MIS3220 Exam 1 Review

All sections on the exam include information contained in the course textbook as well as information presented in lectures. The purpose of this sheet is to serve as a study guideline. You are, however, responsible for all assigned material. I reserve the right to ask something that is not specifically stated on this sheet.


Distribution System

Overview of SA&D - Ch 1

Approaches to System Development - Ch 10

Project Management - Ch 11

Investigating System Requirements - Ch 2

Use Cases - Ch 3

Distribution System

  • Know the Distribution System covered in class.
  • For each subsystem, know its name, main purpose, tasks involved in, and all inputs & outputs.

Overview of SA&D - Ch 1

  • What is an information system?
  • How are projects initiated?
  • What are the main goals of development?
  • What is a system analyst? What is the main role of a systems analyst?
  • SDLC
  • What is it? What does the acronym stand for?
  • Be able to name and match all 6 Phases & related Core Processesin the correct order:
    e.g. #1 Project Initiation - Identify the problem/need & obtain approval
  • Be able to listalltasks within all core processes (as shown on the SDLC Overview slide)
  • Be able to explain in detail alltasks under the 1st two phases: Project Initiation, Planning, as well as the 1st task under Analysis.

Approaches to System Development - Ch 10

  • What skills are necessary to be a successful systems analyst? For each skill type, what does it entail?
  • What is the difference between a tool & a technique?
  • What is a systems development project?
  • Know the Approaches to the SDLC: Predictive approach, Adaptive approach. When is it appropriate to use each?
  • Describe the Waterfall model? What were the problems with this approach?
  • Describe the Modified Waterfall. What improvement did this provide over the Waterfall?
  • Describe the Spiral Model. What are the advantages to this approach?
  • Describe Incremental Development. What are the advantages to this approach?
  • What is a methodology? What is the relationship between methodologies, tools, techniques, and models within system development?
  • What is the difference between requirements and evolutionary prototyping?
  • What is the main purpose of analysis? design?
  • What is meant by functional decomposition?
  • What is meant by abstraction?
  • What is the Agile Philosophy?
  • Describe Scrum & Extreme Programming. Understand each approach and their differences.
  • XP
  • What are the Core Values? Software engineering practices of a typical XP project?
  • Understand the XP Project approach. Can changes be made once an iteration has begun?
  • Scrum
  • What is a sprint and how long does it typically last? Can changes be made once a sprint has begun?
  • Roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team
  • Scrum Artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment
  • Meetings: Sprint Planning Meeting (Part I & II), Daily Standup, Sprint Review/Demo, Sprint Retrospective

Project Management - Ch 11

  • What is a project?
  • What is Project Management? Why is it important?
  • What are the primary reasons for the successes & failures of projects?
  • What are the skills & responsibilities of the project manager?
  • Who are the stakeholders of a SW project?
  • What is the makeup & purpose of an executive/oversight (steering) committee?
  • What is meant when a systems development approach is: iterative, incremental, and agile?
  • What information is found on the System Vision Document? What is the purpose of it?
  • What is a Work Breakdown Structure? What are the techniques to identify tasks for the WBS?
  • What is a Gantt Chart? What is a network diagram/PERT chart? What is meant by the critical path, slack time and its impact on the project?
  • What is PMBOK? What are the various Knowledge Areas and what does each entail.
  • What are the characteristics of quality software?
  • Know the Types of Feasibility discussed in class.
  • Other than canceling the project, what alternatives are there?
  • What is a cost/benefit analysis? Know examples of tangible & intangible costs & benefits
  • What does a good risk management plan entail?
  • What is the purpose of a Lessons Learned document? Issues Tracking Log?

Investigating System Requirements - Ch 2

  • Know the main activities in the Analysis Phase including key questions asked and details of what occurs in each activity.
  • Know the various information gathering techniques.
  • Know the details of each: name, description, advantages & disadvantages, info that is being sought.
  • What is meant by System Requirements? What are examples of functional & nonfunctional requirements?
  • What is FURPS?
  • What is meant by scope creep? How can it be avoided?
  • What is a model? Why is modeling important in our field? What are the various types of models?
  • Who are the stakeholders of a Software Development Project?
  • What is the difference between a formal system & an informal system?

Use Cases - Ch 3

  • What is a Use Case? What is the purpose of a Use Case Diagram?
  • Know the techniques for uncovering Use Cases: User Goal, Event Decomposition
  • Know the types of events.
  • What is UML?Who are the "3 amigos" and what are they known for?
  • Know the various symbols of a Use Case Diagram.
  • What are Actors? Use Cases?
  • Given a written scenario,be able to design and/or interpret a Use Case Diagramwith accurate identification of the system name, boundary, use cases, associations, and actors.
  • What is an "includes" relationship? "extends" relationship?
  • What is reuse? What are its benefits? How do we show reuse in a Use Case Diagram?

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