting per unit area of a deformed body is called stress.
Stress = Restoring force / Area
Its unit is N/m2 or Pascal and dimensional formula is [ML-12T-2].
Stress is a tensor quantity.
Stress is of Three Types
- Longitudinal stress
Restoring force per unit area when the force applied is normal to the cross sectional area of the cylindrical body.
As a result of longitudinal stress change in length of the cylindrical body takes place.
- Tensile stress- It is the longitudinal stress when force is applied to stretch the object. As result length is increases
- Compressive stress- It is the longitudinal stress when the force is applied to compress a cylindrical body.
- Tangential stress or Shearing stress
Restoring force per unit area when the force applied is parallel to the cross sectional area of the cylindrical body. As a result relative displacement occurs between the opposite faces ofthe body
- Hydraulic stress-
Restoring force per unit area when the forces applied by a fluid on the body As a result of this reduce in volume of the body takes place.
The fractional change in configuration is called strain.
Strain = Change in the configuration / Original configuration
It has no unit and it is a dimensionless quantity.
According to the change in configuration, the strain is of three types
(1)Longitudinal strain= Change in length / Original length
(2)Volumetric strain = Change in volume / Original volume
(iii) Shearing strain = Angular displacement of the plane perpendicular to the fixed surface.
Hooke’s Law
Within the limit of elasticity, the stress is proportional to the strain.
Stress & Strain
Stress = K * Strain
where, K is the modulus of elasticity of the material of the body.
Types of Modulus of Elasticity
1. Young’s Modulus of Elasticity
It is defined as the ratio of normal stress to the longitudinal strain Within the elastic limit. y = Normal stress / Longitudinal strain
y = FΔl / Al
Its unit is N/m2 or Pascal
2. Bulk Modulus of Elasticity
It is defined as the ratio of normal stress to the volumetric strain within the elastic limit. K = Hydraulic stress / Volumetric strain
B = FV / A ΔV
where, F / A = p ( pressure).
B= -p/(ΔV/v)
Its unit is N/m2 or Pascal and its dimensional formula is [ML1T2]. 3. Modulus of Rigidity (G)
It is defined as the ratio of tangential stress to the shearing strain, within the elastic limit.
G = Tangential stress / Shearing strain
G= FL/Ax but x/L =Ѳ
G= F/A Ѳ
Its unit is N/m2 or Pascal and its dimensional formula is [ML-1T-2].
Compressibility of a material is the reciprocal of its bulk modulus of elasticity. Compressibility (C) = 1 / B
Its SI unit is N-1m2 and CGS unit is dyne-1 cm2.
Steel is more elastic than rubber. Solids are more elastic and gases are least elastic.
For liquids modulus of rigidity is zero.
Young’s modulus (Y) and modulus of rigidity (G) are possessed by solid materials only.
Limit of Elasticity
The maximum value of deforming force for which elasticity is present in the body is called its limit of elasticity.
Breaking Stress
The minimum value of stress required to break a wire, is called breaking stress.
Breaking stress is fixed for a material but breaking force varies with area of cross-section of the wire.
Safety factor = Breaking stress / Working stress
Elastic Relaxation Time
The time delay in restoring the original configuration after removal of deforming force is called elastic relaxation time.
For quartz and phosphor bronze this time is negligible.
Elastic After Effect
The temporary delay in regaining the original configuration by the elastic body after the removal of deforming force, is called elastic after effect.
Elastic Fatigue
The property of an elastic body by virtue of which its behaviour becomes less elastic under the action of repeated alternating deforming force is called elastic fatigue.
Ductile Materials
The materials which show large plastic range beyond elastic limit are called ductile materials, e.g., copper, silver, iron, aluminum, etc.
Ductile materials are used for making springs and sheets.
Brittle Materials
The materials which show very small plastic range beyond elastic limit are called brittle materials, e.g., glass, cast iron, etc.
The materials for which strain produced is much larger than the stress applied, with in the limit of elasticity are called elastomers, e.g., rubber, the elastic tissue of aorta, the large vessel carrying blood from heart. etc.
Elastomers have no plastic range.
Elastic Potential Energy in a Stretched Wire
The work done in stretching a wire is stored in form of potential energy of the wire.
Elastic potential energy per unit volume
U = 1 / 2 * Stress * Strain
= 1 / 2 (Young’s modulus) * (Strain)2
Elastic potential energy of a stretched spring = 1 / 2 kx2
where, k = Force constant of spring and x = Change in length.
Important Points
Coefficient of elasticity depends upon the material, its temperature and purity but not on stress or strain.
For the same material, the three coefficients of elasticity γ, η and K have different magnitudes.
Stress Strain Curve
From the diagram one can see the different mark points on the curve. It is because, when a ductile material like mild steel is subjected to tensile test, then it passes various stages before fracture.
These stages are;
- Proportional Limit
- Elastic Limit
- Yield Point
- Ultimate Stress Point
- Breaking Point
Proportional Limit
Proportional limit is point on the curve up to which the value of stress and strain remains proportional. From the diagram pointAis thecalled the proportional limit point or it can also be known as limit of proportionality. The stressup tothis point can be also be known as proportional limit stress.
Hook’s law of proportionality from diagram can be defined between pointOA. It is so, becauseOAis a straight line which shows that Hook’s law of stress strain is followed up to pointA.
Elastic Limit
Elastic limit is the limiting value of stress up to which the material is perfectly elastic. From the curve, pointBis the elastic limit point. Material will return back to its original position, If it is unloaded before the crossing of pointB. This is so, because material is perfectly elastic up to pointB.
Yield Point
Yield stress is defined as the stress after which material extension takes place more quickly with no or little increase in load. PointCis the yield point on the graph and stress associated with this point is known as yield stress.
Ultimate Stress Point
Ultimate stress point is the maximum strength that material has to bear stress before breaking. It can also be defined as the ultimate stress corresponding to the peak point on the stress strain graph. On the graph pointDis the ultimate stress point. After pointD material have very minute or zero strength to face further stress.
Breaking Point
Breaking point or breaking stress is point where strength of material breaks. The stress associates with this point known as breaking strength or rupture strength. On the stress strain curve, pointEis the breaking stress point.