Conference Abstract Submission
Arts Education, to what end?
New YorkUniversity
SteinhardtSchool of Culture, Education and Human Development
March 7 – 8, 2007
The Arts Education conference will be held at New YorkUniversity’s KimmelCenter for University Life on March 7 and 8, 2008. Abstracts will be due November 5. Email abstracts to Daniel Bloch at . For questions about the conference please call (212) 992-9380.
Papers should relate to the topics identified in the second paragraph of the call for papers listed on our website ( clearly articulate (in the abstract—max 250 words) which art or arts your topic addresses and include this cover sheet with your abstract. Feel free to also address additional topics you deem appropriate.
Please fill out the form below to help us better review your abstract:
Name of primary paper author: Mark Wubbold- Portland State University______
Names of additional paper authors:___Jeffrey Gilpin- Portland Public Schools______
Title of Abstract:__ARTSplash: New tools for Arts Integration______
Organization: ___GraduateSchool of Education, PortlandStateUniversity and Portland Public Schools______
Address:___PO Box 751______
City, State, Zip, Country: __Portland Or. 97207______
Day-time phone: __503-725-2933______Cell: ______
Field of Research that you wish to present:
Music education
Dance education
Theatre education
Art education
X Interdisciplinary
Is your abstract a:
Paper Presentation
X Workshop
If we are unable to accept your abstract as a Paper Presentation will you consider participating in a roundtable? YES
Conference Abstract Submission
Arts Education, to what end?
New YorkUniversity
SteinhardtSchool of Culture, Education and Human Development
March 7 – 8, 2007
Name of primary paper author:_ Mark Wubbold- Portland State University__
Names of additional paper authors:___Jeffrey Gilpin- Portland Public Schools______
Title of Abstract:__ARTSplash: New tools for Arts Integration
This presentation responds to the question: “Where can arts educators turn for rich pedagogical models and reflective contemporary artistic frameworks?”
As funding for the "three R's" gets tighter, the fourth R- Art is disappearing from Oregon classrooms. Teachers who would like to make the arts a central part of their teaching are limited by rigorous testing schedules that leave little time for creative expression. One way to address this challenge and ensure the survival of arts education in our schools is to teach generalist teachers how to integrate the arts into their daily curriculum in a way that helps them meet state standards.
ARTSplash participants learn to use the arts to teach literacy, math, social sciences, etc. in a way that addresses the multiple intelligences of today’s k-5 students. They engage in a year long training that connects them with working artists in dance, the visual arts, music and theater who then mentor them as they develop their own standards aligned and arts integrated curriculum. By helping generalist teachers integrate the arts into their everyday activities ARTSplash is working to achieve its ultimate goal of making the arts core curriculum in every classroom.
I propose a demonstration of the ARTSplash program. My presentation will cover:
- An overview of the project
- Demonstration of the process
- Work Samples
- Work Evaluation/Assessment
- Web publication
I invite the reader to review the project at:
My electronic resume is available online at: