Valley Charter School
Board of Directors
Regular Board Meeting @ Valley Elementary School Room #3C
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016,7:00 PM
Board Members Present: Tess Ramin,Eleonore Rojas, Michelle Bennett, Lynn Cunningham, Bill Roberts, Dan Chang
Board Members Absent: Chris Thinnes, Carol Lynn Smith, Natalie Kiwi, MichaelJeon
Public and Staff Present: Robert Burke, Leslie Lainer, Matthew Rubin, Samira Estilai, Kim Haselhoff, Brenda Sadeghi, Haleigh Baker, Kelley Reischauer, CristinLettich
- Call to Order 7:05
- Public Comment
Kim Haselhoff commented on student behavioral issues during breaks in the Middle School.Dan Chang thanked Kim Haselhoff for the feedback and explained how staff and board will address this topic outside of the board meeting.
Kelley Reischauer announced her transition from being a board member to becoming an active parent in the Middle School.Staff and board members thanked Kelley for her service as a board member and her continuous support of VC and Mathew Rubin
- Action Item: Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
The board approved the Meeting Minutes - Motion: Bill Roberts
- Second: Michelle Bennett
- The vote is unanimous
Motion passes
- Consent Calendar
Items for the consent calendar for the board's review will be sent prior to voting on all consent items. Items for action below assigned by the Board at the meeting to be adopted by a single vote. Any item may be pulled off of consent for further discussion by any Board Member at any time before action is taken.
The board asked two clarifying questions about “e” and “g” below.
a)Approval of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
b)Approval of technology support contracts for VCES and VCMS from Arc Designs
c)Approval of CharterSafe's Insurance and Risk Management Contract
d)Approval of closing Wells Fargo account due to fraudulent activity
e)Approval of opening a second account at California Credit Union account (CCU) to replace Wells Fargo Account
f)Approval of 2016-17 Consolidated Applications for VCES and VCMS
g)Approval of Education Protection Account (EPA) spending plan
- Motion: Michelle Bennett
- Second: Bill Roberts
- The vote is unanimous
- Finance Committee:
Review, updates and approvals
h)May Financials
i)Review and approval of 2016-17 budgets
j)Back Office Provider Contract Approval
Ms. Estilaiand Bill Roberts reviewed the May 2016 Financials Reports for VCES and VCMS, as well as the budgets for 2016-17. Leslie Lainerand Mathew Rubin reviewed high level staffing and program plans for VCES and VCM respectively. The Finance committee advised of a potentialadditionalbudget allowance of $20,000
Approval of May Financials and 2016 and 17 budgets
- Motion: Dan Chang
- Second: Tess Ramin
- The vote is unanimous
Approval of Back Office Provider Contract
The board reviewed back office provider options and approved the contract ExED for the 2016/17 school year
- Motion: Tess Ramin
- Second: Lynn Cunningham
- The vote is unanimous
- Executive Director's Report
Updates and overview of latest developments and status for:
a)Program Evaluation Survey Results
b)Preliminary CAASP Results / Internal Assessment Data
c)Strategic Planning Design Elements
d)LAUSD Oversight Visit Reports
e)i3 Grant Update
f)SB 740 Update
The board reviewed and discussed the topics listed above
a)Program Evaluation Survey Results
Participation of the surveys haveincreased by a large percentage. Overall survey satisfaction also has increased by high percentages.
b)Preliminary CAASP Results / Internal Assessment Data
Due to new tests, historic, comparative data for CAASP is not yet available. Staff is waiting for the disaggregated data to evaluate the report further. Internal assessment data was reviewed. The internal data is used to inform support for the next school year.
c)Strategic Planning Design Elements
The process and the current status of the design elements and next steps were discussed, as well as the importance of the process and outcome for the VC schools.
d)LAUSD Oversight Visit Reports
The oversight reports were reviewed and discussed
e)i3 Grant Update
Waiting on feedback after grant submission
f)SB 740 Update
No further actions are planned
Board Meeting schedule for 2016 /17
2016 Board meeting schedule:
Tuesday, August 16th
Thursday, September 22nd
Thursday, October 20th
Thursday, November 17th
Note: no board meeting in December
2017Board meeting schedule:
Tuesday, January 19th
Thursday, February 16th
Thursday, March 23rd
Thursday, April 27th
Thursday, May 18th
Thursday, June 8th
Meeting adjourned:9:30 pm