Chinsung Chung

Nationality: Republic of Korea

Date and place of birth: July 28, 1953. Seoul, Korea

Working languages: English, Korean, Japanese


§  Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University

§  Member of Board of Trustee, IOM Migration Research & Training Center

§  Co-President, Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy

§  Member, Public Official Ethics Committee, Supreme Court of Korea

§  Member, Advisory Committee, Constitutional Court of Korea

§  Member, Advisory Committee for Foreign Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


§  Member, Presidential Committee for National Cohesion (2013-2014)

§  President, Korean Sociological Association (2013)

§  Member, Advisory Committee for Women's Policies, Ministry of Gender Equality (2012-2013)

§  President, Korean Association of Women's Studies (2012)

§  Chair, Advisory Committee for Women and Children Policies, Ministry of Justice (2010-2011)

§  President, Women Faculty Council, Seoul National University (2009-2010)

§  Member, Presidential Committee on Social Cohesion (2009-2010)

§  Director, Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, SNU (2007-2009)

§  Director, Institute of Gender Research, SNU (2004-2006)

§  Member, Gender Equality Committee, Asia Institute of Technology (Thailand) (2002-2008)

§  Fellow, Asian Leadership Fellow Program, International House of Japan (2003)

§  Advisor, Nokeunri Victims During Korean War Organization (Office of Policy Coordination, Prime Minister's Office) (1999-2000)

§  Member, Korea-Japan Joint History Research Committee (2007-2010)


§  Service to Society Award, Seoul National University (2016)

§  Women Leader Award (by Samsung) (2014)

§  Presidential Order 紅條勤政勳章 (Human Rights Award of Korea) (2013)


§  Visiting Professor, Kyushu University, Japan (2016)

§  Visiting Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (2003)

§  Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (2002-2003)

§  Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Bristol, England (1996)

§  The University of Chicago, USA (Ph.D. in Sociology) (1978-1984)

§  Graduate School of Sociology, Seoul National University (MA) (1976-1978)

§  Department of Sociology, Seoul National University (BA) (1972-1976)


§  Director, Human Rights Center, Seoul National University (2012-2015)

§  Chair, Committee for Students' Human Rights, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (2014-2016)

§  Member, UN Working Group on Communication (2012-2013)

§  Vice President, UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (2009-2010)

§  Member, UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (2008-2013)

§  Vice President, UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2006-2007)

§  Special Rapporteur on "Discrimination based on Work and Descent" at the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2005-2007)

§  Member, UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2004-2007)

§  Alternate Member, UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2000-2004)

§  Member of Korean preparatory committee, Vienna World Conference on Human Rights (1993)


UN Reports

§  “Study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankind” (A/HRC/22/71) (writing as a Rapporteur) (2012)

§  “The necessity of a human rights approach and effective United Nations mechanism for the human rights of the older persons”(A/HRC/AC/4/CRP.1) UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee Working Paper.(2010)

§  “Integrating the human rights of women throughout the United Nations system" Draft Guidelines on methods to operationalize gender mainstreaming, including action-oriented mechanisms, Prepared by Ms. Chinsung Chung, Ms. Mona Zulficar, Ms. Purificacion V. Quisumbing, Mr. Ansar Ahmed Burney and Mr. Shigeki Sakamoto (A/HRC/AC/2/CRP.4)(2009)

§  Discrimination based on Work and Descent" Final Report of Yozo Yokota and Chin-sung Chung, Special Rappporteurs on the Topic of Discrimination based on Work and Descent (A/HRC/11/CRP.3)(2009)

§  “The Challenges of Women's Participation in Policies and Strategies to Combat Poverty and Extreme Poverty," Working paper submitted to the United Nations, Human Rights Council, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, The Social Forum (A/HRC/Sub.1/58/SF/3). (2006)

§  "Bilateral and Multilateral Economic Agreements and Their Impact on Human Rights of the Beneficiaries," Working paper submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (with Florizelle O'Connor).(A/HRC/Sub.1/58/CRP.8) (2006)

§  "Discrimination Based on Work and Descent," Progress report submitted to the United Nations, Human Rights Council, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (with Yozo Yokota).(A/HRC/Sub.1/58/CRP.2) (2006)

Other relevant publications (English only since 2007)

§  “Social Attitudes to Cross-Border Marriages in Korea and Taiwan” Development and Society 45(2), 327-352 (Chinsung Chung & Keuntae Kim) (2016)

§  “Marriage migration in Southeast and East Asia revisited through a migration-development nexus lens” Critical Asian Studies. Vol.48-Issue 4: Rethinking Marriage Migration in Asia: Development, Gender and Transnationalism, Part I: Pages 463-472 (Chinsung Chung, Keuntae Kim & Nicola Piper) (2016)

§  “Measuring national human rights: a reflection on the Korean experiences” Human Rights Quarterly 34: 886-1020 (with Jeong-Woo Koo and Suk-ki Kong) (2012)

§  "Globalization, Transnational Corporation and Human Rights" Nam-Kook Kim ed.

Globalization and Regional Integration in Europe and Asia (London: Ashgate) (2009)

§  “National Human Rights Institutions and the UN Advisory Committee," National Human

Rights Commission of Korea, The Role of NHRIs in the Newly Established UN Human Rights

Mechanisms (2007)