University Distinguished Professors Graduate Student Award


SUBMISSION OF NOMINATION MATERIALS: The materials noted below should be submitted as one Word or PDF file to .

At the discretion of the interdisciplinary selection committee, multiple awards may be given or the award may not be given every year.

Materials to be submitted by the designated deadline include:

  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum vita

Vita should include academic history, publications, presentations, awards and honors, professional service and professional experience.

  1. K-State Transcript
  1. Two letters of recommendation

Letters of recommendation should be submitted by the student’s major professor and one additional K-State faculty member who is familiar with the student’s research. Please do not submit more than two letters. Those providing references are asked to comment on the suitability of candidates for the award. The letters should summarize the student’s qualifications, highlight exceptional achievements, describe student’s potential as a scientist, and indicate why the student deserves the award. The major professor’s letter should indicate status of any publication(s) being sequestered due to pending patent application.

Letters should be submitted as a PDF either by the faculty member or as part of the application packet via email to .

113-119 Eisenhower Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-1103 | (785) 532-6191 | 1-800-651-1816 | fax: (785) 532-2983


University Distinguished Professors Graduate Student Award

Student Information

Lastname: / First name:
WID: / Email: / Phone: / ()-
Graduate program:
Date enrolled in Ph.D. program at K-State (month & year):
Date of completion of preliminary exam (month & year):
Date expected to complete Ph.D. (month & year):
Dissertation title:

Reference Information

Major professor name: / Email:
Additional reference name: / Email:

Description of Dissertation Research and Statement of Research Interest

The research statement should be written so it’s easily understood by the general public.
Objectives of study
Significance of research
Anticipated results and their implications
Research progress to date

Award Statement

Statement (250-500 words) that describes how the funds will be used to support research and professional development and how it will make a difference in the recipient’s development in an academic or non-academic career area. Funds may be expended at the recipient’s discretion. They are not a replacement for a GRA/GTA stipend, but may be used to support the recipient’s dissertation, e.g. costs associated with doing research off-campus or at another institution. Although a formal budget is not required, a general idea of how the recipient plans to spend the funds should be included in the statement, including estimated costs for each component of the award statement.

113-119 Eisenhower Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-1103 | (785) 532-6191 | 1-800-651-1816 | fax: (785) 532-2983
