Northland SOT Chapter Student Travel Award

Purpose The purpose of the Northland SOT Chapter Student Travel Award is to help defray the cost of attending the national SOT annual meeting for one or more graduate students from the Northland SOT region and to encourage student participation in Northland SOT Chapter activities. The award is to be used for travel-related expenses such as meeting registration, airfare, hotel, meals, etc.

Award $500

Eligibility To be eligible, the applicant must:

·  be a currently registered graduate student in the Northland region

·  be a current member of Northland SOT

Preference will be given to applicants having an abstract accepted for presentation at the SOT annual meeting but this is not an absolute requirement to receive the award. Preference will also be given to students who have attended Northland SOT meetings and participated in NLSOT activities during the previous year and who have not previously received a Northland SOT travel award. Finally, preference will be given to students that do not have other external sources of funding (e.g., employer, research grant, award, etc.) that covers the cost of travel to the SOT annual meeting.

Deadlines Applications are due by December 1 of the year prior to the SOT annual meeting.

Applicants will be notified by December 31 so that the awardee can take advantage of the reduced rate “early bird” meeting registration, the deadline for which is usually in the last half of January. Note that abstract submissions for the SOT annual meeting are generally due in early October and notice of their acceptance is in early December of the year prior to the annual meeting. Check the SOT website for current deadlines.

Application Applications should be submitted by e-mail using the attached form and must include the following information:

a) A brief description by the student of their current interests and involvement in toxicology, including Northland SOT activities, and how traveling to the SOT annual meeting would be beneficial to them,

b) Other external funding the student has received or expects to receive for travel to the annual SOT meeting from an employer, research grant, award, etc.,

c) A letter of support from the student’s academic advisor indicating that the student is a currently registered graduate student, is making acceptable progress towards a degree, and briefly describing the student’s interests and accomplishments in toxicology,

d) Copies of any abstract(s) submitted for presentation at the upcoming SOT annual meeting.

e) Agreement by the student that the award will be used only for travel-related expenses to attend the SOT annual meeting and that if, for any reason, the awardee is unable to attend the SOT annual meeting, he or she will return the award to the NLSOT.

rev: 3 August 2015

Northland SOT Chapter Student Travel Award Application

Instructions: Complete this form and e-mail it to the NLSOT Secretary/Treasurer, Nathan Pechacek (). You must also ask your academic advisor to e-mail a supporting letter to the same address in which he or she indicates that you are a currently registered graduate student, are making acceptable progress towards a degree, and briefly describing your interests and accomplishments in toxicology. Applications and supporting letters must be received by December 1. See the attached award eligibility requirements.

Name / Telephone (home)
Address / Telephone (work/school)
School in which you are currently enrolled (name, department, city, state, zip code)
Major Field of Study / Degree Sought / Anticipated Graduation Date
Academic Advisor (name, department, telephone)
Current Employer and Position (if applicable) / Are you a member of Northland SOT? (required) / Are you a member of National SOT?
In the space provided, briefly describe your interests and involvement in toxicology, including participation in Northland SOT activities, and how travelling to the SOT annual meeting would be beneficial to you.
List the title of any abstract(s) you have submitted for presentation at the upcoming SOT annual meeting. Attach a copy of each abstract.
List any other sources and amounts of funding you have received or expect to receive for travel to the upcoming SOT annual meeting.
By submitting of this application you agree that if you are awarded a Northland SOT Student Travel Award, you will use the award only for travel-related expenses (registration, airfare, hotel, meals, etc.) to attend the upcoming SOT annual meeting and that if, for any reason, you are unable to attend the meeting, you will promptly return the award to the NLSOT.