(Name of Initiative) Integration

(Type of integration – names of organizations)

Transition Team - Terms of Reference

Table of Contents





2.Roles & Responsibilities of the Planning Team

2.1.Role of the Transition Team

2.2.Responsibilities of the Transition Team

3.Membership & Roles of Individual Transition Team Members



3.3.Linkages & Partnerships

3.4.Duration of Service

3.5.Individual Roles of Transition Team Members

4.Logistics and Processes

4.1.Frequency of Meetings

4.2.Decision-Making Process

4.3.Quorum Requirements

4.4.Proxies to Meetings

4.5.Invited Guests

4.6.Central East LHIN Staff Participation

4.7.Meeting Agenda Items

4.8.Meeting Materials

4.9.Issue Resolution


5.Acceptance & Sign-Off

Transition Team Terms Of Reference / Page 1 of 7


Refer to Integration Planning Team Terms of Reference, Integration Plan, LHIN Board motions, etc.


The purpose of the Transition Team is to plan and implement the (outcome of integration)(eg. Transfer of …….. services from …….. to ………….)

A key deliverable will be the development of a Transition Plan which will identify all of the key activities, key milestones, risks and mitigation strategies, costs, etc. that must be addressed for a successful transition (refer to Transition Plan outline).


The Transition Team is concerned with the planning and implementation of activities to support the transfer of accountability, funding and operations of ……… services from ………. to …………..

“IN” Scope / “OUT” of Scope
• / •


The Transition Team authority does not extend beyond the individual authorities of its members and their respective decisions and sphere of influence.

The Transition Team does:

•Have the authority to …..

2.Roles & Responsibilities of the Planning Team

2.1.Role of the Transition Team

The work of the Transition Team will focus on the achievement of the successful transition of services. In this role the Transition Team will:

•Identify key activities to implement the transition of services.

•Conduct due diligence.

•Work to identify and mitigate risks.

•Identify and resolve issues affecting transition.

•Regularly update governors on progress and solicit their input and feedback.

•Engage stakeholders and the community on planned changes.

•Update the Central East LHIN on the status of activities.

•Prepare a Transition Plan.

2.2.Responsibilities of the Transition Team

The main function of the Transition Team is to take responsibility for the development of the Transition Planand keeping their respective organizations and the Central East LHIN apprised of the status of their activities.

3.Membership & Roles of Individual Transition Team Members


The Transition Team membership will be composed of ……….. representatives from the following organizations.Each organization will appoint a Co-Chair to the team.

Name / Organization
Title, and name or organization


The Transition Team sponsors will be ………. (perhaps the respective Chairs of the Boards of Directors or the full Board of Directors).

3.3.Linkages & Partnerships

The TransitionTeammay seek input from a wider group of subject matter experts in the planning for the transfer of ……….services. These subject matter experts may include other health service providers, Central East LHIN,Central East CCAC, etc.

3.4.Duration of Service

The members and Co-Chairs of the Transition Team will serve until the completion of the transition process.

New members of the Transition Team may be added from time-to-time to address a perspective and set of skills of benefit to the Integration that may have been overlooked in the identification of the original Transition Team membership.

3.5.Individual Roles of Transition Team Members

Name / Individual Role
Co-Chair, organize meetings, and lead the work of the Team. Manage the transition process, keep the team on-track and focused on the tasks, timelines and deliverables. Identify issues and risks to the process and recommend solutions. Ensure due diligence is completed and the spirit of the guiding principles are followed.
Team member, represent their respective agency. Provide advice and educate the team on the services, operations, management and governance of their respective agencies. Identify activities to be addressed through the transition process, identify issues and risks to the process and recommend solutions. Act as the primary liaison with their respective agency governors and bring forward any issues about the process to governors.
Team member, represent their respective agency. Provide advice and educate the team on the services, operations, management and governance of their respective agencies. Identify activities to be addressed through the transition process, identify issues and risks to the process and recommend solutions.
Co-Chair, organize meetings, and lead the work of the Team. Manage the transition process, keep the team on-track and focused on the tasks, timelines and deliverables. Identify issues and risks to the process and recommend strategies. Ensure due diligence is completed and the spirit of the guiding principles are followed.Act as the primary liaison with their respective agency governors and bring forward any issues about the process to governors.
Team member, represent their respective agency. Provide advice and educate the team on the services, operations, management and governance of their respective agencies. Identify activities to be addressed through the transition process, identify issues and risks to the process and recommend solutions.
Team member, represent their respective agency. Provide advice and educate the team on the services, operations, management and governance of their respective agencies. Identify activities to be addressed through the transition process, identify issues and risks to the process and recommend solutions.

4.Logistics and Processes

4.1.Frequency of Meetings

Transition Team meetings will be held …..……. at ……….. or as required throughout the transition process, to ensure timely preparation of a Transition Plan.

In-person meetings are preferred for conducting business of the Transition Team, however, under certain circumstances teleconference, video conference and/or webinar meetings may be an acceptable alternative.

4.2.Decision-Making Process

Team decisions will be guided by the Principles established at the outset of the integration process. The preferred approach to decision making will therefore adopt the consensus approach.Where feasible, consensus requires that a course of action/recommendation may be modified to address objectionable features.

However, when consensus cannot be reached issues will be escalated to sponsors and/or Boards of Directors.

4.3.Quorum Requirements

All Transition Team members (or a designated proxy) are required to attend Transition Team meetings. To constitute a formal meetingat least one representative from each participating organizationmust be present. Decisions or actions taken in the absence of a quorum are not binding on the team.

4.4.Proxies to Meetings

Due to the sensitive nature of the activities of the Transition Team proxies or substitutions for Transition Team members will not generally be accepted. However, each Transition Team member has identified the following alternate in the event they are unable to attend a meeting:

Team Members / Designated Proxy

Team members must provide 24 hour advance notice if they are unable to attend a team meeting. Team members must not be absent for more than two consecutive scheduled meetings.

4.5.Invited Guests

The Co-Chairs will determine attendance by invited guests on a meeting-by-meeting basis.

4.6.Central East LHIN Staff Participation

On a monthly basis the Transition Team will be asked to provide an update to the Central East LHIN on the status of transition planning and implementation activities. LHIN staff may from time to time also ask to attend transition team meetings. Central East LHIN staff who are not Transition Team members will have no formal responsibilities with respect to the transition process and as such, will contribute only when specifically asked to do so by the Transition Team members.

4.7.Meeting Agenda Items

Every effort will be made to prepare and distribute meeting agendas and related materials 48 hours in advance of Transition Team meetings.

4.8.Meeting Materials

The preparation and distribution of meeting materials will be the responsibility of the Co-Chairs.

4.9.Issue Resolution

All issues brought before the Transition Team will be provided on an Issue Sheet that includes a description, impact assessment and proposed issue resolution. Issues that cannot be resolved by the Transition Team will be escalated to the respective Sponsors and/or Boards of Directors for resolution.


All discussions conducted at team meetings and all materials prepared for use by the Transition Team, are considered confidential and not for sharing beyond the Transition Team. Items can be shared with their respective organization sponsors (see 3.2) when specifically agreed to by the Transition Team.

5.Acceptance & Sign-Off

The following signatures represent acceptance of these Terms of Reference.

Organization / Approved by Team Member:
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Transition Team Terms Of Reference / Page 1 of 7