Websites of Interest

Ask Amy –

-“Ask Amy,” part of the website, serves as a resource for people to ask questions about anything from “How do you define feminism?” to “What’s a good feminist movie?”

Feminist Majority Foundation-

-Another very active non-profit women’s rights

Organization, “” also allows you to get involved with feminist campaigns by sending pre-written emails.

Feministing –

- A website that blogs about current and recent events relating to feminism.

National Organization for Women-

-One of the largest non-profit women’s rights organizations in the world, “” allows you to get involved with feminist campaigns by sending pre-written emails.

Planned Parenthood-

-Offers detailed information about birth control and other

aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

Suggested Reading

Colonize This!: Young Women of Color on Today’s Feminism – Daisy Hernandez and Bushra Rehman (2002)

Feminism is for Everyone – bell hooks (2000)

ManifestA: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future – Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards (2000)

The Vagina Monologues – Eve Ensler (2001)

“Unpacking the Invisible Backpack” – Peggy McIntosh (1988)

Sisterhood is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millenium – Robin Morgan (2003)