Assignment #11 – STAT 110 May 2010 (34 pts.)
Analysis of Categorical Data
1. A hot topic in marketing research is the exploration of a technology-based self-service (TBSS) encounter, in which various technologies (e.g. ATM’s, online banking, self-scanning at retail stores) allow the customer to perform all or part of the service. Marketing professor Dan Ladik of the University of Suffolk investigated whether there were differences in customer characteristics and customer satisfaction between users of discount coupons distributed through the mail (nontechnology users) and users of coupons distributed via the Internet (TBSS users). A questionnaire measured several qualitative (categorical/nominal) for each of 440 coupon users. The data are contained in the file Coupons.JMP.
The variables in the data file are as follows:
· User – Mail, Int (internet), or Both (mail and internet) ß Coupon User Type
· Gender – Male or Female
· Education – 1 – HS (high school only), 2 – CC/VT (community college or vo-tech), 3 – Coll 4yr (4-year college degree), 4 – Grad Sch (graduate or professional degree)
· Work – 1 – Full Time, 2 – Part Time, 3 – No Work (not working), 4 – Retired
· Satisfaction – Coupon Satisfaction (1 – Satisfied, 2 – Indifferent, 3 – Unsatisfied).
Question and Tasks:
The researcher wants to know whether are differences in customer characteristics (i.e. Gender, Education, Work Status, and Coupon Satisfaction) among the three types of coupon users. For each characteristic, conduct an appropriate test at the a = .05 level to determine whether Coupon User Type is related to that characteristic. Illustrate all results with appropriate graphs. Be sure to summarize the findings for each characteristic in well-written sentences. (12 pts. – 3 points for each characteristic)
2. WSU Student Survey (again) – Survey 110.JMP
Use these data which you are quite familiar with to answer the following questions. For each question state the conclusion reached along with the supporting p-value. In cases where a significant relationship exists try to summarize the nature of the relationship citing appropriate percentages. (18 pts. – 3 pts. each)
a) Is there a significant relationship between the college a WSU student is enrolled in and gender?
b) Is there a significant relationship between the college a WSU student is enrolled in and whether or not they skip at least one class per week?
c) Is there a significant relationship between alcohol use and skipping at least one class per week?
d) Is there a significant relationship between the college a WSU student is enrolled in and their opinion on the WSU laptop program?
e) Is there a significant relationship between the class standing (Fr, So, Jr, Sr) of a WSU student and whether they skip at least one class per week?
f) Is there a significant relationship between the class standing of a WSU student and their opinion of the WSU laptop program?