1Welcome to the meeting by the Chairman.
2The Chairman will invite members of the public to speak on any planning matters they wish to raise.
3To record any apologies for absence.
4 To receive any declarations of interest.
To receive any disclosure by members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct. Members are reminded of the need to repeat their declaration immediately prior to commencement of the item in question. Members should ask the Clerk for a Declaration of Interests form which must be completed and returned to the Clerk before the item in question is discussed.
5 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the 23rd November 2015.
6Email from District Councillor Sally-Ann Hart re RR/2015/2864/P. Previously circulated.
7To consider applications referred by Rother District Council since the previous meeting.
a) RR/2015/2759/P Hiham Lodge, Rectory Lane, Winchelsea
Proposed replacementn of existing windows.
Applicant: Croft Glass Ltd, 92-98 Beaconsfield Road, Hastings, East Sussex.
Agent: A&M Partnership, Attn: Mr M Harbord, 40 Cambridge Road, Hastings, East Sussex.
b)RR/2015/2594/P Oast House, Rectory Lane, Winchelsea
Erection of a single storey utility room within the existing enclosed courtyard to the north facing elevation and a new timber gate set within new brick piers to the south facing elevation.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Harris, The Oast House, Winchelsea, East Sussex.
Agent: Manning Duffie Architects Ltd, Attn: Mr T Duffie, 7 High Street, Custom House, Rye, E. Sussex.
c)RR/2015/2864/P Kennel Cottage, Dogs Hill Road, WinchelseaBeach
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new dwellings and associated landscaping works.
Applicant: Strand Gate Ltd, 68 Gibson Square, London.
Agent: Mr Rob Pollard, 40 Manchester Street, London.
d)RR/2015/2925/P High House, Broad Street,Icklesham
Proposed garden room extension.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs K Jury, High House, Broad Street, Icklesham, East Sussex.
Agent: Pump House Designs, Attn: Mr A Gerken, Pump House Yard, The Green, Sedlescombe, E. Sussex.
8Re: RR/2014/694/P 2 The Orchards, Mill Road, Winchelsea. Cllr. S Turner to outline concerns raised by local residents.
9Notification of Weekly List of Planning Applications. Letter sent to RDC. The Deputy Clerk to give update on response.
101066 Target Sports. Reply to letter sent re fly posting. To be circulated.
11 To report any fly or post tipping incidents in the parish.
12Any late advised matters and update on those raised at the last meeting.
13Any other business.
a)Decisions notified by RDC since previous meeting.
b)Enforcement matters notified by RDC since previous meeting.
14Date and venue of the next meeting. The next meeting is confirmed as Monday 11th January 2016 at the Rye Harbour Village Hall, commencing at 6.15pm.