unit 5003v1
CMI assessment sheet: Managing team and individual performance.
Learner name: / Learner number: / Centre:
Date: / Part of Batch: / Qualification:
CMI Markers Result: Passed / Referred / CMI Lead Moderator’s Result: Passed / Referred
This unit is about understanding how all team members contribute to the achievement of an organisation’s overall objectives, and how to plan and monitor performance so that everyone understands their responsibilities and receives regular feedback on performance both as a team and an individual. This includes understanding and dealing with areas of conflict and poor performance using both informal approaches and formal systems and procedures where necessary to support improvement.
The learner will:
  1. Be able to identify and agree performance objectives for your team and individuals
  2. Be able to assess performance against objectives and provide feedback
  3. Be able to provide advice guidance and support to improve performance
  4. Be able to apply the organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures

» / task 1
Explain why it is important for individual and team objectives to link into overall organisational objectives and, use a practical example to demonstrate how this is achieved.
Identify the factors you need to take into account when agreeing objectives for your department or work area and when agreeing objectives with individual team members. Given that objectives link together and often overlap, there is a need to agree individual and collective responsibilities for the part everyone will play in their achievement. Identify how you would organise the agreement of responsibilities with team members and colleagues, using examples where possible, and acknowledge the potential pitfalls when this is not done well.
Guideline word count: 400 - 500 words / A.C. 1.1 - Explain the links between individual, team and organisational objectives
A.C. 1.2 - Identify the selection of individual and team objectives for agreement
A.C. 1.3 - Identify areas of individual and team responsibility in achieving objectives
» / task 2
Examine three different circumstances when conflicts can arise in the workplace. Use practical examples where possible. For each situation outlined, describe what would be your strategy to manage the conflict and restore mutual trust. Describe internal and external resources that may be available to assist you in this activity. Explain why it is important to build an atmosphere of trust and support and identify some of the activities you would undertake in order to achieve this aim. Identify strategies you could employ as a manager to minimise or prevent conflict.
Guideline word count: 400-500 words / A.C. 1.4 - Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with others
A.C. 2.3 - Examine the causes of conflict, and strategies used to minimise or prevent conflict
» / task 3
Using work based examples wherever possible, evaluate the performance of both an individual and a team against agreed objectives, looking at their performance from a range of perspectives including factors both inside and outside their control which may have assisted or prevented achievement. Examine two different methods of providing performance feedback to individuals and two different methods of providing performance feedback to the team against agreed objectives, considering the usefulness of each method. Explain examples of systems in use in your organisation, or an organisation of your choice, to record the assessed performance of individuals or teams.
Guideline word count: 500 - 600 words / A.C. 2.1 - Evaluate individual and team performance against objectives
A.C. 2.2 - Examine methods of feedback to individuals and teams in relation to their performance against agreed objectives
A.C. 2.4 - Explain recording systems for performance assessment for individuals or teams
» / task 4
Describe three indicators that might suggest to you as the manager that the performance standards of a member of your department were becoming unacceptable. Provide possible reasons for the slippage. Using the stages of a performance improvement cycle, examine how you would address and follow up the poor performance issue/s with the individual or team concerned. Include an outline of at least three different methods, or combination of methods you would consider as options to support performance improvement, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each. You may use a work based example to illustrate your answer where possible.
Guideline word count: 600-700 words / A.C. 3.1 - Examine how the performance improvement cycle can support an individual and the team to improve upon their performance
A.C. 3.2 - Discuss the indicators of poor performance
A.C. 3.3 - Evaluate a range of methods that support performance improvement
» / task 5
Discuss your organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures, and the current legislation that applies to these. Provide an overview of how disciplinary and grievance procedures and adherence to current legislation works in your own organisation. Identify the responsibilities of line managers in disciplinary and grievance processes and describe the skills required in order to deploy the procedures effectively and within the legal framework.
Guideline word count: 600-700 words / A.C. 4.1 - Discuss the organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures
A.C. 4.2 - Examine the role of the manager in implementing both a disciplinary and a grievance procedure
A.C. 4.3 - Summarise key aspects of legislation to an organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures
» / feedback

CMI External Marking Sheet: Unit 5003v1 – Managing team and individual performance
Version 2: July 2016