Guljag Industries Limited
Personal Detail Declaration Form
Personal Detail
Name Sex
Permanent Present
Mobile Email
Date of Birth - 08.01.1992/ Place of Birth- Jodhpur / Identity Mark
Marital Status- Unmarried / Date of Marriage- NA / Blood Group / Nationality -
Languages Known- English, Hindi. / Height- 5.1 / Weight - 53 kgs
Hobbies - Singing, Sketching, Listening music, Reading –Blogs , Books etc. / Spectacle Lens
- NA - / P F A/C No -
No PF Account
Vegetarian/Non-Vegetarian -
Vegetarian / Smoker/Non-Smoker -
Non smoker / Family Doctor / Personal Solicitor
Preference for alcohol (If yes how often do you consume) / Passport No. -
Not yet made / PAN No. -
Not yet made
Know Driving?
Yes / Mention Vehicle Name
NA / License No.
RJ19/DLC/12/441173 / Renewed on -
Educational Profile
Basic Qualification
School/College Attended / Examination PassedYear / Name of School/College / Date / Degree/ Certificate / Subject / %
2009 / St. Patrick’s Vidya Bhawan Senior Secondary School /
20.05.2009 /
Senior School Certificate Examination /
Commerce- Maths /
Professional Qualification
University/College AttendedYear / Name of Institute / Qualification Obtained / %
2009-2012 / Jai Narayan Vyas University /
Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) /
Additional Course
Employment History (Beginning with present or most recent employer)
Date / Name of organization / Post held & Job Responsibilities / Reason for leaving / Salary on leavingFrom / To
20.06.2011 / 25.02.2014 / Maheshwari & Jain, CA Firm /
Article Assistant under FCA Anil Maheshwari /
Completiom of Articleship period. /
Stipend as per ICAI norms.
Key Skill Set
Your Suitability for the job (e.g. present your strength and weakness)
Family Background
Family Members
Father Name & Occupation Mother Name & Occupation
Brothers Name & Occupation
Sisters Name & Occupation
Family (Joint/Nuclear) Total Members No. of earning members
Dependents: NONE
Name / Age / RelationshipAccomodation (Own/Rented) Rent Amount
Any relative working at any senior position in Government Department or in Private Sector, if any (give detail)
Applicable if married
Spouse Name & Occupation
Father in law - Name & Occupation Mother in law - Name & Occupation
Name / Age / EducationAre you known to any employee of Guljag Industries Limited? If yes (give detail)
Please give the contact details of two people who will be able to comment on your suitability.
Name Name
Address Address
Telephone Telephone
Email Email
Membership of Professional Institution
Name of Institution / Membership Status / Admission DateJoining Us
Have you been interviewed in this company before?
For how long, would you commit to work with us?
Period of notice required in the present post
Expected Minimum Salary
I declare that the information given in this form is correct and to the best of my knowledge.
Signed Name
For office use only:
Date of joining: DASD
Salary at the time of joining:
Designation at the time of joining:
Training / Probation period:
Remarks, if any: -
Personnel/ Admin Manager Sr. V P - Works Managing Director