St. Aaron’s High School for Boys

Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures

Statement of Policy

[“Statement of policy,” or an opening preamble, that relates the mission of the particular school, organization, order, or institute to its sexual abuse policies and procedures and a commitment to protecting youth]

I.Commitment to the Prevention of Child Abuse

The establishment of healthy personal relationships is central to the well-rounded Catholic education St. Aaron’s strives to provide to young men. Defining healthy and safe relationships is not meant, in any way, to undermine the strength and importance of personal contact. Rather, it is to assist volunteers, employees, and students in establishing the type of sincere and genuine relationships essential to accomplishing St. Aaron’s mission.

The principles outlined in the policies and procedures set forth below are adopted with the intention that all members of the St. Aaron’s community experience relationships that remain at all times respectful, rewarding, and challenging.

All St. Aaron’s employees and volunteers are committed to:

  • Exhibiting the highest personal integrity.
  • Providing a safe, professional environment for youth that is free from physical and psychological intimidation.
  • Never physically, sexually, or emotionally abusing a minor.
  • Accepting as a personal responsibility the protection of minors from all forms of abuse.
  • Reporting any suspected abuse or neglect of a minor.

II.Prevention of Abuse: Standards of Conduct for Working with Minors

Definition of Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is defined as any contact of a sexual nature that occurs between a minor and an adult. This includes any activity that is meant to arouse or gratify the sexual desires of the adult.

A.Physical Contact with Minors

St. Aaron’s has a physical contact policy that will promote a positive, nurturing environment while protecting our sponsors and students from misunderstandings. Following an explicit code of permitted behavior also assists in protection against false allegations of sexual abuse. The following guidelines are to be carefully followed by all sponsors.

1. Appropriate Physical Contact

Appropriate affection between sponsors and minors is a positive part of a sponsoring relationship. The following forms of affection are regarded as appropriate examples of physical contact:

  • Side hugs
  • Shoulder to shoulder or "temple" hugs
  • Pats on the head, shoulder, or back
  • Hand-shakes
  • "High-fives" and hand slapping
  • Verbal praise
  • Touching hands, shoulders and arms
  • Arms around shoulders
  • Holding hands during prayer or when a minor is upset

2.Prohibited Physical Contact

Some forms of physical affection have been used by adults to initiate inappropriate contact with minors. In order to maintain the safest possible environment for students, the following forms of physical contact are prohibited from use by all St. Aaron’s employees and volunters:

  • Any form of unwanted affection
  • Inappropriate or lengthy embraces, full frontal hugs, and/or “bear” hugs
  • Kisses
  • Lap-sitting
  • Touching buttocks, chest, knees, thighs, or genital areas
  • Placing hands in pockets
  • Showing affection in isolated areas such as closets, adult-only or staff-only areas, or other private rooms
  • Laying down, cuddling, or sleeping near a student
  • Wrestling
  • Tickling
  • Piggyback rides
  • Any type of massage

B.Emotional Boundaries

In addition to physical boundaries that must be set, emotional boundaries must be created too. Examples of emotional boundary violations include:

  • Compliments that relate to physique or body development
  • Meeting alone in off-site locations
  • Calling or e-mailing a minor for purposes other than those directly related to academics or ministry
  • Displaying and/or taking excessive photographs of a student
  • Engaging in sexually oriented conversations not related to education or ministry.

C.Behavioral Boundaries

1.Behavioral Boundary Violations

Behavioral boundary violations exist when an adult allows minors to act contrary to the rules of responsible adults, such as:

  • Offering minors cigarettes or other smoking materials
  • Allowing students to visit inappropriate websites
  • Providing to and/or receiving from students gifts/money without their parents’ permission
  • Ridiculing beliefs held by a student’s parents.
  • Asking a student to keep secrets from the student’s parents.

2. Transport of Students

In the event it becomes necessary for employees or volunteers to provide transport for students, the following guidelines should be strictly observed:

  • Students should never be transported without written permission.
  • Students should be transported directly to their destination. No unauthorized stops should be made.
  • Employees, administrators, and sponsors should avoid unnecessary physical contact with students while in the vehicle.
  • Employees, administrators, and sponsors should never transport students alone.

D.Prohibited Behaviors

In addition, employees, administrators, and sponsors are prohibited from the following:

  • Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drugs while working with students.
  • Using bad language, swearing, and cursing in the presence of a student.
  • Behaving rudely in the presence of a student.
  • Possessing any sexually oriented or morally inappropriate materials (magazines, cards, videos, films, clothing, etc.) in the presence of students.

III.Prevention of Abuse: Employee and Volunteer Screening

A.Hiring Committee

To ensure that all sponsors who are selected to work with youth are of the highest moral character and not prone to sexually abusing minors, St. Aaron’s will have a committee designed to screen all sponsor applicants.

1.Committee Membership

The principal or executive director, along with three other appointed individuals will serve as the Hiring Committee.

2.Committee Determination

The Hiring Committee will make the final determination regarding whether an applicant is fit to work closely with minors.

3.Time of Acceptance of a Sponsor

The Hiring Committee will determine whether to accept an applicant only after receiving all required application materials for the individual sponsor applicant.

4.Unanimous Recommendation Required

The Hiring Committee will select applicants only by a unanimous vote. The applicant’s approval is conditioned on the ability of each member of the Committee to confirm his/her belief that the individual appears to be fit to work with minors.

B.The Employee and Volunteer Application Process

All applicants will be required to provide the following without exception:

1.Written Application

All employee or volunteer applicants must complete a written application that includes the following:

  • A Timeline of the applicant’s life
  • Residency patterns
  • Educational history
  • Occupational history
  • Skill Sets
  • A signed release of information to conduct background checks
  • A list of personal and professional references

2.Face-to-Face Interview

All applicants must participate in a face-to-face interview with the Hiring Committee. Such an interview provides information needed to assess individual experiences, values, attitudes, and skills to determine whether the applicant meets criteria for working closely with minors.

3.Criminal Background Check

All applicants must submit to and pass a comprehensive criminal background check.

All sponsors will be required to submit to a repeat criminal background check every three years.

All sponsors are obligated to report to the administration following their conviction of a felony or of any crime against a minor or a crime of dishonesty.

4.Personal and Professional Reference Checks

Each applicant will be required to provide a list of professional and personal references. Each reference must be able to attest to the applicant’s abilities and character. The Hiring Committee will conduct a comprehensive telephone interview of all listed references.

C.Training for Individuals who Work with Minors

1.Consent to Comply With Standards of Conduct

All employees and volunteers are required to thoroughly review these Policies and Procedures and agree to comply with the standards of conduct set forth therein.

2.Training and Education

All employees and volunteers having regular exposure to minors will be required to participate in training that addresses the identification and reporting of abuse, behavioral boundaries, and their role in protecting minors.

IV.Reporting of Incidents, Allegations, and Concerns

A.Reporting of Suspicious or Inappropriate Behaviors with Minors

1.Zero Tolerance Policy

Because St. Aaron’s is dedicated to maintaining zero tolerance for abuse, it is imperative that every member of our community participates actively in the protection of minors. In the event that employees or volunteers observe any suspicious or inappropriate behaviors, it is their personal responsibility to immediately report such observations.

Inappropriate behaviors or policy violations that relate to interactions with students should be reported to the principal.

2.Treatment of Reports

All reports of suspicious or inappropriate behavior with minors will be taken seriously. Procedures will be carefully followed to ensure protection of the rights of all involved.

3.Gathering of Information

Upon report of suspicious or inappropriate behaviors, St. Aaron’s will gather additional information about the nature of the concern and follow the guidelines for reporting.

4.Reporting of Possible Abuse to Civil Authorities

If, at any point in gathering information about suspicious or inappropriate behavior, a concern arises that there is a possibility of abuse, the civil authorities will be contacted and a report filed.

5.Consequences of a Confirmed Policy Violation

If at any point, policy violations with minors are confirmed, the offending individual will be terminated and subject to possible prosecution.

B.Procedures for Reporting Abuse of Minors

1.Types of Reporting

Suspicious or inappropriate behaviors may be reported in a variety of ways, including:

a.An in-person meeting or telephone call with the principal, or any member of the school’s administrative team.

b.A specific, verifiable letter of concern addressed to St. Aaron’s.

2.Methods of Reporting for Volunteers and Employees

Upon developing a reasonable suspicion that another volunteer or employee has or is engaging in sexual misconduct with a student, the volunteer or employee must report to the principal or any other member of the administrative team.

3.Methods of Reporting for Students

Upon developing a reasonable suspicion that a student has been or is the victim of sexual misconduct by a volunteer or employee, a student may report confidentially to the principal or any employee, administrator, or volunteer.

4.Methods of Reporting for Administrators

Upon developing a reasonable suspicion that a student has been or is the victim of sexual misconduct, a member of the administration must report directly to the principal.

5.Mandatory Reporting Requirements and State-Initiated Investigations

It is the policy of St. Aaron’s that its employees, administrators, and sponsors should assume that they are mandatory reporters under the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Accordingly, any volunteer, employee, or administrator having reasonable cause to believe a minor may have been or is being abused must report his or her suspicions to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (1-800-25-ABUSE). Reports may be made confidentially or anonymously to the civil authorities. A person who mistakenly reports suspected abuse is immune from civil or criminal liability as long as the report was made in good faith and without malice.

a.If a situation meets the criteria for a State investigation and/or a police investigation, St. Aaron’s will cooperate fully with the investigation. Unless directed otherwise by civil authorities, St. Aaron’s will begin an internal investigation of the alleged abuse.

b.If a situation does not meet State or police criteria for investigation, the Sexual Abuse Response Team will contact the Review Board within 24 hours of the complaint to initiate an initial internal investigation.

c.During investigations by civil authorities and/or St. Aaron’s internal Response Team, the individual who is the subject of the investigation will be temporarily removed from all contact with minors and from all responsibilities and duties.

V.St. Aaron’s Response to Sexual Abuse

A.Investigating an Allegation of Sexual Abuse

1.Initial Internal Investigation

If faced with an allegation of sexual abuse, St. Aaron’s will conduct an initial investigation, pursuant to its sexual abuse policies and procedures, to determine the veracity of the charge. If there appears to be some semblance of truth to the allegation, the St. Aaron’s Sexual Abuse Response Team will conduct a full investigation into the report.

2.Investigative Steps

The investigation will entail the following steps:

a.An interview of the alleged victim.

b.A determination of the victim’s needs.

c.Prevention of further access to minors by the alleged perpetrator.

d.Fulfillment of reporting requirements when necessary.

e.Determination of the necessity of an internal investigation.

f. Determination of key questions to answer in the investigation.

g.Identification of who can and should be interviewed.

h.Review of existing documents and records.

St. Aaron’s will thoroughly document all phases of the investigation.

B.Care of the One Who Brings Allegations of Misconduct

1.Response to Allegations

St. Aaron’s will take all allegations seriously and will immediately investigate all concerns.

2.Presumption of Honesty

St. Aaron’s will respond immediately and effectively to deal with any accusation of sexual abuse brought against one if its community members. At all times it is expected that an allegation brought by the one directly involved or by that person's parent or legal guardian, is based on fact, and is an honest representation of the truth. It is always important for all members of the St. Aaron’s community to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of those who allege sexual abuse.

3.Professional Counseling Support

In the event that an allegation of abuse becomes established, St. Aaron’s will offer financial support for professional counseling services to the victim of abuse to enable healing.

C.Care of Individuals Accused of Sexual Abuse

1.Response to Allegations

St. Aaron’s has a deep concern for the rights and liberties of any member who is accused of sexual abuse.

2.Preservation of Rights and Presumption of Innocence

Accordingly, St. Aaron’s will take great care in ensuring that a proper investigation is conducted following any allegation of sexual abuse. Innocence is always presumed until facts prove otherwise. The rights of the accused will be taken into consideration throughout the investigation process and every effort will be made to protect the interests of an individual who may be falsely accused of sexual abuse.

3.Removal from Contact with Minors

During investigations of allegations of sexual abuse, the accused will be removed from contact with minors to ensure the integrity of the investigation and the safety of all St. Aaron’s students during the information-gathering process. This action should in no way be interpreted as a presumption of guilt.

4.Termination From Service

If abuse of a minor is confirmed, the offending individual will be permanently terminated from all work with the school. If abuse of a minor is confirmed through an internal investigation, the civil authorities and the police will be re-contacted and a follow-up report will be submitted.


* These policies and procedures are intended to serve only as a basic example and should be added to and/or revised to fit each individual organization or institution.