Dunbar Twp El Sch
School Level Plan
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
School Profile
Dunbar Twp El Sch
711 Ridge Blvd
Connellsville, PA 15425
Federal Accountability Designation: Title I - Not Designated
Title I Status: Yes
Principal: Geoffrey Snyder
Superintendent: Daniel Lujetic
Planning Committee
Name / RoleErin Applebee-Ansell / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Emily Durst / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Alison Evans / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
April Martin / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Melanie Mickey / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Elizabeth Oliveira-Pernelli / Elementary School Teacher - Special Education
Geoffrey Snyder / Administrator
Needs Assessment
School Accomplishments
Accomplishment #1:
The "All Student Group" met the 94% goal for Attendance in both Reading and Math.
Accomplishment #2:
The school achieved 99% participatin in Math and 100% participation in Reading.
Accomplishment #3:
Dunbar Township Elementary scored 78.4% Advanced or Proficient in Science, as compared to the District, which was 64.2%.
Accomplishment #4:
The Sixth Grade showed an improvement from 45.9% in 2013 to 50% in 2014 in Reading.
Accomplishment #5:
The Sixth Grade showed an improvement from 45.9% in 2013 to 52.7% in 2014 in Math.
School Concerns
Concern #1:
Over a three-year trend, from 2012-2014 the "All Students Group" dropped from 69% to 49% in Reading.
Concern #2:
Over a three-year trend, from 2012-2014 the "All Students Group" dropped from 70% to 55.1% in Math.
Concern #3:
Percentages of students finishing Proficient or Advanced in Reading:
Grade 3: 54.7%
Grade 4: 63.5%
Grade 5: 31.0%
Grade 6: 50%
Concern #4:
Percentages of students finishing Proficient or Advanced in Math:
Grade 3: 56.3%
Grade 4: 75.7%
Grade 5: 38.1%
Grade 6: 52.7%
Concern #5:
Percentage of Advanced or Proficient subgroups in Math:
White Subgroup: 55.4%
IEP Subgroup: 29.4%
Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup: 44.7%
Concern #6:
Percentage of Advanced or Proficient subgroups in Reading:
White Subgroup: 49.6%
IEP Subgroup: 23.5%
Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup: 36.2%
Concern #7:
The percentage of students that scored Proficient or Advanced in Writing was 23.5% compared to the District which was 45% Proficient or Advanced.
Prioritized Systemic Challenges
Systemic Challenge #1(Guiding Question #4) Ensure that there is a system within the school that fully ensures consistent implementation of effective instructional practices that meet the needs of all students across all classrooms and aligns with the Pennsylvania Framework for Teaching
Aligned Concerns:
Over a three-year trend, from 2012-2014 the "All Students Group" dropped from 69% to 49% in Reading.
Over a three-year trend, from 2012-2014 the "All Students Group" dropped from 70% to 55.1% in Math.
Percentages of students finishing Proficient or Advanced in Reading:
Grade 3: 54.7%
Grade 4: 63.5%
Grade 5: 31.0%
Grade 6: 50%
Percentages of students finishing Proficient or Advanced in Math:
Grade 3: 56.3%
Grade 4: 75.7%
Grade 5: 38.1%
Grade 6: 52.7%
Percentage of Advanced or Proficient subgroups in Math:
White Subgroup: 55.4%
IEP Subgroup: 29.4%
Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup: 44.7%
Percentage of Advanced or Proficient subgroups in Reading:
White Subgroup: 49.6%
IEP Subgroup: 23.5%
Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup: 36.2%
The percentage of students that scored Proficient or Advanced in Writing was 23.5% compared to the District which was 45% Proficient or Advanced.
School Level Plan
Action Plans
Goal #1: Ensure that there is a system within the school that fully ensures consistent implementation of effective instructional practices that meet the needs of all students across all classrooms and aligns with the Pennsylvania Framework for Teaching
Indicators of Effectiveness:
Type: Annual
Data Source: Study Island Benchmark
Specific Targets: Students will show a 10% increase from Fall to Spring Benchmark on an annual basis from 2014-2016
Type: Annual
Data Source: AIMS Web
Specific Targets: ALL K-3 students will advance one RTII Tier from Fall to Spring 2014-2016 by demonstrating 10% growth from benchmark to end of year.
RTII Data Meetings
RTII Data Meetings using Progress Monitoring Data will be held twice a month to analyze Progress Monitoring data and assign flexible groupings as outlined in the RTII Framework.
SAS Alignment: Standards, Materials & Resources, Assessment, Instruction
Grade Level Meetings
Grade Level Meetings will be held weekly to analyze student data to adjust effective instructional practices to meet core standards. Evidence of step being met: grade level
sign in sheets, meeting agenda/notes, prepared training with math and writing coaches.
SAS Alignment: Standards, Assessment, Instruction
Monthly Walk-Throughs
The Principal will conduct monthly walk-throughs using standards-aligned and effective instructional practices "look-fors" to ensure all teachers are teaching from the standards aligned curriculum and implementing effective instructional practices. Evidence is principal check list.
SAS Alignment: Standards, Curriculum Framework, Instruction
Lesson Plan Checks
Using effective administrative structure, the principal will conduct weekly lesson plan checks with standards-aligned and effective instructional practices "look fors" to ensure all teachers are teaching from the standards-aligned curriculum and implementing effective instructional practices. Evidence this step is being met: lesson plans are available online, effective 2016.
SAS Alignment: Standards, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources
Classroom Observations
Using efficient administrative structure and instructional conversations, the Principal will conduct observations at least yearly to ensure all teachers are teaching from the standards-aligned common core curriculum and implementing effective instructional practices. Evidence are the teacher evaluation forms and PVAAS Teacher Growth Index in grades 4-6.
SAS Alignment: Standards, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources
Implementation Steps:
Data Team Meetings will be held twice a month.
Flexible groupings of students will be adjusted based on data. Evidence of step being implemented: Ability grouped rosters, data results, meeting agenda/notes.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- RTII Data Meetings
- Grade Level Meetings
RTII Data Team will be analyzing progress monitoring data to create flexible grouping student lists. Grade level data teams will analyze data to adjust instructional strategies and lesson planning.
SIRF Forms, flexible grouping lists and lesson planning.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- RTII Data Meetings
- Grade Level Meetings
Principal will conduct monthly walk-throughs targeting best practices showing standards aligned lessons are being taught. Data will be collected and presented to teachers.
Data showing standards aligned lessons will be collected by "look fors" checklist.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- Monthly Walk-Throughs
- Lesson Plan Checks
- Classroom Observations
Teachers will utilize common planning time to self-assess alignment to standards aligned curriculum and alignment of lesson plans to effective instructional practices.
Teachers will keep a log of meetings and what was discussed regarding alignment to the standards aligned curriculum at their grade level to guide and execute research based changes of data driven instruction.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- Grade Level Meetings
- Lesson Plan Checks
RTII will be implemented in grades K-3 and monitored twice a month during data team meetings. Adjusted effective instructional planning will be implemented.
Progress monitoring and benchmark tests.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- RTII Data Meetings
- Grade Level Meetings
The Principal will utilize a formal observation tool that addresses implementation of standards aligned curriculum with fidelity to ensure effective instructional practices during observations.
Effective teaching goals based on individual needs will be developed for each teacher to ensure they are teaching the standards-aligned curriculum with fidelity. Individual data based on observation criteria will be collected, analyzed, and addressed through professional growth and development.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- Monthly Walk-Throughs
- Lesson Plan Checks
- Classroom Observations
Using "look fors" the Principal will conduct weekly lesson plan checks to ensure all teachers are addressing the standards-aligned curriculum.
Data including standards-aligned goals and district curriculum aligned goals are collected weekly to show standards-aligned curriculum is implemented consistently across all classrooms.
Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/3/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
- Lesson Plan Checks
Appendix: Professional Development Implementation Step Details
No Professional Development Implementation Steps have been identified for Dunbar Twp El Sch.
Assurance of Quality and Accountability
We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the school level plan for Dunbar Twp El Sch in the Connellsville Area SD has been duly reviewed by a Quality Review Team convened by the Superintendent of Schools and formally approved by the district's Board of Education, per guidelines required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
We hereby affirm and assure the Secretary of Education that the school level plan:
- Addresses all the required components prescribed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education
- Meets ESEA requirements for Title I schools
- Reflects sound educational practice
- Has a high probability of improving student achievement
- Has sufficient District leadership and support to ensure successful implementation
With this Assurance of Quality & Accountability, we, therefore, request that the Secretary of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education grant formal approval to implement the school level plan submitted by Dunbar Twp El Sch in the Connellsville Area SD for the 2014-2015 school-year.
No signature has been provided
Superintendent/Chief Executive Officer
No signature has been provided
Board President
No signature has been provided
IU Executive Director